Congrats Big Daddy on 13!
Congrats Big Daddy on 13!
Rustynailz The Black Blade
Grats BDC!
Parahelion - Burg, Krustii - Champ, Shurmann-Cappy, Tommac-Min, Lazarrus-LM, Thromdir-Hnt, Theodolan-Grd, Kozzmeaux - Bear - Dancing in the Dark kinship.
Wrecks - Warg - The Black Blade
Grats, Bush
Grats Bigdaddy.
Congratulations BDC <3
Anat ~ Damspider, The Black BladeTeslafoil ~ Allure, WeGotThis
"Cry 'Havoc!', and let slip the dogs of war"
Volodic- Rank 14 Minstrel- The first and the last Warlord of Nimrodel
Volobash- Rank 11 Blackarrow- Arkenstone, Nikitah's Bane
Volosavenger- Rank 9 Stalker- Landroval, The white warg
Grats BDC. It's been a pleasure getting slaughtered by one of the meanest, nastiest reavers around.
Gungus - Captain
Thanks all. Someone asked me to throw this up.
I know my quickslots are all over the place lol. Also empty bar is depressing.
Creeps - Bigdaddycool, Bigsexxy, TheBigHurt, TheBigUnit, BigMomma, Jashin.
Congrats! How many of those kills are me? ^.^
Gratz BDC, now stop killing my horse! :P
<<<<<Self-Made Signature>>>>>
<<<Ask For One And I Can Make You One>>>
gratz!!! and i hate u
[FONT=lucida grande][B][COLOR=#FF0000][/COLOR][/B][/FONT][COLOR=#37404e][FONT=lucida grande][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#FF0000][FONT=lucida grande][B]YOLO HUNTER !!! Officer Riddles in the dark ....Best REAL hunter on server[/B][/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#37404e][FONT=lucida grande]
Gratz BDC!!!
[center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]