Oh snap it's stuns. This cold bear's about to be dead bear!
Oh snap it's stuns. This cold bear's about to be dead bear!
Water lore owns, bout time LM's got a bit of love, although it makes them even MORE annoying now (slaps hunter in frustration) poor hunters always getting beat up because of LM's.
Bout time you stuck your nose in there Stuns, see if you can shake em up a bit eh?
Coldbear got friend-zoned by Goldie hence his issues...she seems to prefer her collection of neophyte noob bears that hang around her cave.
here have another squirrel...
wait wait wrong one... that's Minstrel Squirrel, Here is Loremaster Squirrel:
Anat ~ Damspider, The Black BladeTeslafoil ~ Allure, WeGotThis
"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war"
I dont read to much into the forums but from what i have read ppl are trying to justify farming LMFAO and this is what is wrong with this server. But I guess if ur that BAD of a player u need to farm u really shouldnt be playing at all bc i started this game not knowing anything about MMO's and never playing one and i havent farmed once and I'm far from good.
Don't Do Drugs..... ......Smoke The Herb
Just a quick public service announcement to any of you creep farmers out there. Farming a couple freeps in the valley just north of GV is not the best idea. Any fool riding up the safe path can see the defeat responses in chat and call you out.
Oh, and while turbine doesn't specifically discipline a player for farming, they just might when you do it using a level 61 freep that isn't supposed to be in the moors.
Have a good day.
Gungus - Captain
Just came back to this thread to because I had to bring something to the table and ask a question. Has anyone seen the Daily status in the Black Pendage lately? I think it was 2 days ago where the first 7 pages where people from Brandywine and Darrow(something) who got from 60k - 641k renown in 1 day. Been also seeing a few people getting 1 million renown in 1 day. That's is why I made this thread, not to see if I could get an approval to farm (like I said I have only farmed 2k which I do not consider farming my rank) but to see whats the big deal when people in the other servers do it daily like if it was nothing and people don't give them **** about it as much as people here do for some one getting 20k - 30k in 1 day somtimes without farming (60k is the highest I have seen in this server *farming*).
I'm a human manifestation of all 7 Cardinal Sins.
Giovy (Captain Main) /Giiovy (Mini Sub Main) - Last Stand of Olorin(PvP/PvE Kin) - Brandywine (Main)
Giovy (Captain Main) /Zuheiry (LM Sub Main) - Exceptional(PvE T2c Raid Kin) - Nimrodel
Rename tribe-Infarmable?
Volodic- Rank 14 Minstrel- The first and the last Warlord of Nimrodel
Volobash- Rank 11 Blackarrow- Arkenstone, Nikitah's Bane
Volosavenger- Rank 9 Stalker- Landroval, The white warg
Well said! You know, I watched you since you first came out and I will have to say that you do have my respect. One of the very few RK's that I've seen that heals more often than DPSes. At least when you first came out and IMHO, that should be the role of the newbie. Help the group first, think of yourself secondly, make yourself useful.
[center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]
Ding Ding Ding. School is in session.
I will explain to you what is going on BW since I´ve spent most of my time there in the last 6 months.
1. It is an extremely active server (compared to Nim). You can find RvR early in the morning, after lunch and, at prime time, a nice and very laggy 80v60. Imagine all the inf/renown you´d get if you participated in those 3.
2. Oftenly you will find huge 1v1 circles. And there you won´t be fighting farmed lol-r9 captains with a big mouth, no, you will be facing rank 14 captains, hunters, etc. Now imagine the infamy you would get if you beat them while having the 3 DoF buffes.
3. When Turbine took down some servers, they sent the chinese players (or a significant number of them) directly to Brandywhine. Yes, picture the pain OOC could be, most of them just chat in chinese.
However, that is the least of our problems. They do shamelessly farm, and they do shamelessly tag everything in their path. I am referring to 20+ chinese defilers who will turn a nice and tight RvR into a Roflcopterinyafaceanddontbemad bro-zerg. What makes it worse is that you can´t troll them effectively: ´´Quit farming you fotm bad´´ ´´Me not bad, me good, me eat breakfas... what is farming?´´
4. Finally, the black pendage and daily stats were down for several days. When they came back on, they summed up all the inf/renown gaining that was lost during the days it was offline.
