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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    I'm a bit POed.

    At least there's a grace period, I expect to see good agi items in the new instances, if not, I will rage into my keyboard for having to re-farm BG and skraids.

    Also, Might will have the same effects as agi in U10. Agi/Might gear is gonna be nastayyy
    Vercetorix: R12 Warden- Arkenstone - formerly Vercingetorix of Windfola & Elendilmir
    Epiales: R9 Defiler- Arkenstone, formerly of Elendilmir

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Anyone who has spend money to buy TP so they can get might tomes from the store should get a full refund. Changing the main stat of a class at an expansion is bad enough but the new content brings new gear to help. To do it now is just ridiculous. All the time spend getting the right gear, and relics is wasted and so is the gold. Not happy at all.

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I'm not really happy about this either. After spending time getting a set of fairly decent might/physical mastery jewelry to DPS with my warden (questing mainly), it's going to end up junk after a while. I assume armor sets will have stats changed to reflect this change to the class's base stat.

    Temporarily though, we'll be receiving the same benefits from might AND agility? That could be a bit over-powered for the transition phase. Agility as main stat makes sense logically. Warden has been an avoidance (rather than mitigation) tank, so agility would logically fit. I just wish they would've made it so when we had the last stat revamp instead.

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    When they made the stat updates in RoI, they just moved where physical and tactical mastery come from. If this change is only going to affect my dps and outgoing healing, it may not be that big of a deal. Will suck for a dps warden but I only tank on mine. Unless they tie agility to the block contribution instead of might... Of course can't be surprised anymore I guess. Will have to see what BR is up next week. (And of course I just get my warden all nicely balanced with bpe, resist, mitigations, etc when they pull this) Right now the real question is: What will Might and Agility count towards in U10?
    Last edited by SvenNiscadae; Jan 24 2013 at 05:24 PM.
    ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
    Gentoo [WRD] · Svenrysa [GRD] · Svenwyn [CPT] · Adilae [CHM] · Svenrisa [BRG] · Svengo [HNT]
    Easily Amused · Gladden

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    I really dont know what to say about this, most of the stuff on my mind will get me banned. I just hope they are ready to refund every single store point I have spent on anything might related, I hope they swap my might legacies to agility, I hope they convert my might crafted relics to agility. If I have to get all new Hybolt armour they better refund all my tokens. All the gold I have spent on the AH for some jewelry.

    I cant see one good reason for this change other than to milk some TP for agi sales in the store.

    ./ragelogging now before I type something to bring out the SS

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    So, Is your goal to drive off those of us who have loved the class for years, Turbine

    I do not like the idea of switching main stats to agility at this point. Not only do they make me have to rework my entire jewellery setup, I have to do that while everyone else is doing the new raids? I'm not impressed at all. This is one of those changes that usually makes me shelve my warden and quit the game for 6-10 months. I hope to GOD that atleast itemization is dealt with properly, I.E: Make a full array of proper tank gear (ideally suited to specifically warden, since we will be the only agility tank class) available from new instances (AND OLD!) I do not want to have only 1 or 2 pieces to pick from for each slot. That is not what warden ever was about. I've always had tons of options in my build. I do NOT want to be a cookie-cutter melee &&&&&&&, But that seems like where warden is heading.


    Turbine, really, why?
    Vorolas - Warden

    Where has your Wadening taken you?

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    well perhaps they should just simplify our stats down to offense,vitality,fate,will. might make everything easier for them. I can't see a logical reason for them to have might and agility anymore if we all have just one stat to boost dps/avoidance/crit. I would just like to know how the transition will be handled frankly. Looks like there is no reason to try and get my last piece of gear till then. Might as well just run stoneheight for relics/ixp/agi legacy scrolls and solo/duo skirms for marks/medalions.
    Welleg , Kelleg, and Gelleg - Crickhollow
    WARNING: leveling a warden may cause you to neglect your other characters.

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    .......and another class I will never play again along with my Cappy. AGI should have been the main stat at the start, but it's too effing late to change now. Once again the red-headed step-children of LOTRO take it on the chin.
    [center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]


  9. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Jesus Christ...what is wrong with you guys? Am I the only one who has like 6 Pieces of decent Agi-Gear on the bank just for trying some stuff with bpe? The only real thing that bothers me is the golden necklace+cloak from Saruman. But thats for dmg only and it served me long enough. I'm still tanking only with my warden, so why do you guys get so enraged about these changes?

