Can someone just give me a rundown of beornings and their potential in PVP, things like dps potential survivability, healing, and key cooldowns/toggles etc that could be considered threats. thanks![]()
Can someone just give me a rundown of beornings and their potential in PVP, things like dps potential survivability, healing, and key cooldowns/toggles etc that could be considered threats. thanks![]()
Belolth Hisses with fury as venom drips from his maw, scorching the earth, "come manling, my brood hungers!"
Broodlord of Ungoliant's Hatchlings, Devourer of souls.
If you're not specced yellow, whatever doesn't want to die to you, won't.
That's a pretty neat story and all but how does that make me "sound like a brandywine warg"?
Redline specced deep into yellow, correct? I stand by what I said.
I'm so sure there's plenty of lvl100 geared and traited Beornings out there to make that observation as well.
I've seen 30k Executes on a dummy, from a friend... Now let's see on a creep with captain buffs.
I think the class has quite a potential, you just need to get into it.
Beorning red-line DPS about to get nerfed into the ground alongside it's ridiculous survivability.
Seen a 35k Execute on a ranked defiler, from a half-geared Beorning, with just To Arms from a cappy, that's it.
The class is going to be ridic for a few days then nerfed permanently into oblivion, and will be unplayable until the game dies no doubt. After all, they've got our money now![]()
I hit much harder than that on hunter without a cappy and 40m range, are hunters going to get nerfed too? You need to keep in mind that damage is only in bear form AND melee dmg 2.5 meter range. Situationally they can be very powerful but in red they are very squishy too - they melt in red almost as fast as hunters if they don't get their heal and usually that won't save them.
Yelk, Hunter| Rank 15 | Arkenstone | Leader of Shock and Awe
Original Challenger of Saruman
Original Challenger of Gothmog
You're a good hunter but you're overlooking several massive factors in what makes them OP.
1) Immense survivability, they have a 5% heal every 1 second with 60% uptime.
2) Their 35k crits can be used on a 3 sec CD. And this is on a ranked defiler, who's mits traited, I'm told.
3) Solo Hunters don't crit beyond 35k on mits traited, ranked creeps, ever. So can do they do so every 3 seconds? No. Beornings can, because they can bypass 52% (basically almost all a mits-traited creep's mitigations) of their enemy's mitigations with 100% uptime.
Yeah hunters with all the buffs and oathies etc. can hit mental hard, but this Beorning had 70k mastery, my Warden's current build can reach 98,000, which is what I'm aiming for on my Beorning. I cannot even guess at how ridiculously hard a 95,000 mastery Beorning with all the cappy buffs + oathies + a few yellow minis and -52% to my target's mits, is going to hit. I'd say probably in the lines of a 2-hit kill where the only "cooldown" is oathies, which will be one of the smaller contributors to the damage the class is doing.
Uuuuhm my hunter is on 73k unbuffed mastery, and I can hit nowhere near 35k on a full aud mits traited creep. Probably 23k max. And yes, BH crit multiplier, and +4040 crit rating from Strength.
I don't understand this. Even if you were born in 2007 when you started your account, you should at least be acting like a 7, almost 8 year old by now right? You either just troll or read way more into everyone elses' comments than the comment made about your initial post that upset you so bad.
Another point of view :
have: 55 pm(with 2 op), 25% crit, 25k moral, 42% oc/fw and 43% tact, all virtues at 19, 2 1st ages lvl 100 maxed out
and can kill s**t
from 40 spars i got like 3 kills
when execute went overtop
And Other point of view:
Weren´t you suppose to find found who that minamata-1 is? or some Wls ? or you lost customers on ure soap threat?
Dude...does this word : rusty tells you something?
Once upon a time you were entertaining us with youre exact infos (eventhow sometimes one could ask himself were did he got those infos), but now? ...i guess we all get older and lose the touch...
Once again i feel i should help you and give you a tipp:
To make ure soap threat more interesting putt some proper names there so we can see: you have infos or ure a "turist" now.
When we see the amount of bugs...major bugs (game not playble in full screen , lag lag lag, debuff/buff bar and so on )... then the CM comes in to ask: Give us ure 10 buggs... is this a joke or did they lost some bug reports.
Is so sad to see the decision which were taken the last years. I guess we must admit they could have took better decissions and the money would be coming also.
This class is overall not ready for live or is good as pet class or crafting (oh new crafting recepies for a long time now).
Ok no new raids or PROPER fellowship instances for 1 year new map for pvp...what we get: a perfect exemple: they "lost their touch also" (people call this also: beorning class)
Did you guys ever asked youreself what you need this yellow BB jewelery for....for what...
I think i´ll get this PROPER answer very soon: pvp is not for solo say : ok ..let´s group..then lagggggggggggg. (± one "g")
How many new maps we got this year in pve.... pls insert the number here: . Please dont tell me you can not make a new one for moors.
I mean you choose to ignore: 1. fellowship instances
2. pvmp
3. crafting
4. musik
5. lag
6. and i think each and everyone of you has a few more to add here.
What come next? ...Would we get to see the "next" ?
Turbine/Wb look around you...people still spend money on games....look at the quality of this games...look what problems they have...and then look back in youre concept for LOTRO.(assuming you have one, exept how to make more money and invest as less as possible)
First i thought to myself in january, i´ll not gone make it to stick to LOTRO 1 year with no content. Somehow i reach this end of the year...and what do i get to see: No plans, No Infos, A perfekt exemple that ure team got extreme small: layoffs and u15 quality.(sorry i had to use the word "quality" and i know is not fair to use the word "quality" so close to "u15")
When WB make a movies they dont come to us and ask for X money to produce the next scene....or charge the money and they tell us the new scene comes "a touch" later?
Ofc they have to invest money first and hoping the "ideea" is good and brings them a good profit.
I´m not saying that this is youre last chance to change the "hole tactic" or just accept the fact : dont ever try to produce a game and take this "road" again. It is, in fact , maybe too late anyways.
I know this doesnt belong in this section of the formus, but who cares...we have much bigger problems then this one.
So me and you minamata have to find a new game maybe sooner then i thought. :P
Ps.: If u get a feeeling that English is not my native language, you may be right on this one. :P
Thx for reading and good luck all