When in a group or raid, all the ther members' names and vitals appear on my screen- how do I disable this function?
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When in a group or raid, all the ther members' names and vitals appear on my screen- how do I disable this function?
Thank you![]()
Go into the social panel (O), the click the raid tab. After that hit the little check box that says show vitals. You cannot however take off the vitals of your group.
Mirage | Fathom | Situational Awareness | Reformed
Arkenstone | Shadowfax | Treebeard
If you open your social panel (O), go to the 'Raid' tab there and you can un-select the little boxes next to people's names. As far as I know you cannot remove the ones of the fellowship you are in, but you can move them around with Ctrl+\ (EU keybords) or go to 'UI settings' under options and you can reduce the size by dragging the bars next to 'raid vitals'.
Felathurin - Agathe - Serindel - Brunty
Warmonger Brunt R14 Reaver, Blunt "James" Defiler, Nurks Warleader
Laurelin Server 'C.O.I.N. Caster'
"Everything in life is vibration." A. Einstein
Thank you very much![]()
System.. Options.. Social Options.. Grouping.. Raid Vital Class Colour Location: NONE, Show Companion Vitals in Raid Vital Windows: UNcheck box, Group Effect Options.. Only Show Dispellable Effects: CHECK box, Only Show Effects Cast By You: CHECK box
Last edited by Breeon; Nov 05 2015 at 04:45 PM.
Also a good thread about reducing lag in the Moors: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthread.php?521397-Reduce-Latency-and-Lag-in-the-Moors-A-Visual-Guide&p=7483969&posted=1#post7 483969