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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Delving Of Fror Bosses

    After playing on Elendilmir and Nimrodel, i've noticed a few big differences in the ettenmoors. On elendilmir, almost 100% of the time, all 3 delving buffs are on Creepside or freepside. On Nimrodel, they are VERY, VERY rarely on. They make a big difference, and are not that difficult to do after you wipe the other side.
    Rottenroot - I forget which OP is closest, agro the boss, run back, pull a few of the small adds, kill, then run in, or if you have enough, just zerg it, MAKE SURE NOT TO GET KNOCKED OFF. Easy fight. free 30% renown/infamy & comms
    Drake - Aradors End outpost ( near poor Isen ) - Enter through there, really close. kill all worms, wait for it to spawn. shouldn't take too long. just interupt or run through when does inductions, and dps. stay away from eggs. free 30% renwon/infamy and comms.
    Gaergoth - Go to the fire in the middle of the DoF, dps boss down to 1.1m - i think its about 75%, not sure. while dpsign it down, have a WL, Warden, or Cappy Kite the ufrons around and let them explode. after the fumeroles spawn, kill the fumeroles. will have a few ufrons, have same person who ktied earlier kite again. kill boss. free +40% renown/infamy and commendations.

    All of these bosses, you get for 6 hours. if you're fighting a lot, that adds up. QUICKLY. it is not that difficult to do, if you have a large group, and A. Just wiped the other group. or B. Just got wiped.
    Note: Tags do not matter, whoever gets the KB gets the buff for 6 hours.
    Im not exactly sure the respawn timers, but Rottenroot is an hour.
    Gaergoth was 4 manned by creepside on E, 1 healer, who was also tanking it. its not that difficult, just takes a little time to reap the rewards later. its worth it.
    Bottom line. Get groups to do teh bosses more often, its also a lot of fun fights fighting for the bosses, and when you win its a lot more worthwhile than some stupid keep.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Don't you know this is Nimrodel?

    We like our fights small and our pvp gains even smaller.

    Derrr I mean

    Delving PvE losers can only PvE ha hah ha.


    Why dont you go waste someone else's time with this worthless PvE that clearly has no real advantage for either side to obtain.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Despite what you might think, we do actually know what the Delving buffs are, and how to get them.

    When my tribe was more active (this would be before U10 most recently) we would generally go for the buffs. But might not have if it had been strictly up to me.

    If I want to PvE, I don't go to the moors.

    There is also the problem of the other side logging when one side has 210% bonus (or whatever the max is). Maybe it's the wrong way of thinking about it, but some people would rather log than give away huge renown or infamy bonuses. And yes yes.... one option would be to take them back yourself...etc...etc. But there's no getting around the fact that it's also an option to Run Erebor T2, or watch a hockey game on tv.
    Parahelion - Burg, Krustii - Champ, Shurmann-Cappy, Tommac-Min, Lazarrus-LM, Thromdir-Hnt, Theodolan-Grd, Kozzmeaux - Bear - Dancing in the Dark kinship.
    Wrecks - Warg - The Black Blade

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Hm. I do agree, it is PvP. But, PvP is pretty fun in the delving. If people are continually flipping the delving bosses, there will be more fights there, for example, the outposts.
    Even though it is pvp, there can be good fights there. And, if you win, theres a reward.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Smalls0317 View Post
    If people are continually flipping the delving bosses
    Quote Originally Posted by Smalls0317 View Post
    All of these bosses, you get for 6 hours.
    Pretty much what wrecks says.. Most of us complain about there already being too much pve in a pvp zone, so promoting more pve won't end well

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I see the buffs out there pretty often actually. I know Volo always goes down there and kills them when he is out.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    You do know you can actually PvP in the Delving, seriously, you can, I've seen it once or twice!!!
    [center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Gladgilrian View Post
    You do know you can actually PvP in the Delving, seriously, you can, I've seen it once or twice!!!
    ./shiver I thought it was all a myth they used to tell us at night

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    I do them because it doesn't take long to do them. The buffs benefit me and the population of the side I choose. I think it's a win-win.
    Volodic- Rank 14 Minstrel- The first and the last Warlord of Nimrodel
    Volobash- Rank 11 Blackarrow- Arkenstone, Nikitah's Bane
    Volosavenger- Rank 9 Stalker- Landroval, The white warg

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    the problem i see on nimrodel is that many people just want to get infamy/renown even if they kill the pvp taking all buffs or keeps , there are only a few creeps/freeps that could lead a group to take the delv buffs but as Wrecks said , if i see freepside with 200% renown buff and i have 0% , i won't feed them :3 .

