Congratulations on rank 11 i hope to be right behind u
Congratulations on rank 11 i hope to be right behind u
Don't Do Drugs..... ......Smoke The Herb
Congratulations, Helixion! Nice to see you putting in the time and giving good action whenever you're around. Great Job.
P.S. less stuns please.
Grats Helixion!
Carerun and Careran-85 Minis Bellswith-85 loremaster Gwilahthea-85 Hunter
Camswith- 85 Runekeeper Marswith- 85 Champion Cinquefoil-85 Burglar
Well done!
Sicoreth -r12 cappy Scarbarothe suicidal r8 ba
The Fallen/Bad Kids
Grats Helix well deserverd!
Thank you and thx to all those who helped along the way and especially Sar who stuck it out with me last night just to rank. Yesterday was great action and lots of fun. While I look forward to U10 and the battlefield promotions, I hope it doesn't make freepside too OP. I have enjoyed the challenge with RoR as it has also pushed me to meet new players as well as getting better acquainted with the regulars. Its been fun playing in groups and leading a few.
GRATZ! to all those recently ranked if I have not specifically posted so. Both creep and freepside. Lets keep it up and look forward to increased action in the moors! I will try to continue to do my part and bring it.
For those who are looking to shortly transfer, I wish you the best, but many will be missed. Atrophy sucks, but it happens. As Lotro is my mmo of choice, Nimrodel is my home, so I'm gonna stay put. Like it or not .
Thx again,
Grats Helix!
too much zap zap has this effect on wargs....
Glad you are sticking with Nimrodel
Anat ~ Damspider, The Black BladeTeslafoil ~ Allure, WeGotThis
"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war"