Anything further with this?![]()
Anything further with this?![]()
[SIZE=1][B][EU][/B][/SIZE] Eldar
[URL=""][COLOR=#ffff00]The Mellowship[/COLOR][/URL][/FONT][/SIZE]
I am still waiting, too. Though I made my donation pretty late during the charity.
"I can understand your anger at me, but what could you possibly have against the horse I rode in on?"
» LANDROVAL: Birle, Pompilidara, Cyntafiel (Away Shall Fade) «» ARKENSTONE: Aarawynn, Sabelle, Fylgja (Legacy of Narsilion) «...and many others!
Same here.
But hold on, there actually is news, sort of: Sapience's beard is back in full force!
Whether this indicates how much time has truly passed, or just really fast beard growth, or .. a fake beard, I don't know.
Celestrata, you could try to pull Sapience's beard to see if it's fur real?
*braces for impact*
I'm also still waiting![]()
7 Haven Way, Tund Loriel, Falathlorn Homesteads
[COLOR=White]Elendilmir[/COLOR] Arda Shrugged -[COLOR=White]Crickhollow[/COLOR] The Colonists[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR][SIZE=1]
I still have yet to recieve anything as well, and for the record do not think I will be. Have yet to hear of anyone actually recieving said incentives.
I think its awesome that the money went to charity and I didnt mind donating or helping out with ideas. But, there are people who donated based on the incentives and to see nothing in return must sting them a lot.
Maybe one day I will get the illusive e-mail but I am not holding my breath.
Pretty much agreed with you and the other posters. I understand the delays, but how many months has it been now? and without even a post on the thread?
I love donating to charity, and I'm happy that my money went to a good cause. But when donation funds are tight I have to be careful to where they go. Sadly, things like this will make me more hesitant to give in the future. Not because I give to get the incentives, but because when they are offered and then seemingly not awarded it's a breach of trust.
Of course actually seeing a post from someone who received any of the incentives, or an actual update on what's happening with them, would go a long ways, but I'm not expecting even that anymore.![]()
Firefoot: Elendale (hunter) Galorlas (champ) Grimlaff (warden) Corny (warg)
Yep, good cause, but I expect people to keep their word when they promise something. I'm more disappointed in the lack of transparency than anything else. Once people started complaining, it was 'oh, it will be given out this week.' Then when people complained that it wasn't given out again, it was 'oh, it will be given out next week.' Rinse, repeat, and here we still are. Not holding my breath to see anything.
I am sitting here thinking things in regards to this event that I dont like to think. This whole event has been handled very poorly. Given Sapience no longer responds to this thread speaks volumes to me. Any communication he now gives which is rare is in the off topic forum. Why must this be handled there??? I am sure allot more people visit this forum then the off topic. I'm just having a time believing out of all the people who posted on here that they donated have received nothing but ones who dont post on here have. Just something fishy about all of this. I hate to say this but from the way things have been handled with this event, it looks to me that this was just some way of getting more people to donate money & that is really tacky. This does not look good for Sapience's reputation.
Unfortunately thats true. I mist have seen 3 or 4 twitter post that said some codes went out the rest will go on day x. Day x has come and passed and nothing. It leaves a sour taste in everyones mouth.
But as i said earlier, I know in my heart I DID THE RIGHT THING, and the ball was dropped on the other end.
Just an FYI, the codes are real. I got mine a couple weeks back (forgot to post about it at the time). Unfortunately there is not much you can do except for waiting for Sapience to get around to sending the rest of them out. I'm sure he's been busy recently with PAX East coming up and such.
Has anyone else gotten theirs yet?
Players Council 2013
Glad you got your codes, now to hear from the other 699 people who were allegedly sent emails ages ago.
In my eyes the whole community rallying round to donate via "Team Turbine" was tremendous, people from all over the globe donating as one for a very worthy cause. As has been said many a time, one of the best MMO communities in the gaming industry.
My own opinion is that this community has been let down by Sapience, he offered people incentives and then failed to deliver as promised. The communication from "Team Turbine" stopped, the last communication being a twitter post via a personal account. Has Turbine backed away from this event ?
I am disappointed it has come to this, I have absolutely no trust in Sapience or the company he represents. I am sure his ego got a big boost from this event thanks only to the people who so readily donated.
So Sapience, go back to the hospital and find a kid who plays Lotro and give him any codes or whatever that were destined for me, I have no need for them.
It's been so long now and some people have forgotten what the goals were. As a courtesy reminder, this is what they were.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::
LOTRO Group Goals
$1,250 - Every donor receives the LOTRO forum title "Hero".
$1,500 - Every donor receives a unique IN GAME TITLE 'The Sociable'
$2,000 - Film a community update wearing a dwarf beard.