    About elendilmir , yes you can see the buffs every day on one side , but , creeps/freeps aren't takin all the map and all the buffs , since u10 we have the outnumbered buff every night and with 3:1 , we still have 100% or 70% buff , they are not like on nimrodel where freeps/creeps will take every single op/keep to have a beautiful GV/grams camp , that's boring

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Irenmund View Post
    When my tribe was more active (this would be before U10 most recently) we would generally go for the buffs. But might not have if it had been strictly up to me.
    Hey just curious as to where your tribe all ran off too? I see very very few active members since U10 launch. Too bad they all up and vanished when we could actually use you guys raided up. With SS transferred and BB leaving with U10 its a definite punch in this servers normally creep dominated red map. Did the bulk go to GW2 or something with spidey ? haha
    Last edited by johnnyskywalker; Apr 28 2013 at 03:52 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    I dunno about these things, but you can hit me up if you guys wanna start a group into the delving, i have next to no experience in there except for that time Uruking told me to stop AoEing as a baby BA
    Mirkwoodian - Savior of the Ettenmoors

    Squishy sacrificial tank 2012ish

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by johnnyskywalker View Post
    Hey just curious as to where your tribe all ran off too? I see very very few active members since U10 launch.
    Oh I don't know for sure, and I'm probably the worst person to ask. My own interest in the little side-game over the years has been highly variable. I have to be one of the slowest ranking warg/BA/hunter/burg on the server.

    But It's a combination of playing other games like Rise of Flight or doing other things. Whether that's school, employment, family, unemployment, Chuch and/or Doomsday Cult, plans for Global Domination, criminal court proceedings, or whatever, actual reasons likely vary from player to player.

    But whatever the reason, at least in my opinion (shared by others) U10 will be remembered as one of the low points in the game for playing a creep. If someone asks me to join an Erebor T2 or watch the hockey game, my enthusiasm and willingness to do so will be different if it's good fighting or being farmed by a ranged/tactical freep zerg-ball at Grams.
    Last edited by Irenmund; Apr 28 2013 at 05:28 PM.
    Parahelion - Burg, Krustii - Champ, Shurmann-Cappy, Tommac-Min, Lazarrus-LM, Thromdir-Hnt, Theodolan-Grd, Kozzmeaux - Bear - Dancing in the Dark kinship.
    Wrecks - Warg - The Black Blade

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by johnnyskywalker View Post
    Hey just curious as to where your tribe all ran off too? I see very very few active members since U10 launch. Too bad they all up and vanished when we could actually use you guys raided up. With SS transferred and BB leaving with U10 its a definite punch in this servers normally creep dominated red map. Did the bulk go to GW2 or something with spidey ? haha
    You can't leave something you never returned to, it's not like we have had a huge presence in the game for at least 6 months. PvP blows chunks in LOTRO no matter which side is OP at the moment. News flash!!! We ain't coming back! I suggest you get impecable out and raid up and take up our slack World domination is taking up most of my time, btw.
    Last edited by Gladgilrian; Apr 30 2013 at 08:28 PM.
    [center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by johnnyskywalker View Post
    Hey just curious as to where your tribe all ran off too? I see very very few active members since U10 launch. Too bad they all up and vanished when we could actually use you guys raided up.

    A lot of us have been playing other games Rise of Flight, COH2 Beta, Arma 3 Alpha and some other stuff we all have the game installed I cant speak for anyone but myself just not happy with WB and what they have done to the game..
    Rustynailz The Black Blade

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    After I heard about another level cap increase I lost even more interest. My Hunter and Champ are 85 now and I look at the grind involved in gearing them out, and I don't really see a point in playing. Not to mention my Creeps who don't even have capped audacity at this moment. Yea!! level 95!!! Are we WoW yet?

    Still enjoying GW2 PvP, playing Neverwinter open beta, and hoping I get into TESO beta.

    Prediction: Helm's Deep will be underwhelming at best, lol.
    [center][color=red]Now roaming the earth searching for a fun, interesting game.......again.[/color][/center]


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gladgilrian View Post
    After I heard about another level cap increase I lost even more interest. My Hunter and Champ are 85 now and I look at the grind involved in gearing them out, and I don't really see a point in playing. Not to mention my Creeps who don't even have capped audacity at this moment. Yea!! level 95!!! Are we WoW yet?

    Still enjoying GW2 PvP, playing Neverwinter open beta, and hoping I get into TESO beta.

    Prediction: Helm's Deep will be underwhelming at best, lol.
    I wonder if they will hand us First Ages this time around...they got close enough with this expansion...

    <<<<<Self-Made Signature>>>>>
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  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    A fraid caught me and I played dead :P I think I like E, they treat their greenies well and ive been caught and left more than that xD

    Although TBH i saw a hunter camo nearby and the fraid left, so i logged for a few min
    Last edited by myforumacc2; May 10 2013 at 11:32 AM.
    Mirkwoodian - Savior of the Ettenmoors

    Squishy sacrificial tank 2012ish



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