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Thread: Beorning CC's?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Beorning CC's?

    What am I missing?
    I am running the red dps line and I have no CC skills.
    I am getting killed a lot when i encounter 2 or more mobs. My hunter can trap, my burg can stun, m RK can shock and daze, but no CC for a Beorning?
    Am I missing a skill or what?
    How are the rest of you handling a ranged and non-ranged mob combo?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Unlike a lot of other classes, the beorning is not a killing machine at this time. It's an advanced difficulty class. Kill ranged mob first. Use hearten and kite melee mob as necessary.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Ive only gotten to 37 on my Beorning, so I have no clue about later game mob handling.
    I havent had much problem with sometimed 3 at once.
    The fights do get hairy, but manageable in red.
    I keep up the heal as much as possible and just dps in man form (the stuns knocking me back to man form are starting to be annoying).

    Until this gets fixed, I guess just try to be careful with your pulls.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Afuna View Post
    What am I missing?
    I am running the red dps line and I have no CC skills.
    I am getting killed a lot when i encounter 2 or more mobs. My hunter can trap, my burg can stun, m RK can shock and daze, but no CC for a Beorning?
    Am I missing a skill or what?
    How are the rest of you handling a ranged and non-ranged mob combo?
    The issue youre having, based on your post, is your expectations. Youre using other classes as a barometer you will likely be disapointed for the next 6 months until its gotten a few dev looks. Im having no problem with 3-4 mobs at a time level 27. Hearten is an excellent heal im getting 80-125 heal over time on a 1400K morale bar. In addition to that cleanse can be applied every 20s and thats getting rid of dots for me. Then switching to bear you basically spam thrash as it tiers up you do more damage, so by T3 you should be criting on mobs if not one shotting them, at least 2.

    Youre going to have to run to the ranged, no way around it. However CC isnt a problem for me, Im killing the mobs very fast. Blue line (the hide) might be a better avenue for you, vitality boost, the skill counter and the passive guarded at low levels should help survival.

    This is assuming you wanted answers to your questions, if its a QQ about no CC in redline, no one can help you, it dosent exsist yet.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I leveled in Blue line as i found red line super boring. Gain wrath switch bear 2 hits mob dead. But in Blue you have many debuffs, buffs and you stay in bear form longer. Also you have a heal in man form and a heal in bear form...so in man form you build you def buffs apply heal, then switch to bear form and debuff the target as well as healling again so now you have 2 hots going ..rinse repeat. the damage in bear form even in blue is enough to kill most mobs fast and the defense and healing you get you can take on as many mobs as u can gather. For example of the power of Blue. in Limelight gorge on level i got one of the super trolls down to 25% solo and only failed to kill it because it stunned me at a bad time. in between heals. and it also had a lot of the damage buffs on it. Try BLue and you will forget about the massive dps red has. Most mobs i killed in blue at one fight was wolves where i had i think 8-10 on level mobs. If there are ranged mobs use bees on them as it seems to make them come into melle range, or go to them as melle will follow.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    You need to spend points into yellow to get CC skills. I run my level 100 Beorning with 74 trait points. In the moors I spec red and put 32 points into yellow. This gives me, 1 slow, 2 knockdowns and a fear.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Actually I ran in yellow line thru Level 39 or so...
    worked much better than red line until red matured...

    The as bear heal is amazing, fills 1/2 the health bar and can be repeated every 2 seconds or so

    At L10 I soloed the Named elite warg in ruins area near Combe... no alt I ever had (I have 11, most in 90s) could do that that low before

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009


    Thanks for the replies and helpful thoughts.
    I am starting to figure this all out; it is a more advanced class to play, but I am still enjoying it!



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