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  1. #126
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    I feel the same.
    I'm burned out.
    Doing the recycled content combined with the ridiculous drop rates making me believe there is no carrot on the stick for me. I don't feel like log in long until the next raid is live. I'll just do some dailies, some days.
    In the meantime, I installed back Swtor.
    Lvl 85 Hunter - Lvl 85 Champion - L 65 Captain

  2. #127
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    BTW skirmish locks are outdated to.

    remove them nobody waits for a drakesplitter or hat of the woundcloser to drop and then no jewelry remove all bad loot or remove locks . why you can run a raid daily, and a skrimraid weekly and has some oudated loot .
    with every update drop rate is become worst.
    new stats for champ armour are bad if y are 2hander champ no brutal strikes bonus only remorsless ?
    dualwielding on champ is now bad because the huge power issue , and i dont have a pocket lm all the time .
    ow sorry only lm wil be happy with their bonus .

  3. #128
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Change the stats

    Devs plz change the stats on crafted and gear in skirm raids. You changed the multipiliers on stats like agility and fate and removed the miss chance so agility is not needed for hit chance, but dont change the gear to compensate.

    Example: wyrmfang from drake wing in helegrod SUCKS now for a champ in fervour as it basically gives 75 points of crit from the agility and nothing I REPEAT NOTHING else. make it +75 fate so it has a useful stats, +38 fate & +38 vit or more crit or morale somethiing useful!!!! Agility is no longer an important stat for a fervour champ its useless. Im cool with that kinda thought it always was but no its the 4TH most important stat for a fervour champ:

    1st might
    2nd/3rd fate/vit
    4th agitlity
    5th will (maybe fourth since i need tact mit if crits capped)

    I dont want to hear the new gear from new raidsrescaled old instances takes the fate importance into account. NO NO NO!!!!! You all decided this change and i like it but come on i cant even regear through skirm raids
    Fix the crafted gear & skirm gear (jewelry, off hands, heavy armor for champs) to having NO agility!!!

    ITs like caster gear having might or agility on it come on. Get you head in the game devs. I like the importance of fate i really do but my champ only has 449 fate to go with 2779 might but hey i have 300 agility YAY!!! You changed the stats on my armor = /applaud. But screwed up my jewelry!!!


  4. #129
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    All the Devs need to do is increase the instance drop rate on Epics from 1% to around 5%. If they do that people will run these instances into the ground gearing out mains and then alts. If they don't these instances will be the same ghost town all of the current instances are now.
    Adaaon (Minstrel)
    The Noldor of Arkenstone -

  5. #130
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Will the set bonus changes be applied to the Ettenmoors armor sets? Specifically, will it change from 3 & 5 to 2 & 4 for the existing bonuses? (Sorry if this has already been asked but I didnt see it in the thread...)

  6. #131
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Grimdi View Post
    Without knowing the specifics of the new loottables I won't call the changes good/bad. Though I still think the best option would have been to just remove loot from instances completely and switch to a barter system (with deed gating and currency being scaled on a cooldown timer to reduce farming).
    Yeah, this. The RNG is a double-edged sword, and it seems lately we've been getting the short end of the stick with it.

    We have a unified currency system in place. Why not use it?

    Here's a system off the top of my head:

    Rare Items (purple)

    - require marks + tokens from EITHER specific 3-man scaled instances OR specific solo/duo skirmishes.

    Incomparable Items

    - require marks + medallions + tokens from EITHER a) specific 6-man scaled instances, b) multiple tokens from specific 3-man scaled instances (tier 2), or c) multiple tokens from specific solo/duo skirmishes on tier 2


    - marks OR medallions + tokens from NEW 6-man instances

    Legendary Items (gold)

    Crafting Recipes (with a chance to crit for a gold item):
    - require marks + medallions + seals + tokens from EITHER a) specific scaled raids, b) multiple tokens from specific 6-man scaled instances (T2), or c) multiple tokens from specific solo/duo skirmishes (T3)
    - marks + seals + tokens from NEW raids (T1)

    Gold Items (for those who want to skip the chance to fail at crafting):
    - require marks + medallions + seals + tokens from EITHER a) specific scaled raids (T2C) or b) NEW raids (T2C)

    This system could be used for all armor slots, jewelry and weapon slots. Obviously, the amount of marks/medallions/seals would increase for each tier of loot you go up. There are probably some inconsistencies in the above, but it was off the top of my head and I'm sure it would need a lot of tweaking.

