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  1. #1
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    Update 10 Developer Diary -- Itemization Information

    "Hello all, RockX here! Today I’ll be talking about the Itemization changes being introduced with Update 10. There’s two main areas which have seen some major changes for this update – Scaling Instance Loot and Set Bonuses."

    Read more in our latest developer diary from Jonathan "RockX" Steady, and post your feedback here!
    Last edited by Celestrata; Feb 20 2013 at 02:23 PM.
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    You don't have permission to access /en/game/articles/update-10-itemization-information on this server.

  3. #3
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    Try that link. It's how I got there.

  4. #4
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    "Each instance cluster is now focused on a handful of different gear types, so DPS looking for a necklace would want to run instances and raids from cluster X, while Tanks looking for a necklace would want to run cluster Y."

    To recite Nobody (Dead Man): "Is this a lie or a white mans' trick?"

    Are we expected to do 12 tank raids now? Even with 3mans there is the eternal question for a lot of people - why bother (because for example a healer will get nothing worthwhile from one, whilst a tank may get nothing worthwhile from any other instance).

    To get more people run instances, you absolutely need to have something for everyone in all instances.

  5. #5
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    First, about the stat bonus removal on armor.

    I really don't think that the reason players weren't upgrading armor was because of the lack of desire to break up the set for those extra stat bonuses - it was much more for the skill modifier bonuses which still remain. Also, the slices of stats from set bonuses did not change since 75, they were always 10 points, from 61 will on the Draigoch set to 38 will and 388 crit on the 85 Hytbold sets. Now players will be even less compelled to upgrade their perfect six-set of armor. If the sets had enough inflation in them that players were forced to upgrade to be effective, players would upgrade - In the same way the level 65 sets aren't viable at level 85.

    Second, about Legendary gear drops.

    At first it was really cool and exciting to see legendary gear available via crafting, but now it's becoming a serious problem. A large portion of the best gear in the game now has to be farmed, and cannot be earned. I know people who farm the crafting instances now for 6 hours a day, striving to get their characters as good as they can be. The best gear tells players where to expend their play time effort. I completely support having it be very rare random drops from instances, or recipes be very rare random drops from mobs, but a path to earning them, even at extreme cost, is what the system is lacking.

    Third, I'm really glad to see all the old instances get some new Teal loot. I love running some of those older ones, and I've very happy to see that there will be renewed interest in them.
    [SIZE=1]Ilwyn -[I] 85 Runekeeper - Firefoot [/I]


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Will the Barter Gems only drop from the Raids or from the 6 man also? Will they drop in the Erebor 3 mans?
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jullandar View Post

    ... Even with 3mans there is the eternal question for a lot of people - why bother (because for example a healer will get nothing worthwhile from one, whilst a tank may get nothing worthwhile from any other instance).

    To get more people run instances, you absolutely need to have something for everyone in all instances.

    Because our Kin runs to gear each other we don't really have this issue. Having said that, I do agree with you, it's not the greatest feeling knowing there is absolutely no drop in the run for the majority of people. I can see this making getting pugs together harder.

    One way around might be if there were things like Scrolls/Tomes/etc. Still not always the greatest but often needed/wanted and always good AH fodder.
    It's all to clear we are on our own.[/CENTER]

  8. #8
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    It is a really bad idea to separate up the loot types by instance group.

    Some instances will be more difficult and therefore won't be run as often.
    Some classes will get their loot first/easier and therefore won't want to run other instances.

    It'll cause a cascading effect.

    Make it so everyone has a reason to go into every instance. A GOOD reason like good loot!

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jullandar View Post
    "Each instance cluster is now focused on a handful of different gear types, so DPS looking for a necklace would want to run instances and raids from cluster X, while Tanks looking for a necklace would want to run cluster Y."

    To recite Nobody (Dead Man): "Is this a lie or a white mans' trick?"

    Are we expected to do 12 tank raids now? Even with 3mans there is the eternal question for a lot of people - why bother (because for example a healer will get nothing worthwhile from one, whilst a tank may get nothing worthwhile from any other instance).

