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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Support cappy build for PvP

    I've been leveling a cappy for the sake of running support in 3-6 man groups in the moors. Since I've got a few other level 100s I wanted to plan ahead so I could get some gear ready for when he hits cap. I'll be running a mix of blue and yellow, not sure which one will be me primary spec yet. The extra healing from blue is good, but the shield of the dunedain is so important vs burst. Any insight on trait specs would be great!

    As for gear I know I'll run the 4th jewel set from BB, besides that I'm not quite sure yet. 3rd when running shield for the extra duration, but what if I'm running blue? And do you guys run full audacity or a mix of audacity and essences? I'd love to see your builds and hear your advice.

    Curuorn, Guardian - Barcode, Warden, leader of Rebirth - Dodar, Reaver - Curuornn, Warleader
    One of the founders of KhaosRogues (R.I.P. Muz, Goor, Lasto), son of Vandalf.
    Withywindle PvMP Videos

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I enjoy going blue with ihw and a few other goodies mixed in. I go with 5 aud 1 essence to cap my mits usually. But others might opt for 2 essence.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Have a look on the Red way for supporting you group.
    Think 4x Audacity and 2x Essences are very common.
    Me is not in the Moors atm, but i follow the information about it.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Healing Build

    Personal preference re the setup.

    In terms of the blue line, the ones that are greyed out i find not to be particularity worthwhile.

    Yellow line, i believe the routing cry stun is very useful in pvp, very nice for group vs group.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Healing Build

    Again, its what works for me.

    Crit is close to cap, and my shield could be better, but i've only been on Brandy a few weeks.

    I prefer the haste debuff set to the routing cry set as it allows for more kiting etc.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    DPS Setup Group

    Again, personal preference.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I personally find deep yellow line to be pointless in the Moors unless you have more than 1 CPT in the group.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Elite Companions is a pretty powerful trait that I wouldn't skip out on when redline, personally.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by spelunker View Post
    Elite Companions is a pretty powerful trait that I wouldn't skip out on when redline, personally.
    I'd agree if the AI wasn't so bad on pets. If a creep knows what there doing, your pet is essentially a free "on defeat" event for them if you don't dismiss it before it dies.

    Personally the points are better spent else where, having enough to get the Routing Cry stun when running amongst creeps during a group fight can be fatal for the opposing force.

    Being able to stun multiple targets often in my opinion is more beneficial over reducing armour value on one target. Solo play fair enough, but i believe the original OP was focused on group orientated play.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Lobla View Post
    I'd agree if the AI wasn't so bad on pets. If a creep knows what there doing, your pet is essentially a free "on defeat" event for them if you don't dismiss it before it dies.

    Personally the points are better spent else where, having enough to get the Routing Cry stun when running amongst creeps during a group fight can be fatal for the opposing force.

    Being able to stun multiple targets often in my opinion is more beneficial over reducing armour value on one target. Solo play fair enough, but i believe the original OP was focused on group orientated play.
    Guessing you'll use your 74th point on it if you get it though?
    Eredor-Champion, Ereworn-Minstrel, Ereshorn-Runekeeper, Eresworn-Hunter, Eremourn-Burglar, Erehorn-Captain, Erelorn-Warden, Eretorn-Lore-Master, Erescorn-Guardian... And Erecorn-Master Farmer

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Lobla View Post
    I'd agree if the AI wasn't so bad on pets. If a creep knows what there doing, your pet is essentially a free "on defeat" event for them if you don't dismiss it before it dies.

    Personally the points are better spent else where, having enough to get the Routing Cry stun when running amongst creeps during a group fight can be fatal for the opposing force.

    Being able to stun multiple targets often in my opinion is more beneficial over reducing armour value on one target. Solo play fair enough, but i believe the original OP was focused on group orientated play.
    The AI can be a problem for sure, but this is a buff that is great solo, but only gets better as you run with larger and larger groups if thats your thing, since everyone benefits from the debuff.

    I completely agree on the routing cry commentary as well, absolutely fantastic skill. With the basic build you're running I'd personally drop either a point in bleed dmg or the SL dmg bonus in favor of elite companions (unless of course you're planning to unlock that final trait point, as Ere mentioned).

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by dselden View Post
    Guessing you'll use your 74th point on it if you get it though?
    Not sure, i'm planning to make a change to my build once i've got the Roving Threat piece, i guess the extra point is going to grant me a marginal gain where ever i spend it. I'm not sold on this elite companion buff/debuff however i will experiment with it.

    Outside of a group i rarely use a pet at 1v1 on Brandy as people seem to fight fair, where as on Snowbourn most creeps will use everything and anything.

    Anyway i hope this helps, maybe the others who have commented could add there builds?

  13. Feb 20 2015, 04:01 AM

  14. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Thanks for sharing your build Lobla. This gives me a basis to work towards. I've got a few more questions, if you dont mind.

    What virtues are you using? I was planning on using the standard zeal, honour, tolerance, fidelity, innocence combo. Haven't checked if there is a better virtue for cappies.

    What is the 2nd BB set you're using (earring and necklace)? Is it the 3rd set or the 1st set?

    And the last one, is there a specific reason you chose to use boots and legs as essences and the other 4 from the audacity set, instead of a different slot (stats wise)?

    Thanks again!
    Curuorn, Guardian - Barcode, Warden, leader of Rebirth - Dodar, Reaver - Curuornn, Warleader
    One of the founders of KhaosRogues (R.I.P. Muz, Goor, Lasto), son of Vandalf.
    Withywindle PvMP Videos

  15. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CuruornEU View Post
    Thanks for sharing your build Lobla. This gives me a basis to work towards. I've got a few more questions, if you dont mind.

    What virtues are you using? I was planning on using the standard zeal, honour, tolerance, fidelity, innocence combo. Haven't checked if there is a better virtue for cappies.

    What is the 2nd BB set you're using (earring and necklace)? Is it the 3rd set or the 1st set?

    And the last one, is there a specific reason you chose to use boots and legs as essences and the other 4 from the audacity set, instead of a different slot (stats wise)?

    Thanks again!
    1. Virtues are - Fidelity, Innocence, Zeal, Compassion, Charity.

    2. BB Jewels are combination of the Tanking Set and DPS set, Neck is tanking, rest are DPS jewellery.

    3. Boots and Legs had least beneficial base stat's for me.




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