Originally Posted by
I don't even know what the current exploit is, have to say. But be aware that some exploiters REALLY are ignorant. My first runs of GS some years back I just went along with whatever people did and had absolutely no clue what was or wasn't kosher(this was my first MMO, and first time running grouped content). Truly. I was pretty naive. So initial warnings are probably the right thing...
I agree... you are in a group with people, and there is always a guy with streetsmarts that knows a trick, and before you know it people comply because they don't know, and they get a whopping amount of seals. Is it really fair to those who run with an exploiter, but don't really know it is an exploit to get banned after they run it 3 or 4 times and then slowly start to figure out that there is something fishy about it? It's probably best to warn first.
This all said, the patch notes didn't say anything about school being fixed. Does anyone know it is?
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
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