    To get more people run instances, you absolutely need to have something for everyone in all instances.
    Yeah quite, so now our little 3 man group we have levellling has to wait to the point of, presumbly, 3 scaling instance clusters being available to us before we can equip us all, and what level are we first at to get 3 clusters available anyone ?

    And its not like its going to prevent us farming instead we will be constantly farming X for a single item with no chance for several of us to get a single thing useful to us. Not to mention how are they splitting it, unless they plan on splitting these across 6 clusters we are still going to have issues as "dps" encompasses all 3 armour types for a start.
    Last edited by Ulanor_EU; Feb 20 2013 at 03:09 PM.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jullandar View Post
    "Each instance cluster is now focused on a handful of different gear types, so DPS looking for a necklace would want to run instances and raids from cluster X, while Tanks looking for a necklace would want to run cluster Y."

    To recite Nobody (Dead Man): "Is this a lie or a white mans' trick?"

    Are we expected to do 12 tank raids now? Even with 3mans there is the eternal question for a lot of people - why bother (because for example a healer will get nothing worthwhile from one, whilst a tank may get nothing worthwhile from any other instance).

    To get more people run instances, you absolutely need to have something for everyone in all instances.

    Agreed 100%

    This was my instant concern on reading this. Why will DPS want to run any cluster that only gives tank gear? they wont, or will certainly be a LOT less inclined to. Yes kinnies can do stuff to gear each other, but surely GLFF and pug runs would've benefited by the gear being spread evenly?

    Any devs wanting to comment on the reason for the loot being done like this would be great!
    All posts to be taken with a pinch of tasty salt.... preferably rubbed on a Tater

  12. #12
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    Oct 2011
    Are skirm raids getting new loot? How about more loot? 2 teals for 12 people isn't enough.

    (are skirmishes "scaling Classic Instances"?)
    A spaceship from another star / They ask me where all the people are
    I tell them I'm the only one / There was a war, but I must have won

  13. #13
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    Jun 2011
    First of all, thanks for sharing the reasons behind the changes.
    Some questions, though...
    Quote Originally Posted by RockX
    Each instance cluster is now focused on a handful of different gear types, so DPS looking for a necklace would want to run instances and raids from cluster X, while Tanks looking for a necklace would want to run cluster Y.
    • Will there be a way to know which cluster gives which rewards in-game, other than the community gathering the information outside of the game?
    • Don't you fear that this policy of focusing the rewards of a particular cluster on a specific kind of gear (either DPS, or tank, or healing, etc) will make running those instances uninteresting for good part of the players that don't need the kind of loot that drops there? I understand that the motivation behind this could be that old clusters are always going to have a reason to be replayed, regardless of what is the level cap, because they always will drop the best gear for a specific role. But still, as posters have commented before, there are some concerns.
    Quote Originally Posted by RockX
    More recent sets, such as Ost Dunhoth, Orthanc, etc. have handed out both pure stats and skill-altering effects. This leads to a situation where once you get a set, you can only replace it with the next set to avoid losing stats. In addition, each set had to give stronger and stronger doses of stats in order to be an upgrade.
    In the end, this isn’t sustainable. In addition, we want to allow players to have and make impactful choices in what they wear. To that end, we’ve made the following changes:
    So far, stat amount inflation is not only happening on the armor set bonuses, but also on the armor pieces themselves. If raid X chestpiece gives me 150 Will, next raid Y chestpiece is expected to give me at least 155 Will, to use a random example. In the end, armor set N is expected to give more of everything (in absolute terms) than armor set N-1.
    If the Ost Duhnost armor gives me X overall, and the Barad Guldur one gives me X+10, and the Erebor one gives me X+20, most are going to go for the Erebor one, regardless of skill modifiers bound to set bonuses.
    Are you changing that? Are all scaled armor sets from different clusters going to give the same amount of stats (at least overall), only the skill-modifying set bonuses being different? Because otherwise, I see the stat inflation problem not being solved.
    And if you do, would we be in a situation in which with every level cap raise, all scaling raids and instances loot and armorsets are scaled too, then making the latest armorset never being an upgrade in respect of the previous rescaled ones, but a sidegrade? Do you expect complaining voices from the raiding community about loosing interest on raiding within the newest space if the armor set is always a sidegrade in respect to the rescaled old ones?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nakiami View Post
    Are skirm raids getting new loot? How about more loot? 2 teals for 12 people isn't enough.

