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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2007

    http://gladdenhistory.wikispaces.com/Freeps+of+Gladden will it be free bad plublicity or authentic apreciation

    Hopefully I will benefit http://gladdenhistory.wikispaces.com/Freeps+of+Gladden and feel that I am more accurately represented. I understand the reality of indifference by being stubborn. But the claims are so inaccurate that it detracts from its reputation. This amount of influence I cultivated was impressive. I touched so many lives with DOTH. I am prepared to accept that the creator of Gladden History will not make changes. But at least I said something. While in Hell's Kitchen on Gladden I recall how depressing isolation was. So I made a Kin that had a core of very special individuals that enabled DOTH to persist for more than 7 years. It took 5 years to rise to my level of influence. Now that it has passed I slowly see myself swaying back to be tempered in the lonely indifference of unmotivated people. As a legend I proceed myself and defy sociological imagination. The corruption of times effect on memory is only as good as the content recalled. It dies with the last individual with the respective memories. So I desire more precise memories; even slightly biased in appreciation for those memories. This is what I wrote in response. Bad publicity is free still but free accepting publicity is far superior.


    I responded to the 8 or some reoccurring patterns that resemble my LOTRO ID ( to be translated as 'that').

    The light shields Small Metal Buckler of Might (lvl 31) and Bronzed Round Shield of Vigour (lvl 43) now have the appropriate amour levels. See http://www.lotrolife.com/patch_notes_book_12/. Davil used this shield way back at level 50. It was complemented with Shatter bone. This shield had over 400 armor. Back when the best light shield had about 225 armor.
    Adamant Gem of Dreams-icon.png Adamant Gem of Dreams

    Tier 6
    +96 in-Combat Power Regen
    +230 Tactical Critical Rating
    +1200 Tactical Offence Rating
    Davil gained inspiration from this gem to pursue a mitigation as his choice strategy.

    Davil decided to forgo IDOM for Dunidain better rezes and distributed shield brother to the entire group. I was not uncommon for another Captain to be present in the group resulting in a wasted legendary. Group wide blade brother was one person +25% damage the rest of the group +9%. Power at the time was the source of damage. Improved banneman of power was greater ICPR than banner. Ultimently Davil's build was 5 blue and 2 yellow. The 2.5 min rez was also very appealing for keeping the group going. Davil played a delayer of death which led to excellent group cohesion.

    The numerous comparisons of Davil to the other captains is not consistent. For one Davil's build was unique and his style was as a force multiplier rather than a 1 V 1 individual.
    Grimphore and Davil rarely interacted together. There was one time in a 3v3 where Davil, Grimphore, and Sparkman were against 2 warleaders and a reaver or blackarrow. Contrary to this manifest claims Davil and Grimphore spoke once and complemented each other perfectly leading to the anhilation of the other team; wining all skirmishes with anyone dying. That is the only know circumstance where both parties were cognicient of each other’s tactics.
    While most assumptions are made with genuine humor the alleged conflict of Davil and characteristics of Davil are inconsistent with motives and playstyle. The assumptions related to Davil seem to suggest the author chose a passive aggressive approach to attack the character of Davil. While Davil is at times crude, generally he could take simple people and with a little thinking confound the elites of Gladden.
    Davil's back story could perhaps be similar to why most of the agriculture in California is controlled by individuals of Asian descent do to their segregationfrom jobs. Eseentially active discrimination only empowers the discriminated party because in the end they are tempered with self-reliance. Davil experienced a good 5 years in hell's kitchen on Gladden. By the 5th year Davil amassed the 2nd largest Kin. Everything Davil did he was forced to do in isolation resulting in a DOTH golden age of prosperity where people would join Davil's raid only to get themselves kicked because they added Davil to their ignor list some time back. Suddenly Davil could truly cause "Game experience may change with online play". Davil consistently would lose to Grimpphore in a Spar because the trait setup put Davil at a huge disadvantage alone. But in RAIDs where Davil would be shunned with some random assortment of people, they had a tendency not to die. Allowing Davil to support the other Elitest groups that commonly could not persist in a skirmish. No amount of solo renown can compare to that generated from a RAID of ruthless killers. No captain will out DPS a FAOK, Althor, Bittr, Ugh that gets a extra 45-90 secs of uninterrupted pew pew.
    The negative emphasis on Davil is artificial and distracts from the storyline. Because the play styles never permitted allowed for the opportunity to compare each other.
    Davil has confounded the elite and isolated groups of creeps. Particularly when his team of 2 captains , an RK, and warden went on a rampage taking keeps while killing 12 man RAIDS. So much so that finally one of these elites logs over and sends a tell inquiring on the nature of his. Davil more or less created raid paradigms before their time Oster sizing him at times by an outspoken minority. This forced him to become one of the most influential forces in shaping Gladden PVP or even some PVR dynamics. Doth was vast to the point that even its naysayers at one time or another were activity participating as a member.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    You know what they say...

    You know what they say... any plublicity is good plublicity!
    Grundig blaupunkt luger frug
    Watusi snarf wazoo!
    Nixon dirksen nasahist
    Rebozo boogaloo



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