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  1. #201
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by rodarin View Post
    nice try.

    Look around these forums, complete ghost towns, go look at facebook or twitter or whatever other means of communication they use. No one really cares. Thats because...no one really cares. There arent enough people left to care. I was here in 2006, and have seen this game become what it has today. It isnt like this is a shock or anything but each new era brings a new disappointed segment of people who play this game.

    The problem is they, like nearly all other MMOs are resigned to placating those with diminished attention spans. They, demanding instant gratification, dictate where the development budget goes. The free-to-play concept has gotten them nowhere near the return on investment they had planned. There is no brand loyalty, only the 'hawtness' of the next game. If Turbine doesn't expect its player base to be brand-loyal, why should we expect them to be loyal in return? With so many new fiduciary responsibilities to WB now, they have to cut dev costs to the bare bone. They want a Cadillac of a game for their dev dollars but we discover they spend only a Pinto's worth on their hosting provider.

    The greater problem in general is that with so many other things to choose to play at this point, people choose to lower their expectations when they should instead be complaining. If we didn't complain, we'd find the next patch is written in two-bit color. How many times have you gone through a drive-thru and asked for your cheeseburger to be plain only to find it with pickles on it? Do they expect you to really waste the gas to drive all the way back and ask for your 0.99 burger to be replaced? Hardly. The volume business model builds in waste costs like those and your experience is simply factored in to be hardly statistically relevant. It's only when they complain that you start to see change. We have to represent something more than ad-hoc / anecdotal experiences.

  2. #202
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Considering we'll have roughly a year to play HD, two days is nothing. Here's hoping Wednesday's launch goes smoothly! Btw, sleep is an excellent substitute for coffee (from a mattress store ad).

    Quote Originally Posted by Glumposneak View Post
    ...due to a fire in a local distribution point (don't know what it's called)
    Substation? Yeah, the US power system is outdated, but replacing it with a new and "smarter" grid would cost hundreds of billions, so I wouldn't bet on it happening anytime soon. Burying power lines isn't cheap either. Where I live, weather and squirrels are probably the main causes of power outages.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyveil View Post
    Thank you. I hate Monday releases since I only get to game on the weekends! Now I can only hope for another delay and the actual release will be sometime Friday morning. That would work perfectly for me.
    Only if the launch itself goes perfectly smoothly... If there are any really major issues, Turbine will have a chance to fix them before the weekend (this thread is more in-depth).

    Quote Originally Posted by kidnova78 View Post
    Where would that be exactly? Most seem to believe the data center in somewhere near Boston as that's where Turbine's offices are located. If that's true then the weather timeline doesn't match up since the servers went down in the afternoon and the severe weather didn't hit that region until later in the evening. If they're located closer to the Midwest, well maybe the weather theory has some merit. IMO, if the weather were the cause I think Turbine would have come out and said it by now.
    The data center is apparently located in Atlanta, GA, going by Twitter posts. Don't quote me though.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jeb682 View Post
    I have only one comment. Several people have laughed/complained about Sapience "blaming" the players by saying that they had been wanting extra time for spending tokens, pre-ordering, etc. I read what he said and didn't take it that way. It seemed to me he was just saying that the extra time was a compensation for those who had wanted it, so they wouldn't feel so bad about the delay or wouldn't regret the loss of those last few hours of playtime Sunday night.
    I took it as we dealt with the problem, but HD will have to be delayed, BUT! here's the silver lining. There's always something good and something bad in every situation.

    Quote Originally Posted by KingJoe View Post
    You know, I might not be a big city lawyer, but it should be possible to have the twitter feed somewhere prominent on the site, or even in the launcher. That way you can make announcements via twitter AND have people who check the site have a chance to catch 'em too...
    That's a good idea, stick a Twitter feed on the forum home page.
    Laineth, Lassdhel, Rikkom, Rilem, & alts
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    It takes a tree decades to grow to maturity, minutes to cut it down.