    And no, I'm not trolling.

    imho for tanking this is great stuff
    Cecthrantir, Warden
    == never surrendered, never retired ==
    Orthanc - Destroyer of Rings

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    After reading all this.... Seems legit!! xD

    Foreal, we will all be re-gearing anyways with the new update, it won't be as hard as you guys think..

    The only thing I don't like about it is having to re build LI's?? No thank you, lol... And I don't have stat tomes but, that would be a big deal as well. Though, not like it's gonna hurt you to have that extra might lol.
    {Evogrin R11 warden} {Evogash R9 warg} +wayy too many others R6-8! Though I do not play lotro anymore, thank you to everyone who made this game so much fun all those years! God bless!

  11. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    So, a few things:

    A) This change means Wardens will draw Physical and Tactical Mastery from Agility, not from Might.

    B) The change was announced on Twitter, yes. It is not the only place it will be mentioned.

    C) The reasons for this change are because we feel the Warden is better suited as an Agility class -- it is the tank which functions by avoiding attacks, not by standing there and taking them. It also makes itemization in general take substantially less work to have one primary stat for each armor type.

    D) We recognize this is a rather massive change to introduce in the middle of an expansion. It is being done now to coincide with all the additional gear which will be introduced with Update 10 (also announced via Twitter).

    E) The "grace period" mentioned will be a period of time where Wardens draw Physical/Tactical Mastery from BOTH Agility and Might. We recognize to completely switch streams without any sort of extended period of time would leave the class in an un-playable position.

    F) The Hytbold sets will be converted to use Agility as the primary stat.

    G) Pieces of jewelry which have only Vitality or Agi/Vitality as their primary stats will appear more often.

    Link to the Twitter Dev Chat transcript:

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by RockX View Post
    So, a few things:

    A) This change means Wardens will draw Physical and Tactical Mastery from Agility, not from Might.
    F) The Hytbold sets will be converted to use Agility as the primary stat.
    Thank you for chiming in, Rock. So JUST Physical and Tactical Mastery? Might will still give contributions to Block, Parry, and Physical Mitigations?

    And are just the DPS Hytbold sets changing? I'm not seeing a reason to change the tanking set since it has a good mix already of Might and Agility as secondary stats.
    ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
    Gentoo [WRD] · Svenrysa [GRD] · Svenwyn [CPT] · Adilae [CHM] · Svenrisa [BRG] · Svengo [HNT]
    Easily Amused · Gladden

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    What about store bought tomes?? Do I get a refund or do they get swapped to Agi?? What about all my crafted stuff? Relics, jewellery, pocket, shield, etc?? <---thats a tidy sum of crests that have to be replaced...

  14. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    My warden is so geared out already.... even for dps.. i got around 34k mastery now i have to switch everything? Freaking stupid timing.. >.<


  15. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I sure hope that they then just change all jewelry into same agil stuf ffs wardens are fine now just dont get agil as base stat why we grind dps now and all change again pff.
    keep hands of wardens not brake it again like in roi. first u
    Last edited by Pearljamfix; Jan 24 2013 at 06:14 PM.

  16. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by RockX View Post
    So, a few things:

    A) This change means Wardens will draw Physical and Tactical Mastery from Agility, not from Might.

    B) The change was announced on Twitter, yes. It is not the only place it will be mentioned.

    C) The reasons for this change are because we feel the Warden is better suited as an Agility class -- it is the tank which functions by avoiding attacks, not by standing there and taking them. It also makes itemization in general take substantially less work to have one primary stat for each armor type.

    D) We recognize this is a rather massive change to introduce in the middle of an expansion. It is being done now to coincide with all the additional gear which will be introduced with Update 10 (also announced via Twitter).

    E) The "grace period" mentioned will be a period of time where Wardens draw Physical/Tactical Mastery from BOTH Agility and Might. We recognize to completely switch streams without any sort of extended period of time would leave the class in an un-playable position.

    F) The Hytbold sets will be converted to use Agility as the primary stat.

