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  1. #1
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
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    Official Feedback: Hobnanigans

    We'd love to hear your feedback on the return of Hobnanigans.

    Please use this thread to discuss your likes and dislikes about the Hobnanigans game. Do please keep in mind that this isn't meant to be "won" in a single weekend and that Hobnanigans will return from time to time to allow you to gather more tokens and earn your items.

    If you don't know what Hobnanigans is, you can learn all bout it here.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Angry So many bugs!!!

    haven't gotten a full game yet without the chicken being hit out of the arena or hit on top of the goal post.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Yeah, 4 games and the last one bugged for us too. The chiken is outside of the game arena. We cannot get out, Target not in line of sight.

    Great game though, I love it.

  4. #4
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Celembar View Post
    haven't gotten a full game yet without the chicken being hit out of the arena or hit on top of the goal post.

    Something so simple and so buggy. It looks like really fun, except the 9 out of 10 minutes waiting, because the chicken reached an impossible place, with no reset.

    Morondomir R15 LRM
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  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celembar View Post
    haven't gotten a full game yet without the chicken being hit out of the arena or hit on top of the goal post.

    Yeah I have to second that. Our chicken flew to the other side of the small stone-fence and now we can't get to it but still have time left. Sapience, is this a matter we should report to GMs?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Prices need to be lowered.

    Carrying Chickens need to be made permanent. As that's really the only thing I am interested in, having them be one use only is a waste of my time.
    :: Rosewillow Noakes - Bilbo Baggins Fangirl - Landroval ::
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I was really looking forward to this. The game itself is fun but the prices for rewards are far too high. You get 5 tokens for losing or drawing (not sure about winning) and most rewards are hundreds of tokens each. Each game takes 10 minutes to play - you have to play day and night to ever get anything.

    I was excited about some of the lower priced rewards - ie: a live chicken you can carry that only costs 10 tokens. I bought one and thought it was really cute until I found out it was one use only!!! Seriously??!! ONE USE??!! I would be prepared to pay more tokens if it was a permanent skill - say 50 tokens.

    Very very disappointed

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I also had a chicken get stuck on top of one of the banners by the goal. I filed a bug report. So excited to have this back, but I also agree that the prices for the rewards are a bit high.
    Lethareth, the Returned

  9. #9
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    A system that would bounce the chiken back into the filed when it hit the side would be great... because hit and hit again in the side of the playground isn't funny
    Last edited by Gardhik; May 08 2014 at 12:53 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Prices for items is just ridiculous.
    Last edited by rosey21; May 10 2014 at 08:12 AM.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    This is really missing a notification + map/teleport to get players over to the fields. Since no one on Vilya seems to be over at the fields right now, I can't actually play a game.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    The barter prices seem quite high, even when using mithril coin boosts, to acquire any reasonable reward even when playing for hours during the next 3 days... how frequently is this event intended to be run?
    Also please make the tokens go into the premium wallet.
    Dobb - Hobbit Burglar
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  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Hobnaningans are treadable... maybe some would want to sell them ?

  14. #14
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    All of the tokens are in inventory and not the barter wallet so they can be freely tradeable.

    The chicken tokens that can be bartered for with the rep levels can also be sometimes earned by winning a game of hobnanigans.

    The intent is that this gets run once every month on so. Some of the prices are set to be earned in a single weekend, some are set to take a longer season to acquire.

    We'll look into adding a permanent version of the carrying chickens as a reward for one of the next times around.

  15. #15
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    One of my first games was 2 vs 1, and I have to say even loosing this match was very funny.

    I figured out I can trick the opponent by remembering their cooldown and timing it with my shot so they end up boosting my shot towards their doors.
    This tactic was very useful but wasn't enough to beat the two-man team. Mostly because sometimes 2 chicken spawn and then one opponent just have to stop me, while the other can take the goal.

    Nevertheless, it was a great experience.

    I also saw a chicken fly out of the flield in a 6vs6 and some other bugs. For exampe that you are able to play a game alone, because the team sticks doesn't respawn when a player loggs off or runs away from the field.

    It would also be cool if the chicken bounce off the borders. It's getting very glitchy when the chicken is there in a 6 vs 6 game.
    Another suggestion: I think non-hooded cloaks + hats would look better.

    Ah, and I almost forgot all the special skills. They are great!

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I love Hobnanigans. I played 5 games, 1 of which bugged out about half way through, and another in the last minute (I think some work needs to be done on making sure that those high places at the edge of the field are blocked with invisi-walls) but other than that the experience of the game was an enjoyable one - the different moves were very amusing, the mechanics are simple enough for anyone to understand, and the fact that there are now multiple chickens makes the game much more interesting than just focusing on 1 solitary target.

