Keep on rocking and rolling them babe! They all secretly love it
Keep on rocking and rolling them babe! They all secretly love it
Félicitations frère! WOMBO COMBO!!!@! Enjoy rank 13!
I was suspicious of his 30k plus gains till I grouped with him the day he made 41k recently.
Grats tho, keep it goin
Grats n00b
P.S Toq king of paint!
Ukitake! Off peak!
ahahah that pic that lue made is Epic
R.I.P Esfiel(Rank13) (Promotion Rank 7) BA(rank8) Spider(rank8) Coq(rank9)
Congrats Esfiel! If you did as many burpees as you do ECs you would be a beast, indeed.
Volodic- Rank 14 Minstrel- The first and the last Warlord of Nimrodel
Volobash- Rank 11 Blackarrow- Arkenstone, Nikitah's Bane
Volosavenger- Rank 9 Stalker- Landroval, The white warg
R.I.P Esfiel(Rank13) (Promotion Rank 7) BA(rank8) Spider(rank8) Coq(rank9)
Grats man i still feel bad helping u get it on a certain defiler lol, freep leaderboards are def starting to look shmexier just need a purple cappy on there See ya out there! Keep it up!
Sicoreth -r12 cappy Scarbarothe suicidal r8 ba
The Fallen/Bad Kids
Gratz Noob, Je de kuie dasse!
[IMG][/IMG] ~~~ ©_© ~~~ [IMG][/IMG]
Gratz Esfiel !!!!! You Rock !!!
R.I.P Esfiel(Rank13) (Promotion Rank 7) BA(rank8) Spider(rank8) Coq(rank9)