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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Issues with Quieting Entwood Daily Quests

    Today I had no Quieting the forest quest from Quickbeam in the Entwood available today. I know you are supposed to get 1 quest a day but 0 were available for me today.

    I turned the quest in at 3:00 AM Eastern April 15th. I know this because the time had just hit so I missed being able to do a version of this quest yesterday since my questiong for the 14th didn't get turned in until server reset. So I came to Quickbeam today to do my Quieting quest and my Seed quest for the day but I see all 6 Quieting the forest quests listed as Pending Quests showing (retry) and no timer or ability to click on them.

    So what I expected was that from 3am April 15th until 2:59 April 16th I should have had no quest available but at 3am April 16th a quest should have been available to me. It is 10:30 PM April 16th and there is none available to me.

    I put in a ticket and was told by a GM that "This is WAI, nothing is broken. You may be able to find a quest with Hourn out as you traverse the area."

    But here is the issue the Huorn is not connected to the Quieting quest line. And you can actually lose the Huorn since it is tied to an entirely different quest.

    What is going on?

    One idea:
    What could be going on is that the RNG that selects which quest you get has an extra option in it. That is it has more numbers than there are quests. This could be because a quest was meant to exist but for some reason doesn't. So it would be possible to be assigned this 7th quest when only 6 exist and thus the other 6 are unavailble to be done thus making it so you have no quest for that day.

    Update 1:
    Day 2 and no quest available.

    Update 2:
    Day 3 and no quest available.

    Update 3:
    We know this won't be fixed till at least 13.1. This sadly means that we will miss out on 1 Fangorn Leaf and 300 Entwood Rep(600 with acceleration) per day.

    Update 4:
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Could you guys send me a PM with the name of the character, and the server you're on, where you're having this issue?
    Also be sure to submit a Bug Report.

    Update 5:
    Clearning up a misunderstanding MANY players and member of Turbine have. The Quieting quests are a 'true daily' quest. They reset at server reset 3am Eastern(at least on Landroval). They do not use the 18hr debuff that the Seed quests use.U

    Update 6:
    Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
    Thanks to everyone who sent me info. You can stop, now. We have enough to work with.Yes, any change to this situation will not happen until Update 13.1. That will give the team time to investigate and implement whatever fix is required.
    Last edited by PKCrichton; Apr 23 2014 at 04:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Obviously the GM thought you meant A Forest Without Frontiers, but as to what the situation is or how to fix it, I'm not sure what to say. I didn't do any dailies on Monday (too much work in RL). Yesterday and today I was able to do a Quieting quest with my questing buddy on our first set of toons, as well as just today with our second set of toons. As my buddy is going on holiday for Easter weekend, we won't continue our dailies until next Tuesday so I can't experiment further.

    All I can say is that, aside from A Natural Remedy and Twisted Branches (which both may or may not be available on a given time/day), and the fact that we were stuck without our huorn and no way to turn in A Forest Without Frontiers (our whistles were removed with the final quest and the hurons hadn't been summoned at the time; we had to get someone else and use their huorn) we've had no problems at all with our quests.

    A Natural Remedy (with slugs) and Twisted Branches (with trolls) seem to be WAI, annoying though it may be.

    The no-whistle-and-no-huorn is definitely a bug, but should be possible to avoid if you ensure your huorn is already summoned when you finish your last quest for A Forest Without Frontiers. You can keep track of this via the deed The Stewards of Fangorn.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I'm having similar issues with the quieting quests.. started a thread here https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...dingle-Dailies

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Update 2nd day and no Quieting quest available.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Ok what is going on? I went into my email and replied to the bug report I submitted last night to update it with the information that 2 days in a row this has happened and I got a reply that the issue is Closed!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Sam exact thing happened to me so I submitted a second report with a screen shot. I also telephoned customer support.. all of this in vain. I'm simply unable to play that part of the new content. I'm so frustrated!! I wish Turbine would care enough to respond.

  7. #7
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Could you guys send me a PM with the name of the character, and the server you're on, where you're having this issue?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thank you for caring Sapience!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I don't know whether this will help or not, but I was also unable to pick up a Quieting quest today, BUT, while I was out doing my seed quest I had some text pop up on-screen that said that leaf piles were hindering growth, I saw blinkie leaf-pile, clicked it and got the Quieting quest (North-East I believe it was).

