Trying to find some entertainment this afternoon
Trying to find some entertainment this afternoon
Good fun in the moors!
ps Has anyone seen my friend perry?
Freeps :LVL 95 Travorn R11 Hunter, Tragan R5 Guard, Moghra R6 Mini, Battman R6 Burg, Zathelionn R6 Cappy, Travii R5 Warden - Horizon
Creeps : Clintwestwood R9 BA, Tuggerbask R8 Warg, Wargasm R6 WL- The AAC/ Table Smashers
And before this picture is the end of my LOTRO playing days
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Best line....
"Oh!!! It's an invisible wall" LOL
Mortanah the Unwise, Lvl 100 Champ - Mortasilla, r8 weaver