The Beorning below Level 25 is already dishing out huge amounts of damage as a single player against environment and skirmish mobs. Stacking Might for the Physical Mastery on top of that is really overkill. However at low leves the Parry and Evade ratings are poor, and at a place where any improvement can help avoid damage significantly. If you want to go Red Tree and not worry as much about healing, I would go with Agility armor to help with Parry and Evade. Jewelry I would go with Parry, Evade, and Critical pieces.
As you go over Level 25 and have a much better selection of gear, I would switch to offense and maximize Might and Critical Rating. The thinking here is to wipe mobs out before they have the chance to do you much damage.
Landroval EN-RP -- Club Eclaire: Galdhron-Elf LM, Twostep-Human Burg, Medloth Bearlady-Beorning || Laurelin EN-RP -- For RP; Join Club Slotro;