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I tried roaming around hoping that a quest would show up too but no such luck and anyway, it's supposed to be picked up at Quickbeam. Well at least you got lucky.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by PKCrichton View Post
    So I came to Quickbeam today to do my Quieting quest and my Seed quest for the day but I see all 6 Quieting the forest quests listed as Pending Quests showing (retry) and no timer or ability to click on them.
    During U13 Beta on Bullroarer, this was a bug (and bugged).
    I haven't gotten around to trying these since the end of the beta, however, during all iterations of the beta my copied toon had this problem.
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  12. #12
    Join Date
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    I'm relieved to know that I'm not alone in this. It has been extremely frustrating. I felt like I was getting nowhere until Sapience posted a comment and now I see that other players are experiencing similar issues with this apparent bug. I'm currently working on these quests with anothner charactor and so far am not experiencing the same issue. I intentionally did things a bit different. This time I did not take all quests available at the same time. I completed and turned in the daily Quieting quest first before doing the Forest with no Frontiers quest. I'm not sure if that makes a difference or not but it is the only thing that I did different other than also not accepting a Seed quest until after I completed and turned in the Quieting of the West quest. If I remember correctly I accepted Quieting North-east of Wellinghall with my Minstrel and much later Quieting West of Derndingle popped up when I was out with the Huorn.. so that is another difference but for some reason it did not complete even though I completed the requirements. It's also not in my quest log of completed or non completed quests. Quieting North-east of Wellinghall is in my completed quest log. I'm wondering if it was bugged due to I had twisted branches at the same time.. just a thought. I guess there are several possibilities of which caused the bug and the only way to know for sure is to try and repeat it step by step.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks Sapience for looking into this.

    I have the same problem, I have filed a bug report and a ticket ingame. The GMs have logged this, but they can not help at the moment. I suppose that if enough people file a bug report and it gets high on the list of things to fix we might see it resolved soon.

    Anyway, I'm not interested in the gold recipes, so no big deal for me.
    Arequain Belechael, Legate of Celosien, Minas Brethil, Lebennin

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Update - Day 3 no Quieting quest available for my character.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Day 3 for my toon Penarr on Vilya and no Quieting quests

    See the title...a little frustrated.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    4 th day of no Quieting quests and I've also roamed all over the new area hoping to trigger something, anything but still nothing.

    PS Just grouped with someone hoping I might pick up one of the quests but that did not work either and he was also not able to share his Quieting quest with me. .. still pending (retry) with locked golden rings for all 6 Quieting quests.
    Last edited by Norwrei; Apr 19 2014 at 04:48 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by PKCrichton View Post
    Today I had no Quieting the forest quest from Quickbeam in the Entwood available today. I know you are supposed to get 1 quest a day but 0 were available for me today.

    I turned the quest in at 3:00 AM Eastern April 15th. I know this because the time had just hit so I missed being able to do a version of this quest yesterday since my questiong for the 14th didn't get turned in until server reset. So I came to Quickbeam today to do my Quieting quest and my Seed quest for the day but I see all 6 Quieting the forest quests listed as Pending Quests showing (retry) and no timer or ability to click on them.

    So what I expected was that from 3am April 15th until 2:59 April 16th I should have had no quest available but at 3am April 16th a quest should have been available to me. It is 10:30 PM April 16th and there is none available to me.

    I put in a ticket and was told by a GM that "This is WAI, nothing is broken. You may be able to find a quest with Hourn out as you traverse the area."

    But here is the issue the Huorn is not connected to the Quieting quest line. And you can actually lose the Huorn since it is tied to an entirely different quest.

    What is going on?

    One idea:
    What could be going on is that the RNG that selects which quest you get has an extra option in it. That is it has more numbers than there are quests. This could be because a quest was meant to exist but for some reason doesn't. So it would be possible to be assigned this 7th quest when only 6 exist and thus the other 6 are unavailble to be done thus making it so you have no quest for that day.

    Update 1:
    Day 2 and no quest available.

    Update 2
    Day 3 and no quest available.

    I have the same problem. I also happen to have 2 accounts so I'm able to say it is not me, in so much as both toons did the same thing the first day. Then the next day toon 2 could get one of the daily Quieting quests. While toon 1 could not. Like you, my toon 1 shows all the quieting quests as pending but without a time until retry displayed.

    On toon 2 before taking the daily Quieting quest he shows Zero quests pending. After taking it he then shows the same 6 pending as me, except they all have a 'retry' timer present. After completing it on toon 2 and turning it in he again shows 6 quieting quests pending but again, all six show a retry timer.

    This is what toon 2 - the one that has been getting the quests each day see's.

    This is what toon one see's.

    Note at the bottem is a repeatable craft quest I did and it displays properly with the time till Retry timer.

    I too put in a ticket. It was closed without comment. Not even the email saying it was a known issue or an issue they could not help with.

    I also am having trouble with the 'A forest without frontiers' quest. Both accounts have the same problem. I've been all over and completed 20 separate quests with the Huorn - but it wont complete. I do have an area of the forest that looks like I should have a quest in it. Both accounts have the same area showing. But I don't receive a quest no matter how much running around in the area I do. I remember the first day several times I got the msg that the Huorn seemed to want to talk to me but I'd stop and try and nothing. I no longer even get this. Below is a shot of the map.

    edit - and like the other poster, this is day three with the same problem.
    Last edited by Gandie2; Apr 19 2014 at 02:22 PM.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    I am experiencing the same issues. My quieting quests say I have completed them today, where today = every day, but I have only done them once. Plus I cannot get the Twisted Branches quest to trigger at all, so I have nothing but the crafting instances to do in the whole new area.
    Townsperson says, "I'm having an adventure. I've paddled all the way from Frogmorton!"

