I'm very excited to see what happens with the player council now turbine and player and players will see eye to eye
I'm very excited to see what happens with the player council now turbine and player and players will see eye to eye
In response to a Twitter post of mine to Sapience and @lotro, asking if there were a way for applicants to receive some sort of confirmation that our applications at least GOT there, Sapience replied:
"With over 700 applications, unfortunately no."
So while it may not be 'thousands', there are certainly quite a few people hoping to join the ranks.
Posts a Lot
Hey Guys
Article Link: http://www.lotro.com/en/game/article...player-council
I'd like to say I'm rather happy Turbine has decided to do this. I, however, do think some things are a bit, well, strange... Let me explain to you what those things are and WHY I believe they should be given more thought, or certain changes.
The overall idea though, Good idea guys!
Question, if Sapience (or whoever would be so kind to answer). When you say "LOTRO Team", actual developers included? Or representatives? Game Masters?
I get why it looks like a good idea, but here's why I don't think this is: Turbine needs to be pouring their money into the actual materials. Use a webcam system. It's as close as you can get WHILE saving money. I don't see a reason to spend extra money. Especially when you say "The LOTRO Player Council will consist of not less than 30 and not more than 50 players at any point during the term." Holy cow... Maybe a little too big? Especially if you're paying travel fees.Participate in a face to face meeting with the LOTRO Team and Turbine staff if asked. Location to be decided by Turbine. (Travel expenses to be provided by Turbine.)
If they're still able to play LOTRO, I don't see why. Unless of course considering the above quote.Applicants may be from any geographic region officially supported by The Lord of the Rings Online.
Let's say something happens to the player. Illness/Death. Is there some kind of replacement part that allows someone to join in for the part of the year to replace the person?Council members serve for the stated calendar year. The 2013 Player Council will serve for all of 2013, etc.
Rather than just making them sign something saying they can't release certain information?Members of the press or those acting in a journalistic/editorial capacity are not eligible to participate on the council.
All in all, this sounds interesting.
Best of luck finding your council members![]()
assumeing you got in. when you logged into the real game, people would recognise, people would ask questions, to an extent of harrasment. while I can understand this is a great boost to the collective community haveing a kind of GM in game to help generally. will there be any option system to make themselves known?
for example;
will the council members have special names in game? (eg. +bubushum or -bubushum)
will council members be aloud to have secret accounts?
will council members be called out with there real name (giveing them option to show themselves) or given in-game/forum names?
I understand the point of the council is to also be a part of the community in game helping and getting information for LOTRO, and personally I wouldn't mind. but I don't think you pointed out well enough how this can effect gameplay, forum attitude to said member and how this game could potentially become work to some people. if there not already doing some of the mentioned points.
I see how this is all part of the job, but I hope you have in place a final application series where you do contact said potential member to discuss downsides and possible scenarios so they do get the chance to say "sorry this is too much" before you end up getting members half way into there term quitting game/council
Last edited by bohbashum; Mar 26 2013 at 11:32 AM. Reason: clarifacation
Level 140: Burg, Captain, Guard, Brawler, Hunter, Lore-Master, Minstrel, Champ, Warden, Rune-Keeper, Beorning
The LOTRO Team is comprised of many, many departments. Developers, eCommerce, Community, QA, CS, Web, Art, etc.
You may want to re-read the information. The only possible travel expenses would be for the small council, which will be 5-7 players.I get why it looks like a good idea, but here's why I don't think this is: Turbine needs to be pouring their money into the actual materials. Use a webcam system. It's as close as you can get WHILE saving money. I don't see a reason to spend extra money. Especially when you say "The LOTRO Player Council will consist of not less than 30 and not more than 50 players at any point during the term." Holy cow... Maybe a little too big? Especially if you're paying travel fees.
The following is not directed at the OP, but please let's not try to read too much into things or try to guess at what's being or not being done or what a passage or phrase in the announcement may or may not mean. The best rule of thumb is if you didn't read it in the announcement or hear it from myself or the Community Team, then it's probably not accurate. Regardless of the source.
What do you obtain by being apart of the council for a year? I mean this program sounds great. I'll most likely apply for it next year but for now I'm very interested in what you get for working on this?
Just the loss of your time. Throw in a dash of frustration.
Sorry for being cynical, but players have been asking Turbine for certain things for years. Some examples: more group content/longer raids, for them to fix the lag/performance issues, an account-wide XP off option, etc. Why will Turbine not just keep doing what they are doing? Do they really not understand now what players want?
I can see the council helping in some small ways - to make some small positive changes. But ultimately, if Turbine decides to invest minimally on the game (and just keep making money in the store with a buggy minimal product) why would a council change anything? Clearly staff time, talent and money is being put into Turbine's other games, and it shows. Look at the delays in the instance release, and how small and not innovative they were when they came out. We can't even play one of the instances. Player experience in Lotro is clearly not a priority to Turbine management - they are not willing to have enough staff or invest enough in the game. The player council will not change this.
The only thing that will improve LOTRO is if management decides to invest enough to make better content and do enough testing/bug fixing before it is released.
