Originally Posted by
I heard this has nice action and i'm looking to move my minstrel to here.
I'd prefer to have an idea if anyone would be interested in a EN speaking kin.
I don't give a #### about your past history - exploiter/farmer/cheat you just have to be a good player who knows the game/their class.
Good player and farmer is a very uncommon combination. And when you mean nice action then I hope you mean the lags we have due to the overflow of players.
Speaking of overflow. It would have been enough to post your request just once :P
Aendriel - Server First Captain General of Gwaihir - Brothers of Metal
-- Alluvien R12 Minstrel - Alluria R11 Warden - Nudlaug R7 Reaver --
[url]https://www.youtube.com/user/Aendriel[/url] | [url]https://www.youtube.com/user/Lotrobrothers[/url]