Now, please consider all these factors when you try to make sense of those huge numbers and be sure that we do our best to give the chinese a horrible time. For example, letting them get zerged by acting like we are charging and then backing off at the last moment.
Post a link of that 1 million renown in 1 day. Sounds delusional, and given your history of posts in this thread...
And weren´t you one of them?
rofl ./facepalm
fotm/farmer on one sever, fotm/farmer everywhere.
Last edited by avrilo; Jan 12 2013 at 12:05 PM.
That one million renown you're talking about...I'm fairly certain that was somebody transferring. If some dude with a total of around one million renown went from say, Nimrodel to Brandywine, they show up on the leaderboards as gaining one million renown on Brandywine, I think.
Ignoring Ez obsession to try to prove me wrong in every small way he can to try to feel more...
Don't know if it's that case, but I know it wasn't just 1 person. Either it has happened to a few transfers that they now appear like that in the Black Pendage or some people are getting together and doing some troll farming. It would take a good freever raid with a bunch of renown gain to get to 1 million renown in 1 day, so your explanation seems more viable.
I'm a human manifestation of all 7 Cardinal Sins.
Giovy (Captain Main) /Giiovy (Mini Sub Main) - Last Stand of Olorin(PvP/PvE Kin) - Brandywine (Main)
Giovy (Captain Main) /Zuheiry (LM Sub Main) - Exceptional(PvE T2c Raid Kin) - Nimrodel
Also, if you were to do a quick check on Dwarrow's PvP forum, you would see that their boards hadn't updated in a couple weeks. All their infamy/reknown from a couple weeks all hit on one day.
Gungus - Captain
I posted a reply to GioFarmy this morning, but this craptasic beta forum crashed on me and I lost my train of thought. But yes, surugi stats is a nice tool, but they data scrape from turbine and yeah......we all know how much they fail. So if they have no data and then get all that data at once it skews the data.
[center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]
You sure upped your dosage from 2k to 30k, Giovy. Enjoy http://dailystats.theblackappendage....imrodel/Josean
Volodic- Rank 14 Minstrel- The first and the last Warlord of Nimrodel
Volobash- Rank 11 Blackarrow- Arkenstone, Nikitah's Bane
Volosavenger- Rank 9 Stalker- Landroval, The white warg
That's just an Exceptional display of Impeccable Burglar skills, Volo XD
Last edited by Gladgilrian; Jan 18 2013 at 07:32 PM.
[center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]
Dude, you messed it up, totally ./endthreadpl0x
Eh, have no idea if I already posted this, but Giovy was also farming Fangorn along with half of Nimro- sry Farmrodel*
so... no offense, I only mildly dislike you as a person Giovy (only mildly, thats a good thing!), so the whole "I am awesomely skilled and clean and have no need of farming" kinda sucks
Last edited by myforumacc2; Jan 18 2013 at 08:51 PM.
Mirkwoodian - Savior of the Ettenmoors
Squishy sacrificial tank 2012ish
You forgot I farmed BG when it started a sold a bunch of symbols and crystals fro 200g - 300g and I farm Dungeons also for quicker crystals but like anyone in the Kin can say I get bored quickly only farmed BG 2 - 4 days, Dungeons 2 days and the Fangorn about 1 - 2 hours for my 84 - 85 lvl then got bored and left also.
I'm a human manifestation of all 7 Cardinal Sins.
Giovy (Captain Main) /Giiovy (Mini Sub Main) - Last Stand of Olorin(PvP/PvE Kin) - Brandywine (Main)
Giovy (Captain Main) /Zuheiry (LM Sub Main) - Exceptional(PvE T2c Raid Kin) - Nimrodel
With the upcoming changes, Shall I speculate that you will all resume farming for that OP battlefield promotiono on your creeps/freeps?
just a thought
Volodic- Rank 14 Minstrel- The first and the last Warlord of Nimrodel
Volobash- Rank 11 Blackarrow- Arkenstone, Nikitah's Bane
Volosavenger- Rank 9 Stalker- Landroval, The white warg
Is GioFarmy actually comparing farming ranks in PvP to farming phat lewtz in PvE?
[center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]