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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Rank Farming Banned

    I've been at the mercy of men just following orders. Never again.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    sounds like a conspiracy theory. until it's proven that people are actually "rank farming", the consequences seem a bit excessive.
    [b]Thegoat, Wargstalk (Riddermark's favorite ganker) & Danceswithgoats[/b] - Riddermark
    [b]Brandywino[/b] - Brandywine[/center]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I appreciate they are finally making a stand on rank farming but I am curious to see how well this will be enforced.

    [color=red][b][i]Rank 11 Blackarrow <Intolerance>[/color][/b][/i]

  4. #4


    Bye bye herpnderp =D

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I've never set foot in the moors so this will be a newbie question...

    The way I read this is that the loser in a given fight will gain points for losing the fight?
    And the problem being addressed is to discourage those who will intentionally surrender (without a fight) in order to gain points?

    Is that correct?
    If so it is a surprise to me that there are points awarded for losing.
    [color=limegreen][b]Wulfgrim Ghastban, Hrothwine and Galdrefyst of Rohan - Peckish of the Shire -- Riddermark[/b][/color]
    “I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend” JRRT

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by FittyBolger View Post
    I've never set foot in the moors so this will be a newbie question...

    The way I read this is that the loser in a given fight will gain points for losing the fight?
    And the problem being addressed is to discourage those who will intentionally surrender (without a fight) in order to gain points?

    Is that correct?
    If so it is a surprise to me that there are points awarded for losing.
    No, you only get infamy/renown when someone else kills the person you lost to in the scenario you described.

    But the subject of this post, rank farming, is when one player has his freep repeatedly kill his or someone else's creep without any contest. By farming players can gain rank even if they are terribly players.

    Rank farming is annoying and something should be done, good to see somewhat of a stab at the farming epidemic. Being able to report farmers when they are caught is a good idea, now we will see if anything will ever come of it.
    Meshoot, rank 10 Blackarrow; Hazghnaz, rank 7 Reaver; Blackdingus, r6 Defiler
    Officer of Freepaphiles, Riddermark; Founder of DANCES WITH FREEPS, Gladden
    Aka Grumpis the honorable Mustelidian Pew Pew of love and cheery brightness.
    >:} Memento Mori {:<

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Grumpisaw View Post
    By farming players can gain rank even if they are terribly players.
    Most people in the moors are terrible players and they still gain ranks.

    I still find all the butthurt and rage about this type of farming hilarious, especially due to the above.

    Aside of finding it lame and not understanding how someone could do that for hours on end, I've never really cared about farmers since they don't really affect me, but in a way I'm kind of bummed it's being banned. I will miss Goat's Farmer's Almanac as well as trying to find and harass the farmers. It made for some good camaraderie between freeps & creeps when working together.Was a funny and welcomed change from the usual accepted form of farming that Turbine and players promote as PvP.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Thank you for the reply Grumpisaw.

    I hope you Freeps and Creeps and Turbine can get it sorted out in good fashion.
    [color=limegreen][b]Wulfgrim Ghastban, Hrothwine and Galdrefyst of Rohan - Peckish of the Shire -- Riddermark[/b][/color]
    “I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend” JRRT

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    I call BS

    Calithin on E was farming himself and he recorded it sent it to a ticket and the GM's responded we do not have enough information to ban this player for Rank Farming. Just a hype for you to think turbine is actually doing anything. Ha.
    The one and only High Towel Towlie... And...well...the one and only Spider Evilleg.



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