Gratz Sic On Rank 9 Welcome To The Green Ranks
Gratz Sic On Rank 9 Welcome To The Green Ranks
Don't Do Drugs..... ......Smoke The Herb
Gratz Sic. Thx for all the Words of Courage when I'm suiciding :P
<<<<<Self-Made Signature>>>>>
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Carerun and Careran-85 Minis Bellswith-85 loremaster Gwilahthea-85 Hunter
Camswith- 85 Runekeeper Marswith- 85 Champion Cinquefoil-85 Burglar
Grats Sic. Love to see a fellow Cappy moving up in the world.
Gungus - Captain
Def stoked that we stormed oc and wiped the creeps when i rankedMade it even better when Bushwak was my r9 kill
Couldnt have asked for more lol.
Sicoreth -r12 cappy Scarbarothe suicidal r8 ba
The Fallen/Bad Kids