  3. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Guys please, no name calling (in either direction!). People are upset, we understand that. There was an issue, we did everything we could to get all of our services restored. Not just LOTRO, but all of our services across all of our titles. Now that they're all up and available, we considered some of the things we heard frequently during the downtime.

    • You wanted more time to get in your last minute per-orders
    • You wanted more time to turn in your Bounder's Tokens.
    • You wanted more time to get your characters to 85 with the 100% XP boost.

    Now you have the opportunity to do all of that and you'll still get Helm's Deep this week.
    Thanks for the extra time. I'm sure plenty of customers appreciate it. I was nearly done with my Bounding yesterday when the servers dumped for over 12 hours, so I'm glad I had the opportunity this morning to finish up. It only took a few minutes once the servers were stable again.

    However, lest we're left with the impression that this decision was one-sided, based solely on customer requests...

    • I'm sure it also give Turbine an additional ~24 hours to monitor and evaluate the stability of their systems after an unplanned, and likely ungraceful shutdown, before releasing a major expansion. There could have been some data or equipment damage that doesn't show up until everything is under normal loading. This extra time appears to be not just nice, but necessary considering they're still bouncing servers as recently at 6pm this evening. Dwarrowdelf in particular seems to be having issues.
    • Turbine can re-evaluate (or is that re-re-re-evaluate?) their data center's contingency plans. (Hopefully they'll also start the process of re-evaluating their business relationship.)
    • It gives folks who did have to work all through Sunday night/Monday morning the time to recover and get ready, again, for release day.
    • I'm reasonably sure that giving customers additional opportunities to pay cash for a product (HD) at non-discounted prices will result in some amount of positive cash flow.

    There are likely even more benefits to Turbine from the delay, benefits that they feel outweigh the negative effect they'll likely receive from the delay. Given the importance of a stable platform as the expansion is released, I wouldn't be surprised if Turbine would've made the exact same decision even if not a single customer requested an extension.
    "I think we can all agree that more options for everyone is always a positive thing." --Sapience

  4. #204
    Widoch's Avatar
    Widoch is offline Hero Of the Small Folk 2013
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    Reading this thread, this is how I imagine most of the posters look.

    Yes, people. Turbine are sitting at their desks rubbing their hands with glee because there was a power outage and an equipment failure that screwed up their established business model schedule. They all went home the afternoon before thinking to themselves, "gosh, I hope something uncontrollable happens that can screw up all our servers and delay the release date!" They all came back in the following day leaping in the air doing chest bumps and high-fiving each other because it's exactly what they wanted.

    (Come on Sapience, we want to see the videos of you guys doing chest bumps, we all know it was happening)

    Now, they're sitting around eating Twinkies and bowls of cornflakes and Baileys in their shorts while the servers smoke and set on fire in the other room. They're doing nothing at all to fix it, are not making any effort to improve things, and instead have a new PS4 hooked up to the office projector having a Call of Duty tournament.

    Calm down, chill out, give them a chance to correct things and stop the childish ranting and raving. You're only embarrassing yourselves.

    @ Turbine

    Sorry to hear about the power outage. I've gone through similar things and know how much of a pain in the butt it can be. Thanks for the extension for the bounder's buff and double experience offer. I'll be all fired up to give HD a go later this week!

    The Order of The Silver Flame - A fun, mature, helpful and friendly kin. Come join us on Silverlode!

  5. #205
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Yes, we are aware that some people are still experiencing issues on the servers that underwent a restart this evening (Dwarrowdelf, Riddermark, Meneldor, and Nimrodel.) We are investigating.
    Thank you for acknowledging the issue. I hope it is resolved before Wednesday.

    Belnavar - Captain - 140 - Brandywine | Help sick kids. Support Extra Life 2022: https://www.extra-life.org/participant/belnavar [$1,094.53 raised of $1,000 goal]

  6. #206
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    At this time all servers are available. However, please be aware that Dwarrowdelf, Riddermark, Meneldor, and Nimrodel may experience continued performance issues tonight and overnight.