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Also having this problem. Raised a ticket in-game and was asked to submit a bug report so I guess we'll have to wait for it to be fixed sadly.

    On the subject on Twisted Branches and Natural Remedy quests as part of A Forest without Frontiers, apparently this is working as intended, you just have to wait until the relevant mobs turn up. I couldn't do either of these for several days until today when both quests were available - #### design IMO but that's how it's meant to work.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    For those asking about Twisted Branches and A Natural Remedy please see this thread over in the Bullroarer Forum it shows where all the quests are located and has information of what is present for you to know you will get the quest.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    To the dev team:

    Quote Originally Posted by PKCrichton View Post

    Update 3:
    We know this won't be fixed till at least 13.1. This sadly means that we will miss out on 1 Fangorn Leaf and 300 Entwood Rep(600 with acceleration) per day.
    For me personally it's not even about the reputation points anymore because I'm not in a hurry actually. It's just missing out on that part of the new content and actually I can still enjoy it on an alt but it's just a lot more fun on my main haha. It would have been fun. That's ok. I was initially upset a bit but I'm over it now. It's just a game. It will eventually get fixed and it will still be fun then too. I'm still very pleased with the game, the new content, story line and all of the creative and technical work that was put into it (other than being WAY too squishy now). Thanks to the dev team for that and also thanks for putting up with our whining sometimes (myself included.. sorry for that)! Try to not take any of it to heart.

    PS Not sure if this makes a difference or not but the only Quieting quest it shows that I completed is "Quieting North-east of Wellinghall" but I dinstinctly recall another one popping up even while I still had that one... If that was the case, maybe two running at the same time could have caused it to bug.. don't know, just troubleshooting here. If that did happen, then obviously these Quieting quests should not be bestowed remotely like the others.. well anyway, I'm not an expert lol. That was when I was roaming about with the Huorn.
    Last edited by Norwrei; Apr 20 2014 at 05:00 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Having the same problem. Submitted a ticket.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Phoenix159 View Post
    Having the same problem. Submitted a ticket.
    Tickets won't help. You need to Bug it and PM Sapience with your Server and Character Name.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Same issue, /bugged and PM to Sapience. Tried a ticket, closed without comment. Tried another ticket, chatted with the GM for a bit but they didn't seem to understand the issue, just kept replying that it's WAI and you need to wait until the next day. 4 days with no quest, also listing them as Pending but with no cooldown timer. I also didn't complete/turn in the quest until a day or so after picking it up--if this seems to be the cause, then definitely should be added to Known Issues if not already. Finishing one of the Seed quests did nothing, and while my Guardian got the leaf-pile quest today, I wasn't able to head that way with my LM having the issue and do anything.

  25. #25
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    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ObGynKenobi View Post
    Same issue, /bugged and PM to Sapience. Tried a ticket, closed without comment. Tried another ticket, chatted with the GM for a bit but they didn't seem to understand the issue, just kept replying that it's WAI and you need to wait until the next day. 4 days with no quest, also listing them as Pending but with no cooldown timer. I also didn't complete/turn in the quest until a day or so after picking it up--if this seems to be the cause, then definitely should be added to Known Issues if not already. Finishing one of the Seed quests did nothing, and while my Guardian got the leaf-pile quest today, I wasn't able to head that way with my LM having the issue and do anything.
    Yes, this is my current concern, that Turbine doesn't seem to understand exactly what the problem is that certain players are having in the Entwood. There are three intertwined issues:

    1) The "Seed" quests have a hard-delay of 18 hours before they can be advanced. This seems to be working fine, if slooooowly.

    2) Two of the "Huorn-bestowed" quests (involving the slugs and trolls) appear to available only intermittently (I've seen no clear indication of what the timer is) and so some people have been able to get those quests from the Huorn and complete the deed (I have), while others haven't. The problem here is that since this is a Huorn-bestowed quest that involves being at the right spot at the right time, there is no obvious indicator when/how it is functioning. However, I am willing to believe at this point that it is WAI (even if not very well-explained)

    3) The 6 "Quieting" quests involve a daily repeatable such that only one "Quieting" quest is available each day. However, for some players (myself included), after completing the first Quieting quest the first day, they never have become available again. We just get the hourglass 'retry' in the quest panel with no indication of when and how they might be available. This, to me, is clearly a bug and I have /bugged it.

    So my fear is that when Turbine/GMs receive feedback from players about problems with the Quieting quests, they think that we are actually having problems with the Huorn quests and so the default answer is that this is WAI and that we should just wait for them to become available another day. They have remained unavailable for 6 consecutive days, though. Hence, the problem.


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