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They appear to be making it up as they go along. there are only a few members on the players council, and for them to keep some of them on, goes completely against what they said last year.
It also means that, even if this isn't factually correct, it certainly gives the impression to most of us that they want to keep a few of the council members on as they are both very good friends, and they agree with what Turbine are doing (yes men/women) etc etc etc.
What does exceptionally helpful mean? Turbine introduce an idea that other council members say wont go down well, but these exceptional people grovel and say it's the best thing since sliced bread?
if certain members stand a chance to be permanently on the council if they suck up to Turbine, I think that is likely to affect what they say to Turbine about their decisions.
My views on the council have got me in trouble in the past, so I wont repeat them here, what I will say is that this decision makes a very bad thing a lot worse.
I found this interesting also, since it says here:
"How long will the council serve? Can you be on the council forever? Who has oversight of the council?
The council will serve for a period of one calendar year. No player may serve on two consecutive councils. Towards the end of each year the council will be responsible for making recommendations for a small council that will be responsible for suggesting changes and improvements to the council system. "
I'm not saying I have a problem with changing things up to make things work better. This player's council is a new thing and some changes to how it works can keep it working the way it is intended to work. I am glad to hear that some members have proven themselves exceptionally helpful.
However, I am also a fan of consistency and keeping to your word. They made this council 150% of the initial proposed size because it was incredibly difficult to choose so few from such a large pool of awesome applicants. I would think they would be excited to choose a whole new crew to maximize their exposure to the aforementioned awesome factor. I also think it builds integrity to say you're going to do something and then follow through with it. It builds trust. Keeping some members but not others also sends a message that you appreciated some members' contributions less than others', and that seems like a likely start to some hard feelings.
Since it remains mysterious what goes on in the secret council room, we can't really say what constitutes 'more' or 'less' helpful in terms of what they are doing, but I bet those members are more the sort to produce long write-ups and thorough analyses of proposed ideas, people who say 'yes' or 'no' followed by detailed explanations. At least, I hope that's what's going on.
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