    We are looking into the cause of and resolution for these issues, including undertaking some lengthy diagnostic investigations. We will update folks in the morning (Eastern time), or sooner if there is a need for additional messaging. We appreciate your patience.
    Community Manager, Lord of the Rings Online
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    My PM inbox is broken. Click here to send me a private message.
    cool cool

  7. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keneras View Post
    The problem is they, like nearly all other MMOs are resigned to placating those with diminished attention spans. They, demanding instant gratification, dictate where the development budget goes. The free-to-play concept has gotten them nowhere near the return on investment they had planned. There is no brand loyalty, only the 'hawtness' of the next game. If Turbine doesn't expect its player base to be brand-loyal, why should we expect them to be loyal in return? With so many new fiduciary responsibilities to WB now, they have to cut dev costs to the bare bone. They want a Cadillac of a game for their dev dollars but we discover they spend only a Pinto's worth on their hosting provider.

    The greater problem in general is that with so many other things to choose to play at this point, people choose to lower their expectations when they should instead be complaining. If we didn't complain, we'd find the next patch is written in two-bit color. How many times have you gone through a drive-thru and asked for your cheeseburger to be plain only to find it with pickles on it? Do they expect you to really waste the gas to drive all the way back and ask for your 0.99 burger to be replaced? Hardly. The volume business model builds in waste costs like those and your experience is simply factored in to be hardly statistically relevant. It's only when they complain that you start to see change. We have to represent something more than ad-hoc / anecdotal experiences.
    That is THE problem. MMOs are basically dead anyway, but there are still a lot ofpeople that play them but there are so many that the populations are all spread out.

    But a Lotr or a Star Wars or [insert IP here] game that catered to everything that makes MMOs what they 'should' be and created a DESTINATION game. Not one you go to here and there or when you get bored of something else, but one you played and stayed in for an ongoing length of time. There hasnt been one of those made in forever.

    Those games require a lot, and a lot of it is player created in one form or another.

    But the main stays are... Game play that evolves and is DIFFICULT or at least challenging so that it requires stages to complete or advance. Also game play where the decisions you make in the game have repercussions. Not one where you can get max rep with someones enemy and then go ahead and get max rep with them.

    Crafting, which is varied and in depth with multiple specializations on different levels. Where those specializations are sometimes based on the rep alluded to previously. This would lead to an actual in game economy that cant be manipulated or broken by broken content that allows you to farm money faucets over and over.

    PvP, some sort of open world areas as well as instanced area. More than two factions also. Even if you only had two main 'sides' allegiances and reputations with specific NPC groups could at least open up optional fights. Not all orcs were on the same page even though they were supposedly all following the same eye. Just like all men werent good. With a COMPETENT developer that could have been a great aspect of Lord of the Rings online.

    Housing, the second most obvious RP content. If anyone has played other games they see how some people are obsessed with housing. From cookie cuter to actual building of your own creations. Open world building is the mecca but has yet to be mastered. First company to do it will have the market cornered. Also in a free to play game it is probably the second most obvious form of income from a store behind mount skins.

    Secondary crafting, RP crafting, fishing, farming (animals as well as plants) that arent instant but are actually time and season based. make the world a 'real' world. Would obviously have to pick a hemisphere to mimic, Northern would be the logical choice. But it is Autumn now in most places so being able to grow summer anything wouldnt be possible in the type of game I am describing. But you would plant crops and they would actually grow, and you could see the advance as time goes by. You know give something to do in the game that isnt really a 'grind' but a natural progression.

    Same as animals. They could be bred and cross bred (no need to show the particulars) but some sort of UI that allowed it. Then you would feed and grow those animals for whatever. Mount boosts to speed or stamina or agility. Special hides for special armors. Special ingrediants for special foods.

    Which brings up a maybe controversial point. Food, rest and sleep. Something that most MMOs dont have. But I think if you made a game where eating food was a requirement it would work. Also sleep. We have a double Exp bar, base it off that. If you log off for hours your rest bar fills up, as you play it goes down. This adds all sorts of aspects to the other parts of what I have suggested. But you are tied and you meet a fully rested person and they want to fight, what would happen in 'reality'. Obviously eating would help some but base it off some sort of decent numbers.

