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  1. #1

    Captains Of Middle Earth

    Hi looking for a place with a social atnosphere and friends to visit with while you play.

    Captains Of Middle Earth is a laid back kinship I catagorize as Casual .

    A game should never be something you dread signing into.. It should be something you want to do and you should always be able to do on your time the things youd like to accomplish.

    We are going on five years with lots of active members. and even though we are a large kinship and it might seem alot of people are online at times. there is times they are all doing their own thing.

    I find it hard to set times for things as my members are all over the world. so groups can happen on the fly.

    We have sm crafters of all proffesions, kinship house with narly keggar, and ventrilo voice chat. I do ask my members to refrain from cursing as we welcome all ages.

    If we sound like we would be a fit for you.

    add Briannas to friends.

    when not on bri,

    you can find me on Aarwyna or Makena.

    Have fun and see you in game.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Hello ;)

    I may not be here at CoME or on Vilya anymore, but I still enjoy to hear from all of you former kinnies... Keep yourselves well and best of luck to you... and take care of Briannas won't you?

    *Love you Bri...* *Hugs*



  3. #3

    Miss you cherry..

    Were still here and growing.
    lots of people coming back..
    Hope you stop by and visit. with world channel you can say hi to everyone..
    Love you always and forever. Hugs. Briannas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    I come and go to the game but the only thing thats constant is the welcome one gets from CoME. Id not trade my place here for anything.


  5. #5

    Hugs Acid.

    Written from an officer in my kinship Thanks Morweniel.
    hit us up on the vilya server.

    Feel alone? Think you would like to join a group and play as a team, but you are shy and unsure of yourself? Well, you know you can hang out with friends (us) and have fun and laughs and not feel like you are out of place In Captains of Middle Earth. We do have some very, very good players in our kin that can do hard raids and content if they want to and they do, but we in CoME group very casually together.

    We do not berate others if you may make a mistake during the group session because that is something WE DO NOT do and is not tolerated by the powers that be... What we do is help you learn how to play your character and we are so willing to help you learn too. You would be amazed what you can really do with your character. You would also be amazed with the players in our kin that group and how wonderful they really are.

    There are times you may look at the kin roster and see us in a group and if you ever feel like you want in on the fun we will be happy to add you to the fun if there is room in the group because some content is limited on how many can do the instance be it 3, 6, 12 or 24 in some cases. We are always willing to do larger content if the number warrant making the group bigger. We never like having someone who wants to group sitting on the sidelines if you know what I mean.

    At times, some of the runs are tricky per se, but we explain everything that is getting ready to take place for someone who has never ran that particular instance (or ever grouped) before and make sure you understand what your character's role may be and we do it nicely and patiently. Then there are times when we group deeds and our goal is basically a free for all and take out every bad guy you see. Then there are runs that are trial and error and none of us knows the particulars and that is where we learn from our mistakes, and not knowing, and the only way to learn some of them.

    So, please join a group one of these days and see for yourself how much fun you can have hanging out with the kin folks. We do not bite....hard...lol.

    I never grouped until Morweniel made level 85. That is a two year period of playing strictly solo no matter how hard Bri, Thrar, Meps, Trev and Kubo tried to get me to group and that is because I was unsure of my skills and felt I did not have the player skill to do harder content and heard how the war of words come out from others players if something went wrong thus making playing solo easier.

    Then... Thrar finally was able to drag me into a Prancing Pony Skraid (That is a 12-man skirmish) 2 years ago (I have been playing for 4 years) and I never looked back and prefer group content much more than playing alone and solo. Thrar was spot on and that was the perfect thing to learn how much fun it was to be in a group. He told me just go in and kill anything you see and that is all you got to do and the rest was history!

  6. #6

    Hugs Cherry Berry..

    Miss you loads.. you never know with this server merge and all. we just might all see you again..lol
    I don't care where I go. long as my friends are there too.. miss ya.. Hugs from Vilya..

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by daygamer View Post
    Were still here and growing.
    lots of people coming back..
    Hope you stop by and visit. with world channel you can say hi to everyone..
    Love you always and forever. Hugs. Briannas.
    Thought I would stop by and "Visit"....sounds like a Kinship worth Joining, perhaps I should apply,
    Ooops I can't do that, LOL
    But, CoME has Our Support....HUGGz My Friend

  8. #8

    Hugs back at cha

    Quote Originally Posted by daygamer View Post
    Miss you loads.. you never know with this server merge and all. we just might all see you again..lol
    I don't care where I go. long as my friends are there too.. miss ya.. Hugs from Vilya..
    Hugs. bigger hugs and lets travel together no matter where we go. I got your back too..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Server merge - moving where?

    Has Captains decided what server they will be moving to yet?
    I'm undecided at present and I'm curious...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TaSwavo4God View Post
    Has Captains decided what server they will be moving to yet?
    I'm undecided at present and I'm curious...
    Most likely Landroval


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Isn't that an RP server?
    This is the most unexpected server for this kin as RP is something I never saw - in years.
    I expect this is a joke as Kilem will have to rename everything

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by TaSwavo4God View Post
    Isn't that an RP server?
    This is the most unexpected server for this kin as RP is something I never saw - in years.
    I expect this is a joke as Kilem will have to rename everything
    It's RP-encouraged, not enforced. That means that Kilem will not need to rename everything. RP is not mandatory (nor is it on the RP servers).


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Alcor View Post
    It's RP-encouraged, not enforced. That means that Kilem will not need to rename everything. RP is not mandatory (nor is it on the RP servers).

    Cool - my mistake was that I thought it was RP not RE



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