    G) Pieces of jewelry which have only Vitality or Agi/Vitality as their primary stats will appear more often.

    Link to the Twitter Dev Chat transcript:
    Thanks for the info!.. Can you give us anything on the changes to fate? ..Also, (as long as fate is not heavily tied into crit with the changes) switching to agil will mean that out crit will go way up? Oo .... Again guys, SEEMS LEGITT
    {Evogrin R11 warden} {Evogash R9 warg} +wayy too many others R6-8! Though I do not play lotro anymore, thank you to everyone who made this game so much fun all those years! God bless!

  17. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Are the Caps for b/p/e going to be raised ?

    I would suggest if we are to be an avoidance tank again, we should have no limits on our b/p/e

    I got my block to 19K just for fun ..it capped at 12K

    Not looking forward to redoing LI and relics. I finally just got to a stage when I have capped mits.

    "When I want your opinion, I'll read your entrails"
    - Worf has Spoken!

    Worfie - Warden

  18. #43
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by SvenNiscadae View Post
    Thank you for chiming in, Rock. So JUST Physical and Tactical Mastery? Might will still give contributions to Block, Parry, and Physical Mitigations?

    And are just the DPS Hytbold sets changing? I'm not seeing a reason to change the tanking set since it has a good mix already of Might and Agility as secondary stats.
    Correct, Might will still give contributions to Block, Parry and Physical Mitigation, just not to Physical and Tactical Mastery.
    I'm planning on changing all the Hytbold sets to reflect the difference.

    In general, changing existing armor and shields is rather safe, in that we know what classes will make use of it.
    Changing existing jewelry and LI relics is far more delicate, because other classes can make use of it.

  19. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    All I'm seeing with this is change for the sake of change yet again, is there any long term planning done at Turbine at all or is everything a spur of the moment overhaul? Why was this not implemented for launch of RoR? Waste of everybody's time grinding new gear, gear having to be restatted mid xpac etc etc

  20. #45
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Im still waiting to hear about the fate of all my CRAFTED jewellery and store bought tomes please, will the jewellery be swapped to agi based? And all my might tomes Ive purchased through the store.

  21. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by RockX View Post
    Correct, Might will still give contributions to Block, Parry and Physical Mitigation, just not to Physical and Tactical Mastery.
    I'm planning on changing all the Hytbold sets to reflect the difference.

    In general, changing existing armor and shields is rather safe, in that we know what classes will make use of it.
    Changing existing jewelry and LI relics is far more delicate, because other classes can make use of it.
    Thank you for quick reply! Sounds like as far as tanking goes, it shouldn't change anything but self heals because of outgoing healing. Well for the tanking set, that may be okay too since I could always then use more evade since block is easier to over cap. Thanks again.
    ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________
    Gentoo [WRD] · Svenrysa [GRD] · Svenwyn [CPT] · Adilae [CHM] · Svenrisa [BRG] · Svengo [HNT]
    Easily Amused · Gladden

  22. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Even tanking I feel like this is a hard hit home. I currently use over 1k might for the contribution to parry/block and mastery.

    Sure, during the grace period i wont lose that mastery, but when it's over, I lose that mastery, which has made it significantly easier to tank for high DPS classes. Now i have to rework both my dps and tank builds entirely? No thank you. If you want to cahnge warden, then change it back to the way it was before RoI. It was a good mix of difficulty and success. Now almost anyone can play the class due to its faceroll easyness.

    Hopefully there will be a whole slew of new tanking jewellery dedicated to agi secondary stats.
    Vorolas - Warden

    Where has your Wadening taken you?

  23. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Punkinchunkin View Post
    Im still waiting to hear about the fate of all my CRAFTED jewellery and store bought tomes please, will the jewellery be swapped to agi based? And all my might tomes Ive purchased through the store.
    I'm not aware of any plans to refund store points or change stat tomes.

  24. #49
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Khallan View Post
    Hopefully there will be a whole slew of new tanking jewellery dedicated to agi secondary stats.
    That's the plan!

  25. #50
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    So, I'm SOL of luck on my store purchases, basically this is a money grab? What else is new? At least I will have them when you switch back to might in a few more updates.

    Complete and utter BS this is, I think I bought 4, thats almost 2 months of VIP TP WASTED. Good job!!


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