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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Berephon View Post
    In which case, it may have something to do with the direction the players are coming in from...if you come in from behind her, you might miss the hotspot that triggers her quest.
    The last time I did the find-the-survivors quest in Thornhope, I wondered if that might be the case for this NPC, and tried to move around along other potential avenues of approach to see if anything extra triggered. I've taken 4 characters through that quest now (a dwarf, two hobbits, and a man as the latest) and none of them have been given another quest from this NPC.

    If there is a special hotspot triggerpoint that would make this quest work for all my toons, it's too small to be useful as is. When I take one of my elves through this quest, I'll be sure to note whether this quest works for them, and where it triggers.
    Join the LotRO Volunteer QA Team!
    Use the bug reporting tool or type /bug in-game!*
    *no rants please

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Berephon View Post
    In which case, it may have something to do with the direction the players are coming in from...if you come in from behind her, you might miss the hotspot that triggers her quest.
    I did these with a friend while grouped and she got it while I didn't and we ran all over and went back and forth trying to get it for me. I'm a Male Man Captain, and she is a Female Elf Runekeeper in case that winds up making a difference.

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I have been through Thornhope on 5 characters, an elf champion, a woman captain, a woman burglar, a woman hunter and a hobbit minstrel. Only been able to do this quest on my elf. I did it on him first so I knew to look for it on the others but I was unable to trigger the quest on any of the others.

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I've been through Thornhope twice now. Once on my male Man captain, and once on my female Man warden. Both times, I did not get a quest from this NPC. I vaguely remember getting the quest the one time I went through there in beta, although I can't remember what it was about.

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Berephon View Post
    Whoever said this was WAI was wrong. If she (yes, it's a she) only speaks to Elves, it's a bug. (I can say that emphatically, because that's my quest.) Fortunately, she only blocks one optional side quest, so it's not huge, but it still needs to be fixed.
    When i first did the Thornhope quest line on my hunter their was 1 npc who was invis, couldnt talk to the npc or see it but I got credit for the npc when i walked near the burned out guard tower. Other than that i think i managed to talk to all the other npc's i was to rescue. That was on my elf hunter.

    The other 4 toons that i have done the same exact quests on, include man - Mini, dwarf - RK, and hobbit - Burg. on these characters The Woman by the burned out house didnt talk to any of them, and the little kid would not talk to anyone. The invisible NPC to rescue near the guard tower does not show up for any of my charecters.
    ***Public Safety Reminder: When Driving, Please do not use your cell phones to call or text. If something is that important pull over to the side of the road and stop the vehicle, then return to driving when done. Also as an additional reminder, please do not drink and drive when out celebrating.***

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Berephon View Post
    Whoever said this was WAI was wrong. If she (yes, it's a she) only speaks to Elves, it's a bug. (I can say that emphatically, because that's my quest.) Fortunately, she only blocks one optional side quest, so it's not huge, but it still needs to be fixed.
    Thanks for telling us this. It's very confusing if GM's (in my case SGM Caspian) tell you it's working as intended, and finally point you to Lorebook where it actually says that prerequisite race is elf.

    So, at the moment quest IS working so that only elves can get it, but now we know that was not the original intention.

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Murky_Majare View Post

    I am stuck in Thornhope on the quest Dreams of Fire and Giants.
    The NPC Leofrun whom I am supposed to find and get a new quest from does not react to me at all.

    So now I am stuck and I was wondering if there is a way around it or to make the NPC talk to me?

    I hope I am not stuck on the quest chains and will have to only kill monsters for my remaining four levels.
    She wont talk to you if she is scared. Its because the three Orcs around her are most likely still alive.

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    This has nothing to do with the direction you come from, or the orcs around her being alive or dead.

    It is purely a racial issue.

    I have done it on several different combinations of races and classes with one toon on follow to another and the only factor is if you are an elf you get the quest, if you are not you don't

    What I find distressing is this was a known issue during beta testing and has been mentioned several times before and bugged by lot of people, yet here we have the dev responsible for the quest only just now being made aware of the fact it is broken?

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Berephon View Post
    Whoever said this was WAI was wrong. If she (yes, it's a she) only speaks to Elves, it's a bug. (I can say that emphatically, because that's my quest.) Fortunately, she only blocks one optional side quest, so it's not huge, but it still needs to be fixed.
    I'd like to direct your attention to the +SGM+ response shared in http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.p...pe-child-quest

    Has the intent changed?
    Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
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  10. #35
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    Jan 2007
    This was actually fixed in November of last year. Then someone (else, this time) broke it again.

    I just got the bug back last week, too late to make it into Update 11 release. I am hoping that the fix will make it (again) into an upcoming patch.

  11. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Berephon View Post
    This was actually fixed in November of last year. Then someone (else, this time) broke it again.

    I just got the bug back last week, too late to make it into Update 11 release. I am hoping that the fix will make it (again) into an upcoming patch.

    Thanks =) I'd thought I'd remembered it being fixed, it's good to know that the intent hasn't actually changed and this was a misunderstanding!

    ./eradicate all the bugs!
    Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
    Delego-L85 Hunter ; Stodden-L51-Captain ; Edhul-L61-Loremaster
    Deglorion - SoA XP Disabler

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Would it be possible to get the quest when it is fixed, even after completing the "finding the survivors" one? My only high level characters are men (and passed that way already)...
    Jokeur, Officer of Into the West

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I'm having a little problem in this area, when I got the quest from Eaworth to go to Thornhope, I spoke to Beortnoth, and do not have another quest following it... I should get the quest A tortured mind but no other quest rings come up. I rode into and around Thornhope and no quests came up.....any ideas? I'm not doing the epic, Is this part of the epic in this area?
    Durrga R13 Hunter /Medwulf R10 Champ / Vei the Burg R9


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