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  1. #51
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by lunettad View Post
    Impressions after 12.1 release ? For me nothing seems to have improved much so far, first crash after 45 mins (total) of gameplay in Moria/Galtrev area with 2 different toons...graphic settings as suggested above..
    I've been busy updating material on lotro-wiki.com and just now finished patching.

    Assuming that there was not much changed between the end of the Beta and today, there is/was nothing exciting for the Mac Client.

    45 -60 minutes is what I have been seeing consistently since the middle of the HD beta. Things seem to be much more "stable" in West Rohan than in East Rohan.

    "Stable" refers to everything but the 45-60 minute situation. There is definitely a timer-runout triggering my crashes -- I see them in the dumps all the time. Even when I'm just sitting there reading/copying stuff.
    Bill Magill Mac Player Founder/Lifetimer
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  2. #52
    Join Date
    May 2007
    I don't do Epic Battles and rarely do instances. It doesn't matter what areas I'm in - new or old - I crash. Crashes can come as often as 10 minutes apart.

    What I've noticed - but haven't tested to confirm - is that it seems like my crashes are more frequent when there is a lot of chat activity. When I do solo skirmishes I can got for hours without incident. If my kinship is chatting about something or if I'm roleplaying and there are a lot of /say and /emotes being used, I crash far more often. Makes it real fun for some of our events when three of us are using Macs.

    I'll try some of the things that folks suggest here, but given the wide variety of "symptoms" we all seem to have, I'm not hopeful that I'll see improvement.

    *crosses fingers and dives into the fray once more*
    [CENTER]Jeridien - wandering elven lore mistress
    Skitterbits Tiffletoes - tween hobbitess

  3. #53
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    At the moment, i'm really satisfied with the client. I found the perfect settings for my iMac and can play for hours in any region without a crash. I have played for 29 hours (>90% Rohan) since christmas and had only one single crash, that one in hour 27. I think i can live with that.

    Settings are all high to ultra-high, with post-processing off and some shadow reduction. Drawing distances etc. are all maxed out. Game looks great and runs smooth and (almost) flawless.
    **Lifetime VIP Player** (since 2007)
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