Rather last minute as well, I don't keep up with the forums enough to be on time for such things but you can count me in with a possible +1 for friday!
Rather last minute as well, I don't keep up with the forums enough to be on time for such things but you can count me in with a possible +1 for friday!
Ok Guys i went through and double checked what I had with what Mr. Sapience had and now have the final list of those definite for coming tomorrow at 8
Remember, they dont take reservations so we are just descending on them but I will be calling about 90 minutes prior for them to set up tables ect.
here is the list, if you arent on it, ill check this a few more times and can edit the list
Cant wait to see everyone tomorrow
• Elflord410 2XL + XL (2)
• Elfmusic - 2XL (1)
• Ernuvorn - XL (2) (2)
• Grimsin'sRiders 1M +1XL (2)
• Hobbit1968 - M (1)
• Illepokok 2XL (2) (2)
• JakeDrake - XL (1)
Kickman77 - 2XL + XL (2)
• LittleCub 1M 1L (2)
• Marleecee - 2XL (1)
• rabidjawa - M (1)
• radioweb - 2XL (1)
• Sezneg - XL (1)
• Sapience (1)
• Tazzmission - 2XL (1)
• Tyene - L (1)
• Vamiaka - ?? (1)
• XanthorSR 1 Xl + 1 2XL (2)
• Amthridir (2)
• Bilrandir (2)
• Haku2424 (2)
Remember the location
Jacksonville Fl
I live in Auburndale, FL. It's right between Tampa and Orlando. Really enjoyed the get together the other night.
I am so sad that I missed this, even if I'm closer to West Palm Beach than anywhere else. I'd have made the drive for something like this!
"I can understand your anger at me, but what could you possibly have against the horse I rode in on?"
» LANDROVAL: Birle, Pompilidara, Cyntafiel (Away Shall Fade) «» ARKENSTONE: Aarawynn, Sabelle, Fylgja (Legacy of Narsilion) «...and many others!
Originally from South Florida, but live in Gainesville now. I play on Landroval.
Haha! I constantly get the "Gator Chomp" from strangers, because I wear my UM gear almost daily. I don't mind, really. UF is *all* there is around here. If I were a native, I'd grasp onto the only thing to do also. *zing!*
If I can survive the Tebow Years in GNV, I can survive almost anything!
Plus we have more National Championships, so being able to smack-down any would-be trash talkers with the only numbers that matter puts a smile on my face (and leaves a bitter taste in their mouths).
All in good fun. No denying the state of Florida has some beast Football talent!
Tampa here can't believe I missed the meet, maybe next one ! Is what I get for taking a break.
Landroval Yewlin level 140 hunter (7/11/2022), Gwenyan 115, Yewdalin 103. And Many Others
Thoughts of Blessings for Each of You. Ask God to help you.
Signup Date 3/31/2009
ex SW floridian. (Desoto county, don't google it plz)
Fam in sarasota and orlando.
[highlight][color=black][size=2][B](•_•) Out numbered? Out gunned?
( •_•)>⌐■-■
(⌐■_■) Challenge Accepted[/B][/size][/color][/highlight]
Yes I will be looking into doing another Meet and greet some time in the fall. Ill start a thread in a month or 2 to get the ball rolling. Lets show Turbine what Central Florida fans are made of, and maybe we can have them start coming down for Megacon and Supercon.
Palmetto FL here! If you don't know where its at... its south of Tampa, north of Bradenton !
Landroval Yewlin level 140 hunter (7/11/2022), Gwenyan 115, Yewdalin 103. And Many Others
Thoughts of Blessings for Each of You. Ask God to help you.
Signup Date 3/31/2009
NW FL - Panhandle checking in. - play on Silverlode.
Fort Lauderdale here. (Thought I had posted here before, but don't see it listed on my account/post history...)
Fort Lauderdale, S. FL here too! Good to see we have some on Middle Earth; I wish I had been following the forums, I would have shown for the one in Central Fl. Anyone know how to do a "next line" command? When I hit enter here, the sentence still stays in the same paragraph. If anyone wants to get a meetup together in South or Central Fl, count me in!
Pherenn, Phermin, Pherkeeper, Phertain, Pherhuntress, Pherhunter, Pherburg, and too many others to track. Lotro Featured Player 2011; Beta Player, Former member: Player Council; Lover of all things Lotro; If I can help you...ask.
Sadly due to some illnesses I had to postpone a Central Florida meetup, but shortly after the Christmas New Year Holiday i will look into planning another one. Who knows.. Maybe a Wild Sapience will appear again
I'm in palmetto and work near rayjay in Tampa