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Thread: WB Killed pvp

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    WB Killed pvp

    Ok Dev's just take a look at all the posts here, you can see 90% are complaints about how &&&& the content is and the lack of development and balance, as a business model you aren't for filling this market but failing to provide a game that is playable and enjoyable to this community. If i found out my developers were in charge of this mess they would be sacked and replaced by hamsters, take some time out from you swanky life and look into what these monkeys are doing to the game, cross servers every1 is saying the same and more ppl are leaving. THAT MEANS LESS MONEY FROM UR SHOP!!! <----

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    +rep...I have to say I agree for the most part. It has turned into a cash-cow more or less. Not that I begrudge them a profit, but since RoI its gotten out of hand and borders on greed...I thought my ViP status was important to them...I think I've been misled. My fault of course!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    The only seemingly new issues in the ettenmoors are even ones that have existed for years without rebuttal.

    Not sure what this new epidemic everyone seems to be implying is all about.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Heh, look what I've started . All my post was about was how 6 years of lotro and how lackadaisical Turbine has been in regards to lotro pvp, such as the examples I provided in the post. Indeed tho man, preach! This game's pvp has become progressively worse, and this is prolly the worst it's ever been. I dont play anymore though, so no skin off my back haha, I simply just refuse to play it till and if get they their act together. The cruel irony is WB was supposed to save lotro... no wonder they dont have a TV station anymore, that shoulda been a sign .

    Here's my thoughts on the matter though:

    I think Turbine is trying to appeal to the newer demographic crop of players, those being easymoding, non challenge wanting, zerglings. They prob honestly don't care if older ppl leave due to them having sucked up all the money they could from us until, like many vets are now, tired of the same song and dance that they've given us. Instead, they are content with those newer people that are naive and don't know any better that stay and feed their corrupt engine of business, even after all the atrocities they've commited. Problem is, the newer people don't know what good pvp was since they weren't here for the glory days that were far and few, like SoA, and also haven't had to deal with the same map for 6 years as well, AFTER BEING PROMISED ONE 2 YEARS AGO, just an example heh . It's the principle of the matter, breaking a promise to your customers that trust you and give you money epitomizes their caring: none. I know it won't cure pvp, but it's a nice start, least provide some new scenery and new memories, battles, etc.

    Turbine: Powered by Our Fans... HA! Our money is powering them anyway, you don't even give any power to your fans when it comes to pvp implementation it's a shame.

    Just my 2 cents tho.
    Last edited by MedullaAbShlonggata; Apr 17 2013 at 01:54 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Implying that they have a poor business model will like most things EM related will fall on deaf ears i'm afraid.
    There business model looks sound from where i'm sitting.
    Apart from when creep skills (where there was an initial quite large use of the store) most of money generated from EM will be from "pay to win" consumables.
    In my experience it is freep that mostly use these consumables and on top of that all the other LI stuff that can be purchased, deed accelerators etc etc.
    So, until freeps move beyond the "how great it is to pwn everything in 5 secs flat" (and realize that creeps are leaving and may never come back this time) and start complaining, nothing will change. Freeps get listened to and creeps don't for the reasons I state above.

    Come on freeps, realize now before it's to late.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    i tell my opinion too.and sorry about my bad english.i start lotro too before 6 years.17/4/2007.the game was 100% pay and play with game cards/paypall etc...

    after the unfair thousents ban on europe region from europe lotro support codemasters,the game lost many reputation,and lost many funs.
    because they got bans for expoids in mirkwood.why they dont make bans then at the moria too,who play everything there with expoids for about months?
    codemasters ban lifetime accounts,who ppl play 220 euro at past.
    of course 90% of them they stop lotro,and the rest 10% start again after f2p like me personaly.

    now after f2p and after that 2 years,tell me why a ppl 85 lvl can be use vip at this game?
    he unlock everything or he take the expanions of course.but after?to play only 1 map on ettenmoors?
    and why someone pay for moors,if can play with creep side free?
    this means the game fail every day.
    if the most ppl here go to the servers forum ,on the monster play,he/she read only qq post,or post with unfair things.

    and i make my question m8s.how was lotro at the peiod 2007-2009?
    i answer with my opinion.it was the best game ever.everything was balance,very hard gameplay.i dont forgot helegrod raids 24 man on 50 lvl or the epic fights with rogi on rift.
    now?where is all that?what we have?a game who wveryone can do everything solo.

    dont know about you,i continue to play that game ,because i have my company,of course i dont play vip anymore for 1 map,but if the developers want to do something good about the game,lets start and find aways to do asap.
    Krom of Eldar. Kromiel Rank 14 Captain.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Sigh. I think that some issues might be very difficult to do much about. perhaps we need surveillance cameras at various points in the ettens or GM patrols 24/7.

    But from what i hear the players themselves know which ones are clubbing and which ones are spying, reporting back on what is said and done on the opposing side. Exploits and all, if some choose to level up that way it is they who are in fact loosing out. So they level up quicker to what end? they have missed out so much on all that the game has to offer. They will not have learned their skills from experience in the same way as those who play properly.

    I can see that this might be attractive to those who only want to be allowed to boast about their renown or infamy or level. yet to all of you who do know who these players like are their achievements must mean nothing. You know how they got so far and perhaps the best thing you can do is to just refuse to recognize them. The attention they crave can be denied them by all but the ones who don't know how they got to where they are.

    I wonder if the best action would be to just refuse to group with these people, or to take them into tribes/kins and let them see just how much recognition they deserve for not playing the game as it was intended. Or even to report them to their kin leaders in case the kinships value and respect the Ettens pvp.

    Or perhaps i am totally wrong. I dont have a lot of experience in the ettens myself but i have friends who do and i went there last night to endure a mind numbing waiting game of playing something like tig between freep/creep; very few points earned just a kind of running out and hitting and then running back. Surely this is not how the game is meant to be played.

    I know it has caused a lot of frustration for those who love pvp and who are just fed up with not being able to play the way it was intended to be played.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I remember the Gen kids screaming from the top of the Weathertop that the merger would provide more capital for Turbine and as such, we would have a better game, more content, better servers, more investment into side-games of LoTRO.

    And look where we are...

    Not to mention, Turbine's lay-offs, decreased rep as a gaming company, etc.
    Brittain. Fidel. KimJongIl.

  9. #9
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Creating a thread with multiple violations of the community guidelines is not a very good way to get your point across. Closed.



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