I might be missing something but how do we use banners now as I cannot equip them any more??
I might be missing something but how do we use banners now as I cannot equip them any more??
You can still equip them, you just can't plant them. We're supposed to be using Heralds for the banner buffs now.
Cainwen Ciaphas, Captain of Crickhollow, HERO OF MIDDLE EARTH!!!
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My opinions are my own!
I noticed that when I equip my banner of War, I can only summon a normal archer, not my Oathbreaker.
In order to get the Oathbreaker, you have to equip Armaments of the Oathbound, then summon, then equip the standard.
But then the normal archer if you have to re-summon.
So far they do not seem different, other than appearance. I prefer my Oathbreaker
Knights Forgotten
We're looking at merging the functionality of Banners and Standards while still proving the ability to choose your Herald's appearance.
I used the banners as a beacon/marker to help people find their way.
I always felt the captain was designed to be a group-leader, in theory and in practice.
id like the ability to drop them, if for no reason than the spotlight.
"I am always serious; I am never serious." -Me
"I make the most outrageous and exaggerated statements of any man to ever live, has ever lived, or that will ever live." -Me
Steam: Sneakeh Snake[/CENTER]
Cainwen Ciaphas, Captain of Crickhollow, HERO OF MIDDLE EARTH!!!
I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered! My opinions are my own!
<< Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
Ceolford of Dale, Dorolin, Tordag, Garberend Bellheather, Colfinn Belegorn, Garmo Butterbuckles, Calensarn Nimlos, Langtiriel, Bergteir
The skills are halfway in the trait lines are better, all do aoe light damage on planting, 15% + all dmg, 15% healing in and out, can't remember the other one. Herald buffs are completely different now, possibly the better one is blue, which makes all skills cost 10% less.
The new banner skills have a 30s duration and 1min cd, so can be active 50% of the time in any given battle, add that to dps traited warcry, that's a big damage buff for a group.
Personally I'd still prefer an option to use a banner rather than have to use that godforsaken pet UI and be followed everywhere by an underdressed, underequipped, peasant.
The advantage of a new Standard skill is that it works for both fellowships in the raid (talking about a 12man group, believe it is the same for 24man in ettens or elsewhere). If you want to keep the new - much stronger! - buff from a planted standard for all the time in the raid, the two captains have to coordinate their effort and use it 30s after each other.
Ishtarien - Captain
Ishtara - Beorning | Ishtari - Rune Keeper | Ishtarel - Hunter
Lunasa - Minstrel | Cabernetta - Guardian | Ishtaridas - Lore Master | + many more
Eldar -> Evernight
As a heads-up, we'll be introducing new versions of the 'Armaments' which train players in how to summon a specific Herald appearance, like how Lore-master's Talismans currently function. You'll be able to exchange your existing Armament class items at Captain trainers for the new versions. This'll be coming in sometime after 12.1.
Belnavar - Captain - 140 - Brandywine | Help sick kids. Support Extra Life 2022: https://www.extra-life.org/participant/belnavar [$1,094.53 raised of $1,000 goal]
Please include Rohirric / Elf / Dunlending / Etc Appearances
In fact, if you are doing talisman type, please add captain appearances to factions throughout middle earth requiring rep to get (just like thorins rep one), it would be a wonderful way to help us customize our Captains. And yes, I've filed this under suggestions in the past: Here https://forums-old.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?p=6729400
LvL 100s: Beorning, Burglar, Captain, Champ, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-Master, Minstrel, Rune-Keeper
LvL 85: Warden, Minstrel
All my forum posts are my opinions and may not even be that. Also On Twitter: @leixicon
I want a hobbit as banner bearer.
Commander Liliam - the Warden
- Taravan, R12 Captain - Tirian, Tanking Guardian - Telperon, Completionist LM -
- Afranius, R9 WL - Tolobain, R7 Weaver - Vargan, R6 Stalker -
Ex-Leader of Lost Realm of Imladris - Evernight - Co-Founder of Beauty and the Beasts
LilyRose of Gladden, Mistress of the Rangers of the West Kinship. Come check out our kin at rangerswest.guildlaunch.com.
Es grüßt General HauptmannMilithion - Held der Ettenöden
Sippenleiter von MNdK
Technische Hilfe FAQ: http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?402521-Technische-Hilfe-FAQ
Ranadin, captain of Men, weary of his long travels was resting against his battle goat Clover, surveying the ruins of Evendim. The tattered cloth of his war standard was neatly tucked in his saddlebags, looking frayed yet still radiating a subtle power. Ranadin longed to plant his standard once again on the fields of war, but dutifully he realized those days were behind him. He was startled out of his daze, by the shouting of his herald, Pemberton of Crickhollow. “For the Shire!” The battle-hobbit shouted wielding his savory meat-pies. If Ranadin was startled from his thoughts, the boar, a victim of this hobbit’s pie assault was even more so. Stunned by an onslaught of sweetened fruits and golden crusts the creature struggled to remain upright. Pemberton, emboldened by the boar’s confusion and perhaps aroused by sweet smell of apple pies mixing with pumpkin, approached the beast in a frenzy. Ranadin leapt up to save the foolish herald and attempting to threaten the beast to redirect his ire, but found he had forgotten how. In that moment, the boar regained its senses and turned on the hobbit seemingly impervious to incoming volley of chocolate and meringue. The hobbit was trampled and his pies scattered by the fury of the boar’s rush. Distraught by the loss of his herald, Ranadin slew the great boar of Evendim and vowed to never again subject the gentle folk of the Shire to the dangers of the Wilds.
Ranadin + Happyfish = Ranafish