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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    elkhunter checking in

    Hey Nimrods its Elkhunter
    hey guys just wanted to say hi to all my friends I logged in a few times and seen It was pretty dead
    40 peeps in glff ! couldn't find anyone in moors
    So I have been on another server for 8 months now and having a blast on landrovel
    it has a huge population of pvpers its not as big as Bandywine but holds its own really well most of the time
    2-craids and 2-freep raids fighting each other an tons of solo action and a very active 1v1 area
    Riddermark server is having same problem a lot of transferred to landrovel as well

    There is a few nimrods that came to landy that are there with me willynilly ,fancysauce ,Elenndis , Gilrock and few others
    I am in a very active/large PVP kin

    It was kind of sad not seeing anyone out there so I wanted to extend invite if you still like playing and want more action hit me up transfers take less then 5 min ! would love to see some blackbladers come

    otherwise hope all is well ....ELKHUNTER

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Hey Elk! I'm always sad when aggressive PvPers go. I hear you're still playing with no fear over on Landy... good to hear.
    I've considered transferring over, but I'm not crazy about raiding up (which seems to be the action of choice over there). I started a defiler on Landy for kicks though.

    We have (some) action over here in the evenings. 6-10 players or so per side that are actively involved at any given time. That's enough to have decent fights, but with so few numbers a couple healers can be overkill and really ruin the action in my opinion. The moors for me have always been about kills for me, not survival.
    Wetwillies for everyone!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Hey Elk, PM sent




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