With the inception of Riders of Rohan, there came ancient riddermark scrolls, which was supposed to be kept a secret. Through these scrolls, you could craft the best helm and shoulders for many classes in the game. However, you needed the scrolls to drop first and these scrolls dropped from any level 85 mob. The chances of a drop, though, was incredibly low.
Moreover, these scrolls could not be obtained from any raid/instance chests. This meant that if you wanted to get those scrolls, you'd have to kill level 85 mobs over and over again, with no end in sight, or you could wait 1-2 months for people to start selling them.
For end game raiders or anyone who wanted the best gear, they had to participate in "farming" level 85 mobs instead of raiding for loot. Coincidentally, at that point in time, the only raids were scaled skirmish raids and helegrod raids, which posed little to no challenge.
Today, after four months of ROR, we've seen update 9 and update 9.1. Update 9 introduced the scaled DG cluster, which was not scaled properly, and three new scalable 3-man instances. There were also no locks for level 85 BG t1/t2. Update 9 also introduced personalised loot, where everyone in a fellowship/raid would get their own loot, instead of rolling for things. This was a good introduction conceptually, as everyone would get something out of a raid.
However, it also meant that loot distribution systems like DKP and SKL became quite meaningless. Update 9 introduced a set of legendary quality items for all classes. Some were essential (Burg boots/champ boots/Hunter offhand.. etc), others were not (Champ pocket/Burg cloak/hunter boots). These items had one thing in common, they were incredibly rare, and dropped from the new instances. They were almost as good as symbols, and should have a similar drop-rate to FAs in the Orthanc raid.
Again, due to the lack of locks, and the minuscule chance of the drop, these legendary quality items were being "farmed" for over and over again through endless runs of the new instances. I know of a friend, who after close to 900 runs of the new instances, has still not gotten his legendary item. Now, back in the OT days, you never could and would "farm" orthanc this way as FAs were guaranteed for challenge modes, and had a 50% chance to drop in t2.
When update 9.1 was introduced, the droprates for symbols were severely reduced in BG, and instead of giving us new raids or instances, the developers decided it was better to discretely introduce another ancient scroll case which, not surprisingly, came from level 85 mobs. These scroll cases are as rare as their predecessors, and for them to be obtained, you could either kill level 85 mobs over and over again, or you could wait 1-2 months for people to maybe start selling. Also, these scroll cases could not be obtained from raid chests.
Now, the point I'm trying to get across is the best items should only be gotten through raiding, and not through mindless killing and grinding of level 85 mobs, with no end in sight. Sadly, this loot system does seem very intended. Perhaps it is the inability of our beloved LOTRO developers to come out with new raids and instances, that they have to make us participate in mindless grinding to keep us in this game.
Now, if a LOTRO developer (RockX) comes across this thread, I implore you to read the many discussions in the forums on how you can improve your loot system. Stop trying to make up for your colleagues' shortcomings by introducing ridiculously flawed loot to keep us in this game. If you really want to save this dying game, keep your promises and introduce better content.