Hey Nimrods its Elkhunter
hey guys just wanted to say hi to all my friends I logged in a few times and seen It was pretty dead
40 peeps in glff ! couldn't find anyone in moors
So I have been on another server for 8 months now and having a blast on landrovel
it has a huge population of pvpers its not as big as Bandywine but holds its own really well most of the time
2-craids and 2-freep raids fighting each other an tons of solo action and a very active 1v1 area
Riddermark server is having same problem a lot of transferred to landrovel as well
There is a few nimrods that came to landy that are there with me willynilly ,fancysauce ,Elenndis , Gilrock and few others
I am in a very active/large PVP kin
It was kind of sad not seeing anyone out there so I wanted to extend invite if you still like playing and want more action hit me up transfers take less then 5 min ! would love to see some blackbladers come
otherwise hope all is well ....ELKHUNTER