    As for the rewards, the tokens should be bound to account, and able to fit into the barter wallet. I'm unlikely to want to give my standard tokens away to others, though perhaps the special tokens (for the pets, housing stuff etc) should be tradeable. Otherwise, its a real pain for the old bag space.

    Oh, and I love the fact that there's a new rep faction - any idea how long the game is going to be around, so I know how long I've got to get as high as possible?
    - Taravan, R12 Captain - Tirian, Tanking Guardian - Telperon, Completionist LM -
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  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    The game is fun, but the reward costs are way too high. I'm not even sure if it's achievable to get a single decent reward in an entire weekend of play.

    Belnavar - Captain - 140 - Brandywine | Help sick kids. Support Extra Life 2022: https://www.extra-life.org/participant/belnavar [$1,094.53 raised of $1,000 goal]

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gardhik View Post
    Hobnaningans are treadable... maybe some would want to sell them ?
    They can be sold in the AH.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jwbarry View Post
    All of the tokens are in inventory and not the barter wallet so they can be freely tradeable.

    The chicken tokens that can be bartered for with the rep levels can also be sometimes earned by winning a game of hobnanigans.

    The intent is that this gets run once every month on so. Some of the prices are set to be earned in a single weekend, some are set to take a longer season to acquire.

    We'll look into adding a permanent version of the carrying chickens as a reward for one of the next times around.
    Oh, didn't notice that at first... then they should remain inventory items
    Once a month seems ok to aquire some rewards, I feared it would appear as rare as the Treasure Hunt.
    Dobb - Hobbit Burglar
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  20. #20
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    I waited about 10 minutes with a kinmate for a game to start, because people weren't joining in. This has to be factored into the reward costs, because "an entire weekend's play" may not even be possible if there aren't enough interested players around.

    I also think we should be awarded 1 Token per goal. That would motivate us to score more, and it would motivate a losing team to get another goal even if they're several behind.

    Belnavar - Captain - 140 - Brandywine | Help sick kids. Support Extra Life 2022: https://www.extra-life.org/participant/belnavar [$1,094.53 raised of $1,000 goal]

  21. #21
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    It's making a lot of fun, but yeah, the barter prices are far too high in my opinion. A solution might also be instead of decreasing prices or increasing tokens for participation (5) and winning (10 additional) to get tokens for each scored goal, so that you get another 2 tokens for each goal you do, that wouldn't make it pointless for the loosing team and they can still earn something with trying to make more goals or making the difference in the score smaller, even when the other team is ways ahead...

    And then I have to agree with the one use chicken, but jwbarry already said that those should be added later now...

    ADD: other than that: I can totally agree with Schinderhannes on what he said. These little tricks are nice and the special skills are great, especially the stunning and the far throw.

    With the runspeed-skill: Can you already run during the animation? Otherwise I would think it's a too long animation for this short buff you get from it. You would have nearly no advantage of it...
    Last edited by Orodbril; May 08 2014 at 01:51 PM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    OMG. The chicken is flying ! ^^

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Haven't tested yet but did want Sapience to confirm the dates. The announcement says 9-11. Today is the 8th. So is Hobnanigans really open until Sunday the 11th, or was that also a typo?

    Can't wait to get in game and give it a go, bugs or no bugs, pricey rewards or no pricey rewards. Sounds like a fun game regardless. ^_^

    Disclaimer: I reserve the right to change the above opinion as needed. xD
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  24. #24
    Kehleyr's Avatar
    Kehleyr is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brutus778 View Post
    Yeah I have to second that. Our chicken flew to the other side of the small stone-fence and now we can't get to it but still have time left. Sapience, is this a matter we should report to GMs?
    There is no real safe way to reset the game (and therefore the chicken), so notifying the GMs won't help you. At this time the only thing you can do is wait out the 10 minute timer until the game resets automatically.

    Please assure you are filing bugs whenever this happens so we can make the fields as robust as possible for the next round.

    Thank you for your help, and we hope you're enjoying the event!

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    First off, I want to say this is a LOT of fun! Some of the reward prices might be a little high, but overall I'm having a blast. Great event and some nice rewards, this is a nice diversion from everyday play.

    The bad thing I've noticed so far is there's a few spoilsports that join the game and then afk, coming back only after the match ends. In the meantime they're taking up space that other players would like to have. Also, the aforementioned chickens getting stuck in places.


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