After playing on Elendilmir and Nimrodel, i've noticed a few big differences in the ettenmoors. On elendilmir, almost 100% of the time, all 3 delving buffs are on Creepside or freepside. On Nimrodel, they are VERY, VERY rarely on. They make a big difference, and are not that difficult to do after you wipe the other side.
Rottenroot - I forget which OP is closest, agro the boss, run back, pull a few of the small adds, kill, then run in, or if you have enough, just zerg it, MAKE SURE NOT TO GET KNOCKED OFF. Easy fight. free 30% renown/infamy & comms
Drake - Aradors End outpost ( near poor Isen ) - Enter through there, really close. kill all worms, wait for it to spawn. shouldn't take too long. just interupt or run through when does inductions, and dps. stay away from eggs. free 30% renwon/infamy and comms.
Gaergoth - Go to the fire in the middle of the DoF, dps boss down to 1.1m - i think its about 75%, not sure. while dpsign it down, have a WL, Warden, or Cappy Kite the ufrons around and let them explode. after the fumeroles spawn, kill the fumeroles. will have a few ufrons, have same person who ktied earlier kite again. kill boss. free +40% renown/infamy and commendations.
All of these bosses, you get for 6 hours. if you're fighting a lot, that adds up. QUICKLY. it is not that difficult to do, if you have a large group, and A. Just wiped the other group. or B. Just got wiped.
Note: Tags do not matter, whoever gets the KB gets the buff for 6 hours.
Im not exactly sure the respawn timers, but Rottenroot is an hour.
Gaergoth was 4 manned by creepside on E, 1 healer, who was also tanking it. its not that difficult, just takes a little time to reap the rewards later. its worth it.
Bottom line. Get groups to do teh bosses more often, its also a lot of fun fights fighting for the bosses, and when you win its a lot more worthwhile than some stupid keep.