    (are skirmishes "scaling Classic Instances"?)

    As it says "apart from Helegrod which is a skirmish" or words to that effect, I would assume not.

  15. #15
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    Looking petty good to me, though I do have one question - the new crafting recipes mentioned at the end, are these going to be available from raids, or continuing to drop off any random level 85 mob? Because these random drop recipes are extremely unpopular with a large part of the player base due to the requirement to farm easy content repeatedly, and they are a reward for those that haven't earned them. Putting these recipes in the chests of 3-mans, 6-mans and raids (as tiers increase, so do the drop chances) would provide a worthy challenge to acquire these items.
    - Taravan, R12 Captain - Tirian, Tanking Guardian - Telperon, Completionist LM -
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  16. #16
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    I'm not sure how to put this constructively...
    The phrase that resonates within me after reading this Dev Diary is "out of touch".

    Segregating loot according to class/instance is the worst possible option I can think of. Truly. And this is coming from one of those fortunate enough to have altruistic friends in this game...

    I also don't agree with the armor change reasoning. While it would appear that a change like this was being done because you really have your finger on the pulse of the numbers in this game, recent events have proven otherwise (IDOME comes to mind). Stats are always secondary to set bonuses so long as said bonus is appealing. Nothing had to change and the logic employed in removing them is really kind of confounding. But whatever - as long as we're all getting the collective finger, it's cool.

    I guess.

    The NOLDOR of Arkenstone

  17. #17
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    I think we might be interpreting this wrong. I think it just means that if you were looking for a necklace you go to a certain cluster; but the cluster will drop things for every class.

    i.e. -

    Cluster X Drops
    DPS Necklace
    Caster Ring
    Tanking Pocket

    Cluster Y Drops
    Tanking Necklace
    DPS Ring
    Caster Pocket

    At least I am hoping that this is what is meant. The fact that he specifically says necklace in both examples leads me to this. Unless the instances are dropping nothing but necklaces then the extra loot has to be someplace. I think he would have said "looking for gear" instead of "looking for a necklace" if it was the way that we are fearing.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by matalan View Post
    Agreed 100%

    This was my instant concern on reading this. Why will DPS want to run any cluster that only gives tank gear? they wont, or will certainly be a LOT less inclined to. Yes kinnies can do stuff to gear each other, but surely GLFF and pug runs would've benefited by the gear being spread evenly?

    Any devs wanting to comment on the reason for the loot being done like this would be great!
    What I took this to mean was that the specific item would drop in a specific cluster, and so therefore if you were searching for a tank necklace, you would go to a certain instance and another for a dps - however, this does not mean that on the same instance which the tank found his necklace, there is not a dps ring, for example: I didn't read this as 'this is the tank reward raid cluster', 'this is the dps reward raid cluster' etc - but I could be wrong.

    Yet clarity on the issue would be very much appreciated, as if Matalan's concerns are correct, it rather disincentivises those with only one character from running varied content, and as such will make it harder for the rest of us to find groups for specific instances.
    - Taravan, R12 Captain - Tirian, Tanking Guardian - Telperon, Completionist LM -
    - Afranius, R9 WL - Tolobain, R7 Weaver - Vargan, R6 Stalker -

    Ex-Leader of Lost Realm of Imladris - Evernight - Co-Founder of Beauty and the Beasts

  19. #19
    Frisco is offline Hero Of the Small Folk 2013
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    Each instance cluster is now focused on a handful of different gear types, so DPS looking for a necklace would want to run instances and raids from cluster X, while Tanks looking for a necklace would want to run cluster Y.
    Unless each cluster is based around this concept (i.e. cluster X is a group of instances that requires all classes to focus on DPS and requires minimal healing/tanking, cluster Y is all about surviving a set amount of time) I can see this being a bad idea very quickly. If cluster X still requires a tank and healer, and even support, it's going to get pretty nasty out there. Mercenary tanks and healers selling their services in exchange for doing instances that will yield them nothing good, compared to gold items for their DPS mates. Or, more likely, healers and tanks just not running the stuff, and glff filling up with "5/6 for X, need Mini/RK please please I beg you, don't join the other 43 groups looking for a healer. We have pie! *cries*".
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  20. #20
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    Guys, I think you're reading it incorrectly. Certain instances dropping certain pieces is actually how it functions right now.