Last edited by Cindir; Mar 26 2013 at 12:35 PM.
I'd guess the rewards shouldn't be much of the reason for joining, never the less:
Be guaranteed access to all Beta tests during their term.
Be provided with a Turbine Point stipend on a quarterly basis.
Be provided a private discussion area for interacting with the LOTRO Team.
I love lotro and enjoy the community aspects of this game. Id love to be involved in some way.
LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at rangerswest.guildlaunch.com.
As I stated in another post, I believe the player council will be functionally cosmetic, regardless of the resources they say they may put into implementing it. I don't for one moment believe that they will listen to anything anyone says unless what they have to say is in alignment with whatever it is they intend to do anyway. It's kind of like going into a team meeting with an agenda where you're the ultimate decision maker. You listen to everyone just so you can say you listened to them. You stay very polite, smile a lot, watch the clock, and end up doing what you knew you were going to do before the meeting was even scheduled.
Even if I'm wrong, the whole thing is meaningless, to me anyway. It's my perspective that Turbine has corrupted this game to the core and that there is nothing they will do to make it even remotely like the game I used to love. I'm not blind to the fact that Turbine essentially ridicules and marginalizes players that share my sentiment; do you think they'd actually listen to someone who shares my sentiments on their council? I don't...they will be carefully screened out and that's why I think the whole thing is a sham.
It's my opinion that the council will only serve to feed the collective egos of those who are driving the game in the direction it is already going. Those who voice opinions that don't align with that direction will be politely nodded to and smiled at, and then dismissed from further thought...(if you think like us, we'll love ya!) I have serious doubts they will listen to any honest criticism.
Before all the bashers unleash on me, please understand that I am not criticizing you for liking the game as it is. Simply put, I don't, you do, you obviously win. I know I'm free to leave the game at any time, and I have for the most part already. I do however, wish those who love the game for everything it is, and the impending debacle that it has yet to become, all the best with this council. (Although I honestly wouldn't trust the drivers of the bus to protect your best interests). Seriously, I hope it works for you guys so that you can avoid what it is players like myself (and my wife who I met in LOTRO) have had to stomach over the last couple of years -seeing something fun and worthwhile rot away right in front of you.
And no, I'm not quitting - so you can't have my stuff...
So does anyone know when they will actually pick the council
LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at rangerswest.guildlaunch.com.
To all those who don't believe in this idea: Change does not come from not believing in it.
Thank you, I couldn't have said it better myself. This is why I'm still active in the game after all these years (working on the forums too). If you want developers of this magnitude to listen more to the players, this is probably one of the great ways to do it. Kudos Turbine, and good luck to everyone that's applying. Looking forward to hear from both Turbine and the council.
See you in Middle-earth!
It's a nice gesture by Turbine but the evidence that this will be something that actually influences the game is pretty weak. Other MMO's have had this type of thing before and the actual impact members of *insert council name here* for their respective games has always been very minimal at best and let's be honest, Turbine isn't the most transparent and communicative company to stroll down the MMO sidewalk though this is a legit opportunity to at least alter those faults, or the perception of them.
It'll be interesting to see where they go with this and at the very least it's nice to have an outside voice there even if it does end up being mostly for show, but ultimately Turbine has to respond to the investors pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into the company first and the community representatives second.
Sapience, I've seen this question asked two times, but no answer yet:
How much time should people expect to spend on this?
I'm probably not the only one who's holding off on applying until I know whether it's realistic for me to spend that amount of time...
It's not going to be a full time job.
I think if you can dedicate a couple of hours a month or maybe a little more, you're probably going to be just fine. We appreciate that you're volunteering, this isn't a paid position, and we're asking you to spend your limited free time to participate.
If there is a point where we know we'll be asking you to spend a significant block of time (more than say 90 minutes) in a shot, we'll make sure we give you plenty of advance warning.
I'd rather expect the "alter the faults" than the "alter the perception". The latter would show very soon and it then would quite quickly turn into a PR stunt-desaster. No-one would be *that* stupid methinks.
And that's even more a reason why I don't believe in the PR-stunt conspiracy theories. The same money would be spent much more effectively in plain, simple ads.
Might be that Turbine staff take the say-nothing rule more seriously than others. But not saying something does not mean that they don't have ears. Just give a little trust and let yourself be surprised. But I see that I may have an advantage over you: I already asked for a change and it happened. I was not alone with that of course so the weight of my voice was small. Still it happened also for me.
Last edited by Glenwin; Mar 26 2013 at 07:30 PM.
So randomn possibly rather technical question but since this would be contractual program for which Turbine Points will be granted will US based participants receive a 1099 form for earnings at the end of the year?![]()
"We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result... we cannot defend freedom abroad by deserting it at home. " - E R Murrow
Unless an independent contractor is provided a stipend worth more than $600 in a calendar year, the employer need not report it with a 1099-MISC form. I highly doubt council members will receive that many Turbine Points. Whether or not you choose to assign it some cash value and report it as income is entirely up to you.
Since I doubt there will be any actual employment contract involved, you should probably treat it as a gift in consideration of your volunteering.