I don't know about you, but I find 1v1s to be the most entertaining part of LotRO's PvP. That being said, could we get more 1v1 circles going. When they are in the beginning stages, could steamrollers please stay away.... it's quite frustrating trying to explain to people that it was not your intent to zerg them under pretense of a 1v1 invite.
As shown in my signature, I am Meshoot, if you would like to start a 1v1 circle, I would be glad to help. Grumpisaw is my freep envoy for 1v1s.
Meshoot, rank 10 Blackarrow; Hazghnaz, rank 7 Reaver; Blackdingus, r6 Defiler
Officer of Freepaphiles, Riddermark; Founder of DANCES WITH FREEPS, Gladden
Aka Grumpis the honorable Mustelidian Pew Pew of love and cheery brightness.
>:} Memento Mori {:<