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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Can a low-level Beorning just use Agility equipment until higher-level?

    Okay, I hear people complaining about the lack of Might medium armors and jewellry for Beorning at low-level. However, someone said that Beorning also benefits from Agility stat.

    From what I know, Might to Beorning is like Capitan, which increase physical/tactical mastery (for DPS and healing), physical mitigation, block rating (not sure, but it is useless, anyway), parry rating.

    Meanwhile, if I hear it correctly, Agility will increase Beorning: Physical Mastery (at lower rating than Might), Critical Rating (good stat to have), parry and evade rating.

    If it is like that, I wonder if I can just use the already-have Agility equipments in the game for Beorning if they cannot find anything useful on level? Sure, Agility would make Beorning less tougher (less physical mitigation and healing output, but it may make the game a little more challenge that way), but will have better parry, evade and critical rating.
    [I]"Deserves it! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some die that deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then be not too eager to deal out death in the name of judgment. For even the wise cannot see all ends"[/I] - [B]Gandalf[/B]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    Ok first thing,Might doesnt give mitigation anymore.Second thing about armour,there isnt trade medium armour with might indeed but all crafted med armor has a might tab so i dont see a problem for lvling and getting very nice jewwels from BB's only thing is that racial bonus they have to change clubs are ridiculous on Beorns.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    So far, with my beorning closing in on lvl 25, I'm finding that as long as you keep your armor and jewelry reasonably aligned with your level and use your head while fighting, you are not going to have any significant difficulty with any of the content.

    You might not want to upgrade all your pieces when you reach another level of equipment and that opens up the choices available to you for keeping a good stat level on the primaries and, to be honest, adds a bit more challenge to choosing gear for the class. Which you may or may not enjoy.

    I'm purposely NOT getting too excited about upgrading weapons in order to let combats last a bit longer and try to get a few more hits in for skill deeds. My goal is to stay survivable while not being a dealer of insta-deaths. That said, my run through the end of the first book into the Great Barrow was probably the fastest pass through that content ever. Part of it's probably due to experience but a lot of it must be that a red skill beorning packs a big punch.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by TKH View Post
    Okay, I hear people complaining about the lack of Might medium armors and jewellry for Beorning at low-level. However, someone said that Beorning also benefits from Agility stat.

    From what I know, Might to Beorning is like Capitan, which increase physical/tactical mastery (for DPS and healing), physical mitigation, block rating (not sure, but it is useless, anyway), parry rating.

    Meanwhile, if I hear it correctly, Agility will increase Beorning: Physical Mastery (at lower rating than Might), Critical Rating (good stat to have), parry and evade rating.

    If it is like that, I wonder if I can just use the already-have Agility equipments in the game for Beorning if they cannot find anything useful on level? Sure, Agility would make Beorning less tougher (less physical mitigation and healing output, but it may make the game a little more challenge that way), but will have better parry, evade and critical rating.
    At the most lowest level it doesn't make a huge difference if you have a piece with +1 agility instead +1 might. You can safely put whatever armor at those early levels & occupy the mighty virtues & jewelry to compensate.

    Also, these people have not made the effort to look at all the multi-output recipes that already have mighty medium armor. Also the GB medium gear already have have both might & agility, there are other bartered mighty medium armor on skirmish camp if you don't like to craft gear.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2014
    The Beorning below Level 25 is already dishing out huge amounts of damage as a single player against environment and skirmish mobs. Stacking Might for the Physical Mastery on top of that is really overkill. However at low leves the Parry and Evade ratings are poor, and at a place where any improvement can help avoid damage significantly. If you want to go Red Tree and not worry as much about healing, I would go with Agility armor to help with Parry and Evade. Jewelry I would go with Parry, Evade, and Critical pieces.

    As you go over Level 25 and have a much better selection of gear, I would switch to offense and maximize Might and Critical Rating. The thinking here is to wipe mobs out before they have the chance to do you much damage.
    Landroval EN-RP -- Club Eclaire: Galdhron-Elf LM, Twostep-Human Burg, Medloth Bearlady-Beorning || Laurelin EN-RP -- For RP; Join Club Slotro; bit.ly/slowtro

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    There is crafted medium +Might armor at L25... L32... L42... L51...

    There is also quest reward selectable armor that is NOT as good as the crafted but good enough... that starts Forsaken Inn iirc

    The poster above who says below L20 it doesn't matter is quite correct...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Agi gear works fine I am 88 using mostly agi gear and questing in area 3-5 levels above me. You can balance it somewhat since you will get might cloaks and jewelry as quest rewards.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Why did they leave the simple guideline : light armour char = Will, medium armour char = Agility and heavy = Might.
    They changed the Warden once from might to agility, so why is the beorning might now.
    In a few months they wil change it again and you did your deeds to get might and buy scrolls for might, so you start over doing deeds for agility

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Jammermon View Post
    There is also quest reward selectable armor that is NOT as good as the crafted but good enough... that starts Forsaken Inn iirc
    It actually starts earlier. My Beorning is level 22 and not reached the Lone Lands yet and is now on to their second set of might focused armour that's been available from questing through Bree-land.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Tip: At Level 25 I invested the marks and medallions in a full six piece set of the Skirmish-Classic-Great-Barrow Barrow-Scout medium armor. The set has mostly might, agility, and vitality, which is perfect for a Beorning. This armor should carry me to Level 30, where I'll upgrade to a mix of Level 30 guild and Level 28 single use recipe armor.

    Usually I don't upgrade every five levels, but Level x8 and level x0 armor recipes usually give you the best selection of stats. It was just kind of nice to have this Classic set offer what it does at an x5 Level.
    Landroval EN-RP -- Club Eclaire: Galdhron-Elf LM, Twostep-Human Burg, Medloth Bearlady-Beorning || Laurelin EN-RP -- For RP; Join Club Slotro; bit.ly/slowtro



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