I now pronounce this server...Dead!
I now pronounce this server...Dead!
A secret.
We need more people. Old players! Please come back! I love this server but really so low.
- Galandiel
Here's three problems:
1. Creating rivalry is a no go, the butt hurt gets you reported and banned. Rivalry creates good pvp we always had it here on ridder the filthy stinking care bears killed it.
2. The PVE content for freeps has been dumbed down. Really freeps have been spoon fed easy simplistic content since mirkwood. When was the last time you were in a raid where a conjunction (yes thats what they are called) was actually needed and if one went off someone said something other than "everyone go blue". This has created the conditions by which expecations have been altered and freeps simply dont know what to do. Being killed isnt a go, its simply an unexplained condition that has literally been almost void since U3
3. 1v1 vs RvR: no matter what your preference you cant win. If you enjoy raid fights you are a raid baby, if you enjoy 1v1's you are a fight clubber. Riddermark population has an uncanny ability to essentially disqualify anyone for anything they do. We used to have a guy here called Costs. He pretty much played the game the way he wanted and was essentially ridden out on a rail. Same with Revolution, to a lesser degree intol. The QQ about how other people play is very, very high on riddermark. Now for some that isnt an issue, for others they simply dont want to hear it.
BONUS: You have people who believe that other servers hold the key, that population is crucial for good pvp. What happens then is you get the very real slap of reality that lotro PvP really isnt much at all. There is really is a minimum of things to do that have strategic value beyond a few delving buff's. As an example, freeps take TA, creeps if they take it back get a 3k commendation reward. OP? Ridiculous? maybe but the point is there is no real challenge in lotro pvp, the game is at its core identical to what it was 3,5,7 years ago. Its just another mmo grind, you get a rank for killing the enemy, nothing spectacular at all really.
Last edited by Thorgrum; Oct 13 2014 at 02:45 PM.
Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)
The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.
Hinellas R15 Darkthreat R5 Landroval Riddles in the Dark
Mezmorized R4 Riddermark Lake Evendim Swim Team
Breathmint - R6 Landroval Rootcanal -R5 Riddermark
No it didnt, animosity made it great. You're frame of reference is limited. Have a look at the forums before the intol transfer and the tidal wave of tears that followed adino. People came out just to roll him, it worked for a long long time. Then when intol showed and started flipping the map red and turtling in TR waiting for freeps to take it back by force, same thing people showed because they wanted to see loogy and durtz die. Then the care bears rolled in, then it went in the crapper.
Ridder was fine for years.
Last edited by Thorgrum; Oct 14 2014 at 10:11 AM.
That doesn't sound like animosity. It sounds like more what I said. "It" meaning Ridder going in the crapper doesn't tie in at all to new people playing the moors, or the care bears you refer to. It ties in to the overall state of the game. When Ridder was in its prime. So was the game. The game has turned so obviously so did its pvp. Animosity, the true definition of it dismantled what was left. Treating people like outsiders, losers, trolling them, taking personal shots at people, harassing tells, ect ect, i'm sure wasn't the crux of Ridder in its glory. Sounds like both sides maybe disliked each other but there was a measure of respect. There was no respect at one point on the server. Either way, like all good things do come to an end. But to point fingers and some fictitious care bear as the sole reason of Ridder's demise is pretty laughable.
The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.
Hinellas R15 Darkthreat R5 Landroval Riddles in the Dark
Mezmorized R4 Riddermark Lake Evendim Swim Team
Breathmint - R6 Landroval Rootcanal -R5 Riddermark
Sadly Hinellas i can only conclude that your frame of reference is limited. the term care bear is a generalization and you know that, believe me if you want to split hairs on semantics I am absolutely the person for it. Care bears represents the PVE spoon fed freeps that came in after mirkwood (65) when the game was ridiculously dumbed down. Point and click "it isnt dead" QQ and log, I know I was in many raids with them and pugs, they were fair weather pvpers, which is thier right but on ridder, prior to 75-85 we had a lot of dedicated pvp people. When the game went F2p many came to ridder to pvp, and for a long time things were good. Is it soely the fault of care bears? Absolutley with out question, because otherwise I would have to re articulate my entire points of logic and I dont have the energy or will to do this at this time.
BTW gratz on ranking, how close to R15 now?
My frame of reference is limited in that regard. I just go with what I know so thanks for clarifying had no idea. I have a million to go but to be honest, I don't really care. I like the game still, even with its pitfalls. I like helping others and being part of fun fights. I'll be here when they turn off the lights.
The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.
Hinellas R15 Darkthreat R5 Landroval Riddles in the Dark
Mezmorized R4 Riddermark Lake Evendim Swim Team
Breathmint - R6 Landroval Rootcanal -R5 Riddermark
Whats the point of sniping back and forth, really the toilet has been flushed on this one. Lets just remember the good times with a song. Before I go though I'd like to leave you with this pearl of wisdom "its not a lie, if you believe its true" Now sit back and enjoy the song....
Lets just put all the blame on T-Bow, but how is everyone doing?
- Second Marshall Battalion-1 ( Currently Semi-retired from Lotro )
(Retired... Maybe un-retired?) Arkenstone: Immanitas R12 Burg, Gorbat R12 Reaver, Sueahpro R11 Mini, Falsified R9 RK, -The Blood Hand
Crickhollow: Orphluk R9 Warg, Orphelun-1 R8 RK. -The Blood Hand.
While I can respect your view of things, I feel obligated to point out the short sightedness in your logic. I never had a problem with you personally, points are points after all. But it is a pvp zone, and ultimately it is selfish out here. Most players are here for points, not holding hands and teamwork. If I Wanted that, I would sit in bree and wait for a Tuck pug.
I don't see a point in splitting hairs either. However, Thorg is right. Animosity is what made Ridder the premier pvp server until right before RoR launched. There is no two ways about it. Log in to kill someone you despised.
Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)
I'm doing fine myself but I'm taking a break from this grindfest game and RL is keeping me busy right now. Well if you consider raiding fun or a mix of action then I think most of those fun people transferred to BW. Also make sure to have a good computer that can handle the lag there if you plan on transferring.
- Second Marshall Battalion-1 ( Currently Semi-retired from Lotro )
Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)
Its been dead for awhile in terms of competence. Once all the good player(s) mastered their craft and realized there were maybe 1-2 capable people per class, most of the people that comprised classic RM left for a better challenge or quit the game.
Good player(s) made this server worth playing because they inspired competition and something to aspire to in terms of skill. My fondest days on RM were trying to outdo Sylas/Adino when I was relatively fresh to the moors.
Jawbreakerz(R10), OptimusKrime(R11), Bromanceswithwargs(R10), Pentacle(R12), AllOveryourFace(R9), Throatrip(R10), Charlottesweb(R9)-DI,Atrocity,Intol
Thunderbow(R9), Triplexxx(R10), Airlyn(R11), Creepingdeath(R8), AllOverYourChin(R12), Valerial(R9)
Atleast the riddermark pvmp forum isnt dead yet
Brandwine:Mukal-1, biliku
Riddermark:Mukburz, Muknakh, Mukarrows