    These are just some of the obvious things, but if someone made a game with some reality to it, it wouldnt appeal to the general masses probably, but if it had enough hard core players who stayed it would eventually build up a population worthy of an EPIC status. If it ddnt then you continue to cater to the hardcore fans. But I suspect if you put in all the differing aspects people play MMOs for and made each and every one in depth enough you would keep all of them.

    The trick is to entice them to cross over. Have the crafters do some PvP or instances/dungeons by putting special recipes or ingredients in them. yeah I know thats an old concept, but it has been watered down a lot in every game that still does it.

    The final thing would also be to have generic stats, and allow people to place the points where ever they want to. I know a lot of games have done this, but too many have gotten away from it. There would still be levels but when you level you put the points where you want. Add that to skill trees (if the game had them) and it would really make a toon an individual creation.

    Obviously way off topic but it addressed the reasons why you said we dont care why should they? Well they want our money they should create a game worth paying for.

  8. #208
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by rodarin View Post
    That is THE problem. MMOs are basically dead anyway, but there are still a lot ofpeople that play them but there are so many that the populations are all spread out.

    But a Lotr or a Star Wars or [insert IP here] game that catered to everything that makes MMOs what they 'should' be and created a DESTINATION game. Not one you go to here and there or when you get bored of something else, but one you played and stayed in for an ongoing length of time. There hasnt been one of those made in forever.

    Those games require a lot, and a lot of it is player created in one form or another.

    But the main stays are... Game play that evolves and is DIFFICULT or at least challenging so that it requires stages to complete or advance. Also game play where the decisions you make in the game have repercussions. Not one where you can get max rep with someones enemy and then go ahead and get max rep with them.

    Crafting, which is varied and in depth with multiple specializations on different levels. Where those specializations are sometimes based on the rep alluded to previously. This would lead to an actual in game economy that cant be manipulated or broken by broken content that allows you to farm money faucets over and over.

    PvP, some sort of open world areas as well as instanced area. More than two factions also. Even if you only had two main 'sides' allegiances and reputations with specific NPC groups could at least open up optional fights. Not all orcs were on the same page even though they were supposedly all following the same eye. Just like all men werent good. With a COMPETENT developer that could have been a great aspect of Lord of the Rings online.

    Housing, the second most obvious RP content. If anyone has played other games they see how some people are obsessed with housing. From cookie cuter to actual building of your own creations. Open world building is the mecca but has yet to be mastered. First company to do it will have the market cornered. Also in a free to play game it is probably the second most obvious form of income from a store behind mount skins.

    Secondary crafting, RP crafting, fishing, farming (animals as well as plants) that arent instant but are actually time and season based. make the world a 'real' world. Would obviously have to pick a hemisphere to mimic, Northern would be the logical choice. But it is Autumn now in most places so being able to grow summer anything wouldnt be possible in the type of game I am describing. But you would plant crops and they would actually grow, and you could see the advance as time goes by. You know give something to do in the game that isnt really a 'grind' but a natural progression.

    Same as animals. They could be bred and cross bred (no need to show the particulars) but some sort of UI that allowed it. Then you would feed and grow those animals for whatever. Mount boosts to speed or stamina or agility. Special hides for special armors. Special ingrediants for special foods.

    Which brings up a maybe controversial point. Food, rest and sleep. Something that most MMOs dont have. But I think if you made a game where eating food was a requirement it would work. Also sleep. We have a double Exp bar, base it off that. If you log off for hours your rest bar fills up, as you play it goes down. This adds all sorts of aspects to the other parts of what I have suggested. But you are tied and you meet a fully rested person and they want to fight, what would happen in 'reality'. Obviously eating would help some but base it off some sort of decent numbers.

