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Funny, someone was recruiting for Forgotten Treasury the other night, and right away I thought of "There's a Treasury??"

I just recently took my Beorning through Moria - first time I've taken a toon through there since 2009. I got the Wings of Shadow quest and made the required 'Where is the Bat Cave?' question. Instead of 'UNDER STATELY WAYNE MANNER', I got a vague comment in world chat about remembering a quest in Moria with it and an honest tell trying to describe to me where it was.
I died a little inside...
Krysfaerun (105 Minstrel), Wyrana (105 Guardian), Krysfrune (105 Rune-Keeper), Krysbruin (105 Beorning), Voxmoney (40 Warden), Merrykrysmas (40 Burglar) - Vox Immortalis
Manlyman (41 Captain) - Tappa Kegga Dae
Formerly of Elendilmir, Now of Arkenstone