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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    A Pulse Check...

    Hi all,

    Any PvP happening in RM currently? From the below threads my instinct is no, but maybe there are a few out there.

    Shumzuda R11 Blackarrow - Shumheals R6 Defiler - Shumzud R6 Warg Beardhug R9 Champion - Majeika R8 LM - Chuffnel Burglar
    Not all those who wander are lost.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Shumzuda View Post
    Hi all,

    Any PvP happening in RM currently? From the below threads my instinct is no, but maybe there are a few out there.
    Hi Shum! Long time man. Last I was on Ridder, say a couple of weeks ago, Moors was empty at prime time. Prior to that, didn't see any PvP for a long while.
    Haffleheim - R12 Captain (105), Landroval

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Its toast. Transfer or quit time :-(
    Deviled_Egg - Of course we troll players... we put 'em in the game all the time. HEYO
    Brandy - R11 Grd Olyvah Cromwell, R9 Burg Olivah Twist, R9 Rk Clickbait, R9 Warg Jilted Lover Landy - R9 Rvr Noshow R7 Warg Skitles R6 WL Homeland

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Hey, I've hardly been on, and the few times i was, i got demolished by a rank 1 bear man. times are tough, come play counterstrike GO, and left 4 dead 2 with me on steam @Ewaly Neno.
    Meshoot, rank 10 Blackarrow; Hazghnaz, rank 7 Reaver; Blackdingus, r6 Defiler
    Officer of Freepaphiles, Riddermark; Founder of DANCES WITH FREEPS, Gladden
    Aka Grumpis the honorable Mustelidian Pew Pew of love and cheery brightness.
    >:} Memento Mori {:<

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Seems like the whole server is dead.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Kaern48 View Post
    Seems like the whole server is dead.
    Sadly that seems to be it, nobody plays in the moors these days, aside from that ridiculously good warden/bear man gorelal and his warg. I would love to be active again, but I don't really have the time for mmo gaming anymore.
    Meshoot, rank 10 Blackarrow; Hazghnaz, rank 7 Reaver; Blackdingus, r6 Defiler
    Officer of Freepaphiles, Riddermark; Founder of DANCES WITH FREEPS, Gladden
    Aka Grumpis the honorable Mustelidian Pew Pew of love and cheery brightness.
    >:} Memento Mori {:<

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Replace "my mind" with lotro and you have a spot on interpretation of what seems to be most people's thoughts toward the game.

  8. #8
    Hey Shum
    Its been a long time Everytime I have been running around on riddermark in the moors there is nothing going on... sometimes a r0 reaver running around grams trying to kill the trainingdummies I've transfered all my creeps to brandywine although soloing isnt really an option there ;P

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Not Dead

    I have been having some nice fights with a fair few creeps lately, I wouldn't so much as to call the server "dead" you just have to be on at the right time. I end up finding fights daily, sure it's not massive RvR or GvG like we used to have at RoI but at least it is something.

    We can bring this server back to life if we all don't give up and switch servers. I had so much fun this morning I even decided to record one of the fights I had (I don't record much because of lag) and just have a look at how many people are on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vU7eW1RiXwo, this video proves that the server is not dead and with all the low level freeps inching their way up to level cap I am sure PVMP will be big again on Riddermark

    - Gorelal

  10. #10
    good to see that Riddermark isn't completely dead and gratz to thakzash for r12
    i just got on my defiler on riddermark and i saw that Ghash was online about a week ago that made me very happy!
    Last edited by galrodan; Dec 21 2014 at 04:17 PM.



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