    These are just some of the obvious things, but if someone made a game with some reality to it, it wouldnt appeal to the general masses probably, but if it had enough hard core players who stayed it would eventually build up a population worthy of an EPIC status. If it ddnt then you continue to cater to the hardcore fans. But I suspect if you put in all the differing aspects people play MMOs for and made each and every one in depth enough you would keep all of them.

    The trick is to entice them to cross over. Have the crafters do some PvP or instances/dungeons by putting special recipes or ingredients in them. yeah I know thats an old concept, but it has been watered down a lot in every game that still does it.

    The final thing would also be to have generic stats, and allow people to place the points where ever they want to. I know a lot of games have done this, but too many have gotten away from it. There would still be levels but when you level you put the points where you want. Add that to skill trees (if the game had them) and it would really make a toon an individual creation.

    Obviously way off topic but it addressed the reasons why you said we dont care why should they? Well they want our money they should create a game worth paying for.
    Good post, but taking a debuff for not resting would make many play-all-day players VERY mad. Also, adding food means and other thing for players to grind (I already have enough to grind by doing crafting).

  9. #209
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    All LOTRO Game Worlds and Websites are now available. Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve issues that resulted from a power outage at our data center. In order to provide the best possible experience for players, we will be delaying the release of Helm’s Deep until Wednesday November 20th.

    As a result, we will be extending our Helm’s Deep pre-purchase offers as well as the 100% XP boost and Bounder’s Bounty events until the 20th as well.
    Thanks Sapience and the entire Turbine team.

  10. #210
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    • You wanted more time to get in your last minute per-orders
    • You wanted more time to turn in your Bounder's Tokens.
    Thanks for the extra time to turn in tokens! I traded in most of mine the day before, but I was still gathering tokens for some furniture and was almost done when the servers went down.

    And thank you for keeping the pre-order up too. Today was the day I got my money so I don't have to make due with the TP I was going to buy Helm's Deep with, and instead I was able to get the pre-order version. Yay, quest slots and Big Battles for me after all!
    ;) “There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn’t matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong.” ~ Hindu Proverb

  11. #211
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    Mar 2008

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Widoch View Post
    Reading this thread, this is how I imagine most of the posters look.

    Yes, people. Turbine are sitting at their desks rubbing their hands with glee because there was a power outage and an equipment failure that screwed up their established business model schedule. They all went home the afternoon before thinking to themselves, "gosh, I hope something uncontrollable happens that can screw up all our servers and delay the release date!" They all came back in the following day leaping in the air doing chest bumps and high-fiving each other because it's exactly what they wanted.

    (Come on Sapience, we want to see the videos of you guys doing chest bumps, we all know it was happening)

    Now, they're sitting around eating Twinkies and bowls of cornflakes and Baileys in their shorts while the servers smoke and set on fire in the other room. They're doing nothing at all to fix it, are not making any effort to improve things, and instead have a new PS4 hooked up to the office projector having a Call of Duty tournament.

    Calm down, chill out, give them a chance to correct things and stop the childish ranting and raving. You're only embarrassing yourselves.

    @ Turbine

    Sorry to hear about the power outage. I've gone through similar things and know how much of a pain in the butt it can be. Thanks for the extension for the bounder's buff and double experience offer. I'll be all fired up to give HD a go later this week!

    Widoch, I think I love you. This is perfect and I completely agree with your sentiment.

    Looking forward to Helm's Deep! Forth Eorlingas!

  12. #212
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    Apr 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Viniciusz View Post
    Really, Turbine?

    I really can't trust you guys. Don't strange if so many players stop playing. EVERY expansion you guys let something like that happen. I bought HD Premium Pack, pay my VIP every 3 months, but it's starting to get no sense. Can't play. HD delayed. 1 day without the whole game and now 3 characters bugged.

    Will be 1 day that you guys will provide the game without these interruptions? I love the game, I love your support. But it's time to reconsider somethings around.
    So many players here are such whiners, get a life. If your life revolves around a game you have some serious problems and it is not like Turbine took the game down on purpose. Grow Up!

