Quest: Talk to Elladan
Category: Epic-Prologue
Journal Level: I believe it's 5
Journal Icon: Solo
Actual Level: 6 if LM or Minstrel, 5 for everyone else
Actual Icon: Small Fellowship
This is near the end of the Elven/Dwarven newbie area; you must speak with Elladan (I believe that is correct..either Elladan or is in this quest, one is at Silverdeep Mines). The problem is that the NPC in question is in the bowels of a cavern system crawling with goblins, and it's full of dead ends (especially once you make the wrong turn), plus the path to him is full of goblins. Now, I don't mind fighting my way through, but this is in no way a soloable quest if you are not 1) a Dwarven anything or 2) Champ, Hunter or Guardian...the add-ons are just too many. (Burglar may be able to Sneak way around). Especially when you consider that most people are just learning their way around the game at this point. Then you must fight your way out once you've completed the quest.
QUEST: A Deadly Bloom
Category: Ered Luin
Journal Level: 4
Journal Icon: Solo
Actual Level: 4 or 5
Actual Icon: Small Fellowship
You are called upon to destroy 6 blossoms known as Skorgrim's Bloom in order to restore balance to the area.
See first description as to why.
I love Axe Head Path, but even with the low spawn rate (if you go in there alone), it's easy for a LM or Minstrel to get overpowered. IMO if you go up there with a squishy character, you need at least one other person with you. The cave demands a fellowship of at least 3. Not to be attempted with squishy characters under lvl just don't have the firepower.