Nice run Dwarrowdelf
I thought you were going really well on time and saw less horses on screen, very nicely controlled.
great to see so much server support![]()
"No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
"Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
On planet Earth, there is a try.
Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.
3rd place overall for Dwarrowdelf. they slipped in 1 second ahead of Vilya. Thought they were going to end up in 4th, but they made it by the skin of their teeth.
Only 4 runs left! Can Eldar hang on to the top slot?
Yes they will if the rest of the servers act like they did in Darrowdelf. I would say 1/4 of the time Sapience was in agro. The leader was killing mobs a big no-no the lead group wasn't exactly leading and clearing the areas. Only place they really did that was Isengard and the trolls. I Know Patriotpea knows the correct path as I ran it with him and he was under 44 minutes with out lag. So lag added 3 extra minutes. There was Also Horses riding to the side of the group also a no-no just adds lag. What should have happened was the way all cleared so Sapience didn't slow down the lead. They also did not have captains in his group for the added boost. Do all that and you might beat Eldar.
Thx for the run everyone made it at 47:48... 'nuff for a fifth place.. so far![]()
Grats on the run. Twitter was having some serious lag issues for me. I also saw Havacar making his characterWaved at him but he kept on going on ;p
Lag is the killer I did notice you had horses running besides the group with havacar. A no-no cause it causes extra lag. As well as cloaks. Better luck next time.
Great to be a part of it today. Here's some short vids I made of the event.
The last 3 sections I'll do tomorrow. Really great teamwork and great to rewatch the journey through Middle Earth!
LotRO videos!
15.2 Beta roaming threats
We made a valiant effort. The folks that were running with Hadacar with cloaks and horses weren't part of the actual group. We sent tells, yelled in GLFF, Regional, everything we could think of asking them to stop but it wasn't to be. Very annoying folks show up just to make it harder.
I HATE PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just wanna point something out. Gilrain was the first server out to take the hobbits to isengard. My server. That means we were fresh and didn't really know the fastest way. As other servers have learned the fastest route and so on from experience by watching and planning, I suggest, to keep things fair, why don't we reverse the starting order for the next Moria runs? Starting with Nimrodel, ending with Gilran![]()
Brethwyn Bearsbane of House Breddinga [100-Guardian]
Hygweard of Rohan, High Protector of Bree-Land and Lord of Emyn Uial
Children of the Sun - Gilrain
It would seem to me that if the run's route was announced a month in advance, then all the servers would have time to do practice runs and it really wouldn't matter who went first. But reversing the order also sounds fine.
The game login screen says taking the Hobbits to Isengard is at 2:30pm EST, but the post in this link says 5pm.
That was a blast. My main HDD died earlier in the week, so I've had to use my backup OS. It is 32 bit, so I'm dealing with working out the CTD kinks. Nimrodel turned out and lagged out. I don't know what our time was officially, for I crashed at the end. Yeah I have screenies, so yes, it did happen. :P
"No sadder words of tongue or pen are the words: 'Might have been'." -- John Greenleaf Whittier
"Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda
On planet Earth, there is a try.
Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
We old vets need to keep in mind those who come after us.
Actually, Nimrodel - the server the paretty much created the event- was the first out and failed. Once we started the official runs and decided to do it on all 29 servers, Gilrain was first of the official runs with Nimrodel being last and finishing today in 14th place.
The next set of runs already have their first five servers named. Dates are still to be determined, but will be within the next 2 weeks.
The five fastest servers had their names put in a cup and then drawn out. The order they were drawn determined the order they appear on this list.
First 5 servers will be, in order:
1. Eldar (UK)
2. Dwarrowdelf
3. Windfola
4. Anduin (DE)
5. Vilya
Congratulations to Eldar for 'winning' twice in one day. First, for fastest time during TTHTI and again for being drawn first for our next event!
As I'm doing some statistics for our radio show in the evening, I just calculated the total time of all runs (well, except Bullroarer):
It is 32 hours, 48 minutes and 27 seconds. The Eldar time is 2,34 % of that total time.
And congratz to the server community on Eldar for having finished on first place![]()
Anduin Radio - Mittelerde ON AIR ---> Alle Infos zum Programm unter
...And here are the finished list.