  13. #213
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SearingBlade View Post
    Good post, but taking a debuff for not resting would make many play-all-day players VERY mad. Also, adding food means and other thing for players to grind (I already have enough to grind by doing crafting).
    yeah but come Sunday there wouldnt be any max level guys right after an expansion release.

    Irony (maybe) is that the delay of the release is actually longer than the content is worth in hours. I surely doubt there is 72 hours of unrepeatable content, and I am positive there would be guys right now flirting with level 95 had it been released this morning.

    Its all about balance. something no MMO has right now because they have all tried to cater to the World of Warcraft crowd too much.

  14. #214
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    Jul 2009
    I figured it out...It was Evil Monkey's Fault....!!!!!!

    "Never laugh at live Dragons...."

    ~Bilbo Baggins

  15. #215
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    OK, so life happens, we all understand that.

    A power outage is not something you plan, it happened and it threw a curve ball in to the equation.

    And to be honest my concern here is not the power/service outage.

    My concern here is that without that outage HD would now be live.

    But we still haven't seen 1) Patch Notes, 2) A confirmed download size, 3) Confirmation of new Minimum Specs.

    All three of these things must be finalised by now - because if Turbine were, even for a second, planning on pushing HD live without having those things finalised then they are far less competent that even the very worst whiner thinks they are.

    Now there may be reasonable arguments as to why 1) and 2) haven't been released so far this week - an extra two days could, at least theoretically, be used to further fine-tune HD and that would of course impact the Patch Notes and Download Size.

    But there is no excuse whatsoever for the New Minimum Specs not being published. In fact they should have been published the moment Turbine started accepting money for HD.

    I can only assume that they have not published them because they know they have taken money from people who will no longer be able to play.

    All The Best

  16. #216
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Just in case Turbine is looking for a new data center:
    Give data centers in europe a chance!
    That would have two benefits:
    - Finally european players would have a better ping (ok, american players would suffer, but fair is fair)
    plus: our power supply is way better than whatever you have in the US :-)

  17. #217
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    Sep 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Widoch View Post
    Now, they're sitting around eating Twinkies and bowls of cornflakes and Baileys in their shorts.... and instead have a new PS4 hooked up to the office projector having a Call of Duty tournament.
    ....A...Are you SPYING on me?!?!?!! *goes to get a blanket to cover himself*
    -[B]Fence Sitter of Eriador[/B]-
    "[I]All the things I really like to do are either immoral, illegal or fattening.[/I]" - Alexander Woollcott

  18. #218
    Thank you, everyone at Turbine, for all the updates these last days! And thanks for giving everyone the chance to finish everything we want before the HD release. Great work!
    Country: Netherlands, Current Server: Nimrodel. Future server: Landroval
    Sheherezi's an Eastemnet Cook & Farmer

  19. #219
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    thank you Sapience, just personally would have preferred another answer :P But good luck to all during these stressfull times, it can't be easy. All the best!

  20. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rapunzel666 View Post
    Just in case Turbine is looking for a new data center:
    Give data centers in europe a chance!
    That would have two benefits:
    - Finally european players would have a better ping (ok, american players would suffer, but fair is fair)
    plus: our power supply is way better than whatever you have in the US :-)
    1) My ping onto US servers is pretty good
    2) Not all European countries have the same stable power supply (just take Greece or parts of Italy) and some are actively trying to kill it (take Germany, they're digging themselves in with their insane "Energiewende")
    3) Power outages of such scales happen in Europe too. A few years ago my entire home town was blacked out and a few days ago an area in my country with a couple of thousand people lost all power because, guess what, the weather came with a lot and very wet snow. That can happen anywhere in the world.
    4) Suck it up, buttercup.
    “A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition”

  21. #221
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    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Egilric View Post
    But we still haven't seen 1) Patch Notes, 2) A confirmed download size, 3) Confirmation of new Minimum Specs.
    What would you do with any of this information?

    1) Patch notes are released on Patch Day. It's common practice.
    2) Worried about HDD space? Make a couple gigs of room.
    3) Did I miss a post indicating LOTRO was moving to Cryengine or Unreal? What makes you think you'll need new Hardware to play?