    EDIT: my apologies for the wall o'text, this brilliant website messed it up and then logged me out to rub salt in the wound.
    Last edited by Solien; Feb 25 2013 at 05:57 PM. Reason: fix formatting
    armor-plated since SoA alpha 3
    arkenstone: roxxi manor

  7. #132
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I am realy sad about loosing the stat boni on sets
    It´s another step in dumbing down the game. No arour set choices are less hard, since no stat set boni come into the equation.
    I already misliked putting all the peiviously spereate resistances into one value, same with ranged and melee attack rating combined into physical mastery.
    Combined with the normalizing of power levels/consumption, I fear the trend here:
    Make the game simple, possibly to atrackt more kids with a loose purses, that can´t be bothered with making complex choices when building their character.

  8. #133
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Is there (or is there any hope to have) an official database, or summary, listing the loots of the new instances ? Ideally with the classes that may loot each object and (I can dream) their drop rates ?

    The loot system in instances appeals such listing so strongly that anyway, there will be some available around made by players. Maybe it's already done through the beta. So, I think it would be very good if Dev's could be more honest here, and officially list somewhere, e.g. in the lotro lorebook, all the loots of new instances, with the classes that can drop it and even the drop rates
    Last edited by floreane; Mar 07 2013 at 08:54 AM.

  9. #134
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    The worst idea of all was to make the golden Class items (i.e. Mini shield) drop completely random and make them bind on drop.
    This way we have a Mini with 3 shields in our raid, the helmet and a bracelet while the second main Mini in our raid is completely out of luck with no item after 500+ runs of different instances.

    So main mini two takes a break for a weekend, one of the raid members logs on his alt, helps with his mini and is rewarded with a helmet.

    Nice system. Suicide Kings and DKP are for the trash now, people are so disappointed by this stupid random luck &&&&.

    Any chance you revisit the Loot system and give people a chance to work for their loot without the stupid luck factor determining if people get the best loot - or not?

  10. #135
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Itemization? What itemization? It's too much luck involved... and tbh, I can't say because so far I've only won the golden cloak for guards.. No new goodies and barely seen em drop..
    Last edited by Aineas.; Mar 11 2013 at 02:46 AM.

  11. #136
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I wonder why it is so hard for our wonderful Dev's to just think without randomness...

    Sample 1:
    In the new raids, we earn items needed to enhance erebior armours. That's a nice idea. However, we have around 20% chance to get one in T1 raid, almost 100% to get one in t2 raid, and we need 3 (of different kinds) for a piece of armour. Sorry Dev's, but randomness here is a nonsense: we can reach the exact same result if we get 1 for sure in t1, 3 for sure in t2, and need 3 times more for a piece of armour. Result is the same, but no randomness, less frustration, and more exchanges between players since everybody has something to exchange.

    Sample 2:
    Golden class items's drop: random at very small drop rate, can drop the same many times, bound on acquire... Was it just too hard to drop a "Golden class token" instead, same for everybody, not bounded so you can give it to a friend, and get your golden item for your class in exchange for it at some NPC ? Also, you can have 1st age weapons for seals, so why not these too ?

    Sample 3:
    Blue items: As pointed in the beginning of this thread, the goal was that in each instance, each class may drop something interesting. The truth is, that peoples always want one more than an other, and even if the drop rates are hopefully higher than with golden items, it's low enough to have many players who get almost nothing. However, the idea with new raid items for armours can be used here: imagine that in each instance or group of instances, we drop extra things similar to those in raids (flowers, ... but different ones). You may also drop purple items, because it's common. But to get a blue item, you go to some NPC, you give him a purple item plus these extra things that you stacked, and you get the blue version of the purple item. And as for sample 1, looting these extra things must not be random: e.g. 1 for sure in t1, 2 in t2, 3 in t2c, and the NPC asks for a stack of it, or maybe a mix of many so that you have to go a bit everywhere.

