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  1. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    I thought I'd drop in and mention that The Lonely Mountain Band has been nominated for a DragonSlayer Award for best gaming group/guild/clan. Given the past 5 years of organizing and supporting Weatherstock and making it the most talked about musical event in gaming (Even PC Gamer Magazine has covered it), it's a well deserved honor.


    Of course, as you are ALL nominated for Most Passionate Community (again) I'm sure you'll take that passion and apply it appropriately.

    Congratulations guys.

    Thank you very much, Sapience It is indeed quite an honor!

    I would like to emphasize that the whole Lotro Community was nominated, together with you, Sapience, and us.
    So, everyone, go and vote for yourselves, too! And while you are doing it please take a moment to vote for Sapience and if you think the LMB deserves it we would appreciate your vote for us too of course!
    Last edited by Glenwin; Jul 11 2013 at 08:00 PM.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Thanks for the lovely ad, Glenwin. LMB certainly has my vote! Thanks to Sapience and the whole Turbine community for your support of the music system. And Breakfast Club will be proudly representing Crickhollow tomorrow in Bree and on the 20th at Weatherstock!

  3. #28
    Thank you very much! Your concert was very nice and I liked how you set up just parts of the band to play a song while the other musicians left the stage. That felt very lifelike, just as in a real concert!

  4. #29
    Allright, time for the last two concerts!

    We will have The Songburrow Strollers playing tomorrow:

    And RKO will play on Wednesday:

    And with these performances the Concert Series will conclude and we are ready to start the big event on Saturday!

    Make sure you have enough food and drinks in reach of your computer on Saturday! It will be a looong event!

  5. #30
    Last edited by morrowbreeze; Jul 15 2013 at 12:30 PM.
    Landroval Server
    Officer of The Lonely Mountain Band
    Whilst cooking for Elevensies, Tinki floors 2 Orcs with her frying pan and fresh caught fish. The frying pan critted for 18 hp and the fish was extra tender afterwards.

  6. #31
    Bwahaha, Tinki!

    We are very happy to announce that we have two livestreams for the event:

  7. #32

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    I thought I'd drop in and mention that The Lonely Mountain Band has been nominated for a DragonSlayer Award for best gaming group/guild/clan. Given the past 5 years of organizing and supporting Weatherstock and making it the most talked about musical event in gaming (Even PC Gamer Magazine has covered it), it's a well deserved honor.


    Of course, as you are ALL nominated for Most Passionate Community (again) I'm sure you'll take that passion and apply it appropriately.

    Congratulations guys.
    Thats really well deserved!! I am from Laurelin myself, but through Weatherstock event I have got to know many wonderful people from all servers. Thanks to this guild. The latest week I have met so many enthustiatic/passionative/friendly people from Lonely Mountain band so you cannot help smile and enjoy lotro and music even more!

    Keep up the good work. And long live the Kin
    Achazia Songweaver
    Songwriter in The Shades. Listen to my music at Soundcloud and Radio Rivendell
    Contributor at Lotro Players
    The Shadows

  9. #34
    Here are our teams that bring you this year's Weatherstock:

    #1 Security Team

    #2 Vending Team:

    #3 Freak Out Zone Team:

    #4 Stage Team:

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

  11. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Amazing event today! Coordinators, stage team, bands, security, vendors, all did a great job today to create an awesome community event.

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Well done to the Lonely Mountain Band on yet another brilliantly run event. So much work goes into making this event work and everyone - both in view and behind the scenes - deserves a big thank you for making it all work. Ok, so there was a bit of a hitch on the Battle of the Bands - and I did feel for everyone that it didn't quite come off as intended - but it was really well done.

    Congratulations all round.

    Musician, Orator and Composer in The Shades

  13. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    A humbling experience being on Weathertop with all the great and crazy people from all those great and crazy bands.

    Thank you to all the great (and completely bonkers) people in LMB.

    I just wish all the bands had won.
    [LEFT][SIZE=1][color=#BFBFBF][I]Phede's mini minnie army: [/I][color=#FFFFFF]Phedelene[/color], [color=#FFFFFF]Netteellen[/color], [color=#FFFFFF]Ledepeter[/color][I] and [/I][color=#FFFFFF]Amorph[/color].
    [I]Proud member of [/I][url='http://s13.zetaboards.com/Andunie/'][color=#FFFFFF]Andúnië[/color][/url][I] and the [/I][color=#FFFFFF]Greenway Band[/color].
    [I]A small collection of Phedelene's original music (ABC's and MP3's) on [/I][url='http://sdrv.ms/ZMMwsA'][color=#FFFFFF]SkyDrive[/color][/url].[/color][/SIZE]


  14. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by dmoogie1 View Post
    Amazing event today! Coordinators, stage team, bands, security, vendors, all did a great job today to create an awesome community event.
    This. Just wanted to congratulate everyone involved in putting this effort together, the turnout was HUGE and the event was incredibly cool.

  15. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Andúnië would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to LMB and all the organizers of Weatherstock 5 as well as congratulations to all the bands and the winners. It was an honor to participate and to come away with an award. We all had a grand time, even if our European members were ready to fall out of their chairs by the end.

  16. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Sadly our 2 Hobbits only could stay 5 hours of the show and not fully towards the end, but it definately was an awesome first Weatherstock for us.

    Thanks to LMB, all the Bands and the other people at the show!

  17. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    thank you LMB

    Great thanks for this awesome Event LMB, that was stunning.
    A clear sign for me that 2nd Life things count a lot for many people.
    There were so many good bands. Many of them deserved a better result from the crowds *TOKEN* voting. Anyone participating has won in my eyes. Thumbs up.
    <<<Ferru, aka Mystifax (DMvB)

  18. #43
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thank you to the LMB and all their collaborators for putting up this fifth Weatherstock. I remember coming there for the first time two years ago, and felt honored when last year I could participate with Andúnië. How could have we missed it this year?

    To those who attended the pre-concert, a big thank you for sharing your time with us. I sincerely hope you enjoyed the music.

    And also thank you to all participating bands. I just went through the whole video feed from MMOReporter to savour again the whole festival, now without any stress, and enjoy some of the most brilliant moments that music has given to Lotro.
    Kalluin - Elf Guardian - Arandur of Vanimar (Laurelin/Landroval)
    Miste - Elf Minstrel - Lady of the Harp at Vanimar (Laurelin) and Andúnië (Laurelin/Landroval)
    Vestri - Dwarf Champion - Tyalie, the Spanish Tolkien Society's kinship (Laurelin)
    Tarquillan - Human Loremaster - Hispanea (Laurelin)

  19. #44
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Thumbs up

    Sadly, I had to leave long before the end of the concert, but what I was able to see was great. Thanks to LMB and all the bands and to the event staff, security, vendors, transportation (teleportation) etc. Bravo!
    "Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn." -C. S. Lewis-

  20. #45
    Weatherstock Wayfarer codes are about to go out. Check your Landroval mail beginning this weekend. It is going to take some time to mail out 700 codes with instructions so please be patient.
    Landroval Server
    Officer of The Lonely Mountain Band
    Whilst cooking for Elevensies, Tinki floors 2 Orcs with her frying pan and fresh caught fish. The frying pan critted for 18 hp and the fish was extra tender afterwards.

  21. #46
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    A nice Video from Weatherstock V - recorded by Ivrinuil/Westwind/Belegaer - enjoy it!


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