hmm, for anyone who might have been curious that actually pays attention to this thread lol.
me all dressed up:
the reason children run away crying and the occasional gas-station clerk calls the cops (PS, i LOVE this mask):
me and the crazy woman i got married to for some reason (though that didnt end too well lol...and i LOVE that hat):
let the trolling commence!
Counter of Stairs
Adorable, Skurvy. I love that hat!!
Also, a picture without Dia de los Muertos paint
oh, yea, if somebody was wondeeing
kinda like this pic xD phones ####
Mirkwoodian - Savior of the Ettenmoors
Squishy sacrificial tank 2012ish
Xalgar, Xalterra, Xaltemis, Xaldoh, Armoured, Oldhag
Crickhollow - Heroes of the Fallen
Also, my car build thread, in case there's any other Scooby people out there. Just getting started:
Xalgar, Xalterra, Xaltemis, Xaldoh, Armoured, Oldhag
Crickhollow - Heroes of the Fallen
Bump bump!
I wish Gothnon didn't have to ruin this thread with his intimidating abs.
Ahoy Scallywags!!!
Q. Have you heard the one about the pirate who walks into a bar ...
A. Yes.
As Cap'n Slappy says:
Thar be only three pirate jokes in the world. The biggest one is the one that ends with someone usin' "Arrr" in the punchline. Oh, sure, thar be plenty o' these, but they're all the same damn joke.
"What's the pirate movie rated? - Arrr!"
"What kind o' socks does a pirate wear? - Arrrrgyle!"
"What's the problem with the way a pirate speaks? - Arrrrticulation!"
...and so forth.
The second joke is the one wear the pirate walks into the bar with a ships wheel attached to the front o' his trousers. The bartender asks, "What the hell is that ships wheel for?" The pirate says, "I don't know, but it's drivin' me nuts!"
And finally. A little boy is trick or treatin' on Halloween by himself. He is dressed as a pirate. At one house, a friendly man asks him, "Where are your buccaneers?" The little boy responds, "On either side o' me 'buccan' head!"
And there ye have it. A symposium on pirate humor that'll last ye a lifetime - so long as life is violent and short.
And trust us, if you run into a fourth joke, we've heard that one, too. If ye think it's a real winner, then send it to PirateJokes.Com instead o' sendin' it to us.
Untitled by brenda chesley, on Flickr
Last edited by Breigh; May 25 2015 at 07:03 PM.
Breigh Stark
Lv 100 Captain
My old job working as a fluid-systems engineer for Halliburton.