    These are just possibilities. Whatever the way, I really hope that the Devs will finally strongly reduce, if not completely remove, randomness for loots.

    [EDIT] I also like the ideas from Solien, a few posts above. The NPC here could be replaced by a friend with guild crafting abilities. This would drastically re-raise the interest of crafting skills, with one main concept: loot medium-quality purple items on sauron's forces, and use the impressing crafting skills of the free-peoples to enhance them into high-quality blue items dedicated to the good. We are not orcs, they are our opposite, so why do we obtain all our best equipment from them ?
    Last edited by floreane; Mar 11 2013 at 11:23 AM.

  12. #137
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Argh, i forgot to copy the post so the evil forums killed it... this ones going to be much less coherent, but here goes!

    I liked Solien and Floreanes ideas, you guys arent even paid to come up with better looting ideas and you've done it.

    Just to echo what others are saying here, the big problem is that the randomness of the new loot system is not fun, and not very fair. Certain aspects of it, such as the uneven loot distribution can be mitigated a bit in kin runs, where people agree to hand all loot to the raid leader and hand it out at the end, thats worked so far for the tokens in the new instances, but some things simply dont work. Such as the Gold drops being BoA. It makes it hard to pass that 2nd (Or 3rd!) one to a poor friend who has not been so lucky.

    In pugs the whole thing falls down, just to use todays pugging as an example, i did about 9-10 or so runs, one lucky chap got 2 1st age symbol drops, i received 1 wyrmfire, go me! Thing is the way turbine seem to be promoting endless farming of faceroll group content means pugs are the most likely way people will run it.

    I also dont see how the system in anyway helps out players with less time to put into the game, sure some will get lucky and receive some good loot, most will not have the time or willpower to grind out 100+ instances you seemingly need to get some decent items.

    Hopefully Turbine listen to the feedback people are giving here and do something different for the next update. I actually think they have had some very good ideas in the past on looting, but they always seem to scrap systems and invent something new every update. For me, this update has the worst looting system the games had.

    So randomness is bad, its inherently unfair on some people who will just continue to be unlucky. Please remove it, and if you want a suggestion for what to change it for - Go back to coins dropping that you can barter for things, you can keep the gold items, just make them BoE so when you get 2 someone else gets lucky instead of it being a waste.
    Tiger got to hunt, bird got to fly; Man got to sit and wonder 'why, why, why?'
    Tiger got to sleep, bird got to land; Man got to tell himself he understand.

  13. #138
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Markoff View Post
    In pugs the whole thing falls down, just to use todays pugging as an example, i did about 9-10 or so runs, one lucky chap got 2 1st age symbol drops, i received 1 wyrmfire, go me! Thing is the way turbine seem to be promoting endless farming of faceroll group content means pugs are the most likely way people will run it.

    I also dont see how the system in anyway helps out players with less time to put into the game, sure some will get lucky and receive some good loot, most will not have the time or willpower to grind out 100+ instances you seemingly need to get some decent items.
    this is my experience as well. the efficient way to gear up is to form a group and then do as many runs of an instance as you can. since the drop rates are low but the content is easy, it becomes a numbers game as to how many runs you can grind out an hour to maximize your loot chances. when you do this you are likely going to have some people that get a lot, some players that get nothing, and then some players falling somewhere in the middle. this isn't much fun for the players that get nothing.

    another thing i have noticed is that since the content is easy there is really no need for tanks/healers/LMs. it's all about getting as many champs and other dps that you can and steamrolling the content over and over again. i don't see how this can possibly be good for the game in the long term.
    The [url="http://thenoldor.guildlaunch.com"]Noldor[/url] of Arkenstone


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