$2,500 - Film a community update wearing one of those and convince a dev to do so, too!
$3,000- I'll convince horse Dev to reveal themselves in a community update.
$4,000- 5 individual donors chosen at random. Each get 1500 Turbine Poitns.
$4,500- Increase to 10 total of winners, 1500 points each.
$5,000- Reaver Challenge! Roll up a new reaver on Brandywine and live stream the result.
$5,250 I'll tweet a pic of Hannah Foell and myself in the beards we'll be wearing.
$5,500 - Increase 1500 point code winners to 20.
$6,000 - Shed some light on what the Horseshoe does.
$6,500 - 7 donors at random receive Riders of Rohan Soundtrack on CD.
$7,500 - Perlino Steed codes for all donors! (Travel mount, code is account wide)
$8,000 - 2 RoR legedary keys if we hit this goal by 5PM Eastern on Oct 12. Winners drawn IMMEDIATELY.
$8,250 - X2! Hit this by 5PM Eastern on Oct 12 and it's 4 RoR codes!
$8,500 - Visting New England or a resident? 1 donor at random and a guest - lunch on me at Legal Seafood Harborside. (lunch only - no travel)
$10,000 - Wear Legolas Costume during community update video.
$10,500 - Cremello Steed (Travel Mount) for all donors
$11,000 - 3 Riders of Rohan Tee Shirts. Random, all donors.
$11,500 - In Game Title "The Wise" to all donors of $1 or more.
$12,000 - 1 LOTRO LIFETIME ACCOUNT. Random (Min. $5 donation)
$15,000 - Shave my beard for the Legolas Video.
$15,750 - Video of shaving.
$16,000 - ?
$16,850 - =Team Turbine @ $30K
17,500 - Original beard goal
______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ __
Grats! Did you get your in game titles, both horses, T-Shirt(s) and by chance win the CD's, Turbine Points or the Lifetime Account?
I too am patiently waiting.
To anyone that has already received your codes and such, can you post a picture of the Rohan tee shirt(s)? I'd love to see that!
Last edited by Gamehenge; Mar 15 2013 at 07:37 AM. Reason: spelling
Im glad someone has recieved something. But as another poster said how about the other 699 people who donated.
Oh well, it still was a good thing to do and will continue to donate to ExtraLife every year for this cause as I hope you all will. please do not look at this debacle and blame Extra Life, they will still need our help.
As of today, EVERYONE should have gotten an email.
Victorie in Account Support helped me avoid a mental breakdown and took all of the remaining emails and blasted them out for me today in one incredibly massive blast.
PLEASE do not respond to those emails. Instead if you have questions either drop me a note via the email address in the email (it's in the body and it's a gmail account I set up specifically for this) or drop me a note on twitter. You can find me there at
Again, my apologizes for the eipc time it took to get this out and thanks for your patience.
Now.. about Extra life 2013.....![]()
Thank you Sapience and Victorie who helped you - I just received my email with the codes.
And yes I'm aware I still owe you guys the Legolas video. Now that we have a green screen, I'll make sure to be some place... appropriate.
Also, while I'm thinking about it. Lunch at PAX Prime is still up in the air as the person who won it said they couldn't make it. I'll grab another name and send that email out tonight.
Last edited by Sapience; Mar 15 2013 at 03:54 PM.
Thank you - I received mine as well![]()
Retired. My LOTRO projects will no longer be maintained.
Thanks for the update. Just got my email.
Gladden: Dimendis (130 hunter) is my main but I also multibox a lot (6 minstrels @ 124, 6 wardens @ 122, 6 hunters @ 121, 6 Loremasters @ 107, 6 RKs @103)
There should be a lot of you today. Instead of the manual dribs and drabs I was able to do in groups of ~50, Victorie sent out literally several hundred at once.
Apprently the Carmello steed code tells you you got a cloak when you enter it, but you get the steed when you log in . Just a heads up.
Last edited by Sapience; Mar 15 2013 at 03:59 PM.
For those wondering - to use the codes you need to go to log into your account then add each code individually (just like you would add an expansion).
Gladden: Dimendis (130 hunter) is my main but I also multibox a lot (6 minstrels @ 124, 6 wardens @ 122, 6 hunters @ 121, 6 Loremasters @ 107, 6 RKs @103)
Thanks Sapience,
I got the e-mail. Looking forward to what you and the rest of Team Turbine will be cooking up for Extra Life 2013. That announcement was the best part of that e-mail.![]()
Gladden: Dimendis (130 hunter) is my main but I also multibox a lot (6 minstrels @ 124, 6 wardens @ 122, 6 hunters @ 121, 6 Loremasters @ 107, 6 RKs @103)