  22. #222
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gromit1710 View Post
    What would you do with any of this information?

    1) Patch notes are released on Patch Day. It's common practice.
    2) Worried about HDD space? Make a couple gigs of room.
    3) Did I miss a post indicating LOTRO was moving to Cryengine or Unreal? What makes you think you'll need new Hardware to play?
    As with all information I would learn and prepare where necessary - you might like to try it some time.

    1) As I acknowledged in my post.

    2) Why only a couple of gigs room? It could theoretically be as high as 16GB. If we had a download size (and it is stretching credulity to breaking point to think that Turbine don't know how big it is) I'd know exactly how much room I need to free up, if it were the case that HDD was my concern here.. It would be a bummer to get midway through the download and it fail because none of us have any idea how big the download it. However, HDD space wasn't my concern there - monthly download limits was the concern, many, many people are still constrained by such.

    3) You clearly missed the post where the DEVs said that Big Battles would require an increase in Minimum Specs - the new MS MUST be known by now, so there is no valid reason not to inform the player base. I know from experience of my Kin (mainly mature gamers where there are many other priorities for money for before PC upgrades) that there are a significant number of players out there whose systems are towards the bottom end of the current specs range. Which is, I suspect, why in my kin Pre-Orders are at the lowest level ever.

    Would you pre-order a car without knowing its engine size, seating capacity, and MPG? Of course you wouldn't. Its a simple principle - don't spend money until you understand the liabilities involved.

    All The Best

  23. #223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Egilric View Post
    Would you pre-order a car without knowing its engine size, seating capacity, and MPG? Of course you wouldn't. Its a simple principle - don't spend money until you understand the liabilities involved.
    Probably not, but it's a CHOICE to pre-order, if you're uncomfortable with the idea of taking the risks you perceive then you don't have to pre-order so you can play it once it's released.

    You comment about disk space needed is largely a strawman, since even those not paying for the update will get the vast majority of the content since they have access to the landscape, epic quests etc. as 'F2P' so everyone gets most of it; if not all, it may be the patch gives you everything, you just can't access some of it unless you buy it.

    I'm not seeing the problem here.

  24. #224
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    Sure is sad seeing the crying, whining and conspiracy theories that are being posted on here. The mmo community is going the way of society. This entitlement mentality is disgusting, this cry and whine if you don't get your way is pathetic and these conspiracy theories are a joke.

    A video game is delayed two days how in the world can this make people act like this? How is the world can people demand refunds, compensation or complain about anything when you have not been harmed or shouldn't have been if your a grown mature adult. Go outside rake leaves take a walk do something this is a video game.

    I'm sure those who feel they are entitled to be playing hd right now or else are the same ones in a week who will be on here telling us how horrible hd is. These players are destroying mmos they plague every game and I feel bad for the devs who at a point have to cater to these people.

    Hd will be here Wednesday if you don't like it do us all a favor and find a new game, thanks .

  25. #225
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Takekaze View Post
    1) My ping onto US servers is pretty good
    2) Not all European countries have the same stable power supply (just take Greece or parts of Italy) and some are actively trying to kill it (take Germany, they're digging themselves in with their insane "Energiewende")
    3) Power outages of such scales happen in Europe too. A few years ago my entire home town was blacked out and a few days ago an area in my country with a couple of thousand people lost all power because, guess what, the weather came with a lot and very wet snow. That can happen anywhere in the world.
    4) Suck it up, buttercup.
    Just for your information: Germany has backup powerplants, buffering the unstable supply of renewable energy. You can discuss the economic sense of the Energiewende, but don't think for a moment, that we woud endanger our industry with this. Even one second of poweroutage costs millions of Euros. I am not talking about serverfarms, but heavy industry. If there is a breakdown in a production plant it can take days to reset the machines, so don't worry about our energy supplies.
    lvl 85 lm (main), lvl 85 champ, lvl 85 rk, lvl 85 hunter, lvl 85 minni


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