World (Server) - Name, Race, Class, Level - Place of Death
Gilrain [EU] - Vogter, Dwarf, Guardian, 30 - Galtrev, Dunland.
Elendilmir (Oceanic) - Almergard, Hobbit, Guardian, 11 - Low Hollin, Eregion.
Evernight [EU] - Berrelberth, Hobbit, Minstrel, 10 - Carreglyn, Dunland.
Crickhollow [US] - Annathstan, Man, Champion, 60 - SURVIVED!
Withywindle [EU] - Fredwisegard, Hobbit, Warden, 22 - Goeolhad, Eregion.
Gladden [US] - Odver, Hobbit, Minstrel, 10 - Nan Curunír. (I could see the walls of Isengard.)
Laurelin [EN-RP] - Isuming, Hobbit, Minstrel, 20 - Bonevales, Dunland.
Brandywine [US] - Cremoso, Hobbit, Minstrel, 10 - High Hollin, Eregion.
Snowbourn [EU] - Gilelrandir, Man, Captain, 21 - Isendale, Gap of Rohan.
Arkenstone [US] - Snavo, Hobbit, Burglar, 10 - Nan Curunír! Could see the walls of Isengard!
Vilya [US] - Wilnidin, Hobbit, Minstrel, 10 - High Hollin, Eregion
Bullroarer (Public Test Server) - Vulcoric, Hobbit, Guardian, 95 - CHAOS & MAYHEM! (Balrogs in Bree! Has to be seen to be believed!)
Anduin [DE] - Chago, Hobbit, Hunter, 10 - Low Hollin, Eregion
Meneldor [US] - (The Return of) Vulcoric, Hobbit, Guardian, 11 - Low Hollin, Eregion
Vanyar [DE] - Aubembrand, Hobbit, Warden, 10 - Bonevales, Dunland
Silverlode [US] - Istius, Hobbit, Warden, 10 - Mirobel, Eregion
Gwaihir [DE] - Hunno, Hobbit, Hunter, 10 - Bonevales, Dunland
Imladris [US] - Auslitius, Hobbit, Minstrel, 10 - Fordirith, Enedwaith
Sirannon [FR] - Baniard, Hobbit, Hunter, 10 - Starkmoor, Dunland
Firefoot [US] - Paero, Hobbit, Guardian, 10 - Nan Laeghlin, Enedwaith
Maiar [DE] - Panover, Hobbit, Minstrel, 10 - Glâd Ereg, Eregion
Landroval [EN-RE] - Andmoncic, Hobbit, Minstrel, 10 - SURVIVED!
Estel [FR-RP] - Galton, Hobbit, Minstrel, 10 - SURVIVED!
Riddermark [US] - Hiling, Hobbit, Guardian, 10 - Carreglyn, Dunland
Eldar [EU] - Baraegborn, Elf, Hunter, 22 - SURVIVED!
Dwarrowdelf [US] - Hammo, Hobbit, Burglar, 10 - South Gravenwood, Dunland
Morthond [DE] - Dalogund, Hobbit, Hunter, 10 - Windfells, Enedwaith
Windfola [US] - Wilhollac, Hobbit, Guardian, 11 - SURVIVED!
Belegaer [DR-RP] - Lascarcil, Hobbit, Minstrel, 10 - SURVIVED!
Nimrodel [US] - Bateling, Hobbit, Warden, 10 - Carreglyn, Dunland
6 out of 29 (not counting Bullroarer) characters made it to Isengard. 1 Race of Man Level 60, 1 Elf Level 22, and 4 Hobbits (3 Level 10 and 1 Level 11).
Servers I got to Isengard on are Crickhollow [US], Landroval [EN-RE], Estel [FR-RP], Eldar [EU], Windfola [US] and Belegaer [DR-RP].
That's 3 US servers and 3 European servers (France, UK and Germany).
If any of you see me login to any of these 30 characters while you're online, feel free to say hi.![]()
On every server. All 12 of them, and sometimes also on Bullroarer.
Where is my "Dead Hobbits Society" title?