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Results 176 to 190 of 190
  1. #176
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Red face

    Long overdue update. Thank you all for your patience with posts and PMs regarding additions and corrections to the Directory.

    I hope you are all enjoying riding through East Rohan. Now if Turbine would release a Mac client I would be happy and in–game.

    If there are any new additions and/or corrections please do not hesitate to post here or send me a PM. Enjoy riding around.
    Hallatur [LM] | Galadtar [HNT] | Yaraval [RK] | Tarsilme [CPT] | Till [BRG]
    Proud Member of Aurora Australis of Elendilmir on Arkenstone
    ~Founder of Aphadrim uin Calad of Elendilmir on Arkenstone~ Established: February 2005~

  2. #177
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Kinship Name: Black Dog

    Website: http://blackdogkin.enjin.com/

  3. #178
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Tolkien for Medicinal Purposes

    Temp website:


    Please add us
    Nothing to see here...

  4. Feb 15 2013, 08:10 PM

  5. #179
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Please add the Elendilmir Freever Farmers!


  6. #180
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re:Elendimir:kinship Directory

    Please Add Arnorian Remnants

    Last edited by Naranthor; Aug 08 2013 at 07:46 AM.

  7. #181
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Nurtale Valinoreva

    Add Nurtale Valinoreva, our page needs an update but we are really active in the server, specially PVE, and some PVP


  8. #182
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Wink Elendilmir's Greatest Heroes

    Elendilmir's Greatest Heroes - http://elendilmirsgreatest.webs.com/
    Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing.

  9. #183
    Please add The Thelynath

  10. #184
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    The Númenórean Ranger's Association humbly requests official recognition. -founder of the NRA

  11. #185
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Please add 'Luso-Brasil' --> www.lusobrasil.com
    Thank you.
    No shadow can resist through light.
    No light can shine without doing shadows.


  12. #186
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    The Directory has been updated based on posts in the thread and private messages. Thank you for additional information as always.

    A lot of kinships have died out in recent months. Remains to be seen what the rest of the year will bring.

    If you have any additions, changes, or updates please feel free to post in the thread or to send me the information via private message.
    Hallatur [LM] | Galadtar [HNT] | Yaraval [RK] | Tarsilme [CPT] | Till [BRG]
    Proud Member of Aurora Australis of Elendilmir on Arkenstone
    ~Founder of Aphadrim uin Calad of Elendilmir on Arkenstone~ Established: February 2005~

  13. #187
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Any new kinships, or maybe some mergers have happened (which would be wonderful) to entice the Kinship Directory a bit before the new year?

    U15 will be coming soon, new class, new BB (though probably lacking the 6–man option and having only solo/duo option), new landmass in form of Central Gondor so hopefully we will see more people log–in and see a bit more activity on our lovely Elendilmir.
    Hallatur [LM] | Galadtar [HNT] | Yaraval [RK] | Tarsilme [CPT] | Till [BRG]
    Proud Member of Aurora Australis of Elendilmir on Arkenstone
    ~Founder of Aphadrim uin Calad of Elendilmir on Arkenstone~ Established: February 2005~

  14. #188
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    NRA is still around, but a lot of Kins seem to,have folded since the requirements changed. Not entirely sure how the future merger/ transfer will affect kinships either... Anyway...

  15. #189
    Join Date
    Jan 2007


    Sad day for Elendilmir and its community. So many amazing memories, to this day I remember all the testing Kinship organizing and picking what server to establish our kins once open Beta starts. The good ol days. Such a good mix of people, from 2006 till about 2009 or 2010 it was amazing, great community, amazing events, tons of grouping and social events. And than it all started going silent making this the saddest day when we face the fact that there will be no more Elendilmir. I guess no room for the kings crown in the new order of things.

    It was nice while it lasted, and who know maybe we will all find new beginnings on Gladden or Landroval.

    Hope to see some familiar faces in the new year.
    Hallatur [LM] | Galadtar [HNT] | Yaraval [RK] | Tarsilme [CPT] | Till [BRG]
    Proud Member of Aurora Australis of Elendilmir on Arkenstone
    ~Founder of Aphadrim uin Calad of Elendilmir on Arkenstone~ Established: February 2005~

  16. #190
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Celainedhil has moved to Landroval, and has a new website at http://www.celainedhil.enjin.com/home


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