Originally Posted by
I - During the 10s window of HiPS/Disappear,you should not be able to track the burg/warg
II - During the 10s window of HiPS/Disappear, you should not be able to detect or target the burg/warg
That would be a nice fix

Originally Posted by
Are you flexible on these numbers?
And going more to the core of the issue; HOW good of an escape skill do you want HIPS to be? The pet bug is annoying, and should go away ASAP. Tracking is a more delicate issue. Tracking the way you describe it (with 10 seconds of TRACKING immunity) would turn this into a 100% escape opportunity, when coupled with the ability to clear debuffs and most DoTs on use.
However, removing the ability to clear effects on use (replacing that old set bonus so that the gear can't be kept for a hot-swap set, or simply disabling armor hot-swapping), I'm much more comfortable with a 10 second tracking immunity, as there is a much higher chance that stealth will be broken.
The pre audacity set with bonus HIPS clears negative effects is no longer available, although there are probably quite a few burgs who have it hoarded. I personally wouldn't be against the breaking of that particular set bonus, as I don't have it. I am sure there are others who would disagree thou.
Without that set HIPS has about a 5% escape opportunity currently in my opinion, assuming one doesn't bleed out, or explode before it goes off. Even less against an active spider pet.
A never surrender style heal that Skadoink suggested or a Massive ICMR boost attached to HIPS would allow for more offensive use of HIPS. Similar to weaver burrow full heal.
Something along the lines of:
HIPS provides a 10000 morale ICMR boost for 60 seconds. 150 morale a second, with a qualifier of expiring 10 seconds after HIPS 10s duration ends and combat drops, for a maximum of a 20s heal(3k heal) if no longer in combat and lasting the entire minute if combat state remains. That is not dissimilar from stopping and eating some food and would allow for a much more aggressive use of HIPS, and give a nice survivability boost for Burgs to continue fighting.
ON a trait and a scaling % instead of a solid number. So it doesn't break HIPS in pve and scales properly for future content.