    Instance Cluster A will drop a tank necklace. However, the ring that drops from there will be say, a DPS ring for agility classes. It might also drop a cloak for healers. Instance Cluster B will drop the DPS necklace, but it'll have say, a tank ring.

    He's not saying the whole cluster will drop only tank gear, or only DPS gear. He's saying that if a tank wants to fit all their slots, they go to one cluster for one piece, and do a different cluster for a different piece.
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  21. #21
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    Another way to look at focusing gear and clusters is that the Teals are BoE so it is a plus that you can pass such stuff along to alts, should you have any of course.
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  22. #22
    Frisco is offline Hero Of the Small Folk 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tirian-Hammerfist View Post
    What I took this to mean was that the specific item would drop in a specific cluster, and so therefore if you were searching for a tank necklace, you would go to a certain instance and another for a dps - however, this does not mean that on the same instance which the tank found his necklace, there is not a dps ring, for example: I didn't read this as 'this is the tank reward raid cluster', 'this is the dps reward raid cluster' etc - but I could be wrong.
    That would be a good way to go a bout it, and I hope it's true. Though that almost limits the most useful stuff to one cluster. If DPS gear for healer classes drops in an instance where tank stuff drops for tanks, there will be far more tanks wanting to run it than healers. Wherever DPS stuff drops for DPS classes will be the most popular instance. It'll be interesting to see how stuff is spread out, and how much variety there is.

    Personally, what makes me unhappy is that the only way to get the best stuff for my characters is to run content that I already got bored of years ago when I played it at level. That, and the fact that scaling content rarely keeps any of the original fun or difficulty of the instance, and relies on whatever old, tired mechanics the instance used back when it was novel and fresh. Scaling is lazy developing, and it makes me wonder every time I hear how much revenue has increased since F2P: why are we getting less new content?
    Work like no one is watching, dance like you don't need the money...

  23. #23
    Frisco is offline Hero Of the Small Folk 2013
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinDragon View Post
    Guys, I think you're reading it incorrectly. Certain instances dropping certain pieces is actually how it functions right now.
    What you mean to say is that he wrote it incorrectly. Or at least without sufficient detail. I hope what you say is correct, and that it was badly worded because of a character limit on the post.
    Work like no one is watching, dance like you don't need the money...

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by TinDragon View Post
    Guys, I think you're reading it incorrectly. Certain instances dropping certain pieces is actually how it functions right now.

    Instance Cluster A will drop a tank necklace. However, the ring that drops from there will be say, a DPS ring for agility classes. It might also drop a cloak for healers. Instance Cluster B will drop the DPS necklace, but it'll have say, a tank ring.

    He's not saying the whole cluster will drop only tank gear, or only DPS gear. He's saying that if a tank wants to fit all their slots, they go to one cluster for one piece, and do a different cluster for a different piece.
    Which is what we pretty much do now so why the 'revelation' ?

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frisco View Post
    That would be a good way to go a bout it, and I hope it's true. Though that almost limits the most useful stuff to one cluster. If DPS gear for healer classes drops in an instance where tank stuff drops for tanks, there will be far more tanks wanting to run it than healers. Wherever DPS stuff drops for DPS classes will be the most popular instance. It'll be interesting to see how stuff is spread out, and how much variety there is.

    Personally, what makes me unhappy is that the only way to get the best stuff for my characters is to run content that I already got bored of years ago when I played it at level. That, and the fact that scaling content rarely keeps any of the original fun or difficulty of the instance, and relies on whatever old, tired mechanics the instance used back when it was novel and fresh. Scaling is lazy developing, and it makes me wonder every time I hear how much revenue has increased since F2P: why are we getting less new content?
    Well depends if the legendary stuff is any better than the teal from the least instances as the latest instances arn't ever classical scaled instances so there's no reason to suspect the latest cluster wont drop the full range as they do now as it wasnt said otherwise.
    Last edited by Ulanor_EU; Feb 20 2013 at 03:45 PM.


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