"You will never go to Space,
Fact: there is no such thing as Space."
Fact Core
"There's nothing in Space, that's why it's space"
Rick the Adventure Core
"You will never go to Space,
Fact: there is no such thing as Space."
Fact Core
"There's nothing in Space, that's why it's space"
Rick the Adventure Core
Today's patch notes:
...they do read us!Space Combat has been removed from the game. (We know…)
I have a feeling this isn't over... "(we know...) sounds like they put the easter egg somewhere else!!!
I will search endlessly for the mention of space again
thx for the lulz though, what ever dev/designer/worker put this in, thx do moah! we love them
The forums are not an accurate representation of the thoughts and feelings of the whole player base. Those who like a particular feature are in the game enjoying that feature. Those who don't like it log out to mention it on the forums. It is a relevant but biased source of feedback, and any claims of community desire should take this fact into account.
I've been saying for a couple of months that LOTRO would go into space, but did anyone believe me?
Vindicated I am.
Therina - Hobbit Guard Rongo - Hobbit Warden
Frood - Man Minstrel Garmun - Man Captain
Zorosi - Dwarf Champ Froodaroon - Elf Hunter
Southern Defenders - Arkenstone (formerly Elendilmir)
I guess now that turbine won from STO, they decided to remove Space Combat again...
[SIZE=3][COLOR=#ff0000][B]-Faustino Hasharin-
[/B][/COLOR][SIZE=2][I][B][COLOR=#800080]The House of Midnight[/COLOR][/B][/I][/SIZE][/SIZE]
My warsteed's laggins so bad ... It really feels like I was in space :P
Hey, so... did anybody actually press that button while it was in the live client? I meant to but kept forgetting!
Cainwen Ciaphas, Captain of Crickhollow, HERO OF MIDDLE EARTH!!!
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My opinions are my own!
So the one ring's true powers is revealed... it controls the Death Star
Nit - Man Burglar
Nitutu - Hobbit Guardian
Jadyn - Hobbit Minstrel
"spell it: Ess, Pee, Ace... SPACE!"
Oh good, I've been waiting for LOTRO to merge with SWTOR
So, I didn't win this fight. The elf in GV told me that cosmetic yule gear would compensate for the fact that the BA was 29 levels higher and raining down fiery doom from space. I'm starting to think the elf lied to me.
Silverlode lvl100 raiding characters: Glaistig Skop | lvl100 solo and small group characters: Bede, Elentir, & Wibba
Moochinbras - former expert treasure-hunter of Silverlode, now enjoying retirement on Landroval
Galenhir Swordsong: Founder of Lonely Mountain Band, Ales & Tales & a SubCreator of Weatherstock... Music: http://www.minstrelsongs.com The Lonely Mountain Band: http://www.alesandtales.com https://www.facebook.com/SubCreator