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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Need more 85 LM's in the moors.

    This will balance the moors current state.
    Xalgar, Xalterra, Xaltemis, Xaldoh, Armoured, Oldhag
    Crickhollow - Heroes of the Fallen

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    The new FoTM is the old FoTM. I guess all ex- Hunters, ex-RK's, ex-Guards, ex-Champs, and ex- Minis will roll out their shiny, new LM's soon
    [center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ben4patriots View Post
    I see the PvP is hotter then ever on the forums. That is what I like to come back and see!! My personal opinion on farming is I won't do it. It is my own self pride that will not let me. Now I am not saying those who do are some horrible people and what not.

    My thing is this. Many people in this game and others hae gone to raids and maybe something was not working as intended. The enemy can be bugged out and not attack so you get a free kill. You can stand in a certain spot in the raid and never be hit. IMO this is the exact same thing as farming. You are taking a easier way to accomplish your goal.

    With that said I look at PvP in a higher regard PERSONALY!! Key word is personaly. PvP rank does nothing for me. It never has. The only thing I can get out of the Moors is I bested you or you bested me. So I enjoy grinding my way out for the KB titles or other things in the Moors. For me farming waters it down.

    But as long as you pay your account (VIP members) and not me I can care less what you do. Because you may kill me while I am taking my lumps on my grind. It happened to snooch although I had some nice help from BloodBain and some others.

    Stuns honestly never really had to take his lumps. When I first rolled to the Moors 5+ years ago there was no DR. I would roll solo and come up on 3 creeps and was able to keep 2 stun locked the entire time and pick them off one by one. Not to mention If I was rolling with Oisal and Andalusia in a small group. We could lock down 7+ creeps and that is no exxageration.
    But point is as Stuns I never had a green ring and I never had to take the lumps of getting him "ready". I feasted off of those green and blue rings etc. In turn they ranked up and then the feast was not as easy and it was a battle now.

    So I guess it is time Stuns took his lumps while I get ready. But believe me get your thumping in now. Because when he is ready it will be just as good as ever. And those who farmed that is fine. I will get there and I will be better for it.

    I know it has been a while. But I personaly do not believe in sitting there and talking about how OP one side is. I play my freep mostly because most people are drawn to the dark side in games. I like the feeling of odds against me. I like the feeling even more when we beat them.

    I am coming!

    My prayers have been answered!
    Xalgar, Xalterra, Xaltemis, Xaldoh, Armoured, Oldhag
    Crickhollow - Heroes of the Fallen

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Gladgilrian View Post
    The new FoTM is the old FoTM. I guess all ex- Hunters, ex-RK's, ex-Guards, ex-Champs, and ex- Minis will roll out their shiny, new LM's soon
    Perhaps only 2% of them will have enough skill to play a LM well.



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