Originally Posted by
It is imperative if you are main healing a large raid that you are built for healing and not slotting dps corruptions such as 6 crit ratings. Go for more morale and/or crit defence to minimize both the chance that the dps will target you first for having low morale and the ability to take more damage without being burned down instantly.
Positioning for healers is also very important, don’t be up in the front line getting beat on if you can help it, position yourself so you can hit max targets with you AOE heals whilst being close to the main bulk of the group so you have a crowd protection around you.
BLIGHT! Blight is amazing and if you have it, use it! It reduces all freep healing by 75% use it with your -25% outgoing healing debuff to mess up minstrels and healers.
Troll healing out of group at a rez camp is a huge no no, out of combat rezzing at a rez camp is a huge no no.
Optimize groups
Example: Don’t hog all the defilers in your own group, spread them across the raid so other groups benefit from AOE heals too."
I feel like I should introduce myself.. which is a lil saddening lol.
Heyas, I'm Glek (not to be confused with this "Glec" person whose name I find slightly disturbing, although I still love you)
I was a wee defiler on this server for a few years. I like lobbing balls of slime, pressing buttons that create green graphics, and ridding my pink warpig into majestic sunsets.
I could seriously argue about your choice of corruptions but I don't play anymore so.. Life might be different now.
Positioning as a healer is life or death honestly and truly. If you don't keep track of and stay in range of your group, you will die. Fo sho. (unless you've discovered Veggie-Stealth) But honestly... learn how to move. There will be plenty of times that your group will not pay attention to the 2 burgs, 1 champ, and 1 obnoxiously annoying (but cute) purple guard chomping on your invisible boots incessantly. You can't rely on ppl to save you all the time. Learn to move constantly. Be aware of LOS locations around you. LOS'ing will keep you alive. Also... stay away from other healers lol by a few yards... I dont think I should have to explain that one. I could talk about positioning forever, especially in 1v1s but meh.
Traiting blight for the 75% health reductions is questionable. Unless they've changed something of course, dunno.. Again, I don't play. I just get bored and visit the forums every few months.
Pssh, you shouldn't be at rez camps longer than you have to. I've seen more interesting action at slugs. In situations, you should ALMOST always troll heal. lol ;D ... If the freep is a friend then sure.. feel conflicted about it as you troll heal. lol I'm sortof kidding. But sheez, honestly... You know your job. Don't listen to anyone who tells you when to heal if you're ABOVE r9 (I'm suggesting you should be able to read situations by now... and that part of your brain is always paying attention to health bars) You'll recognize such players by their annoying calls of:
"WeakPanzie009 needs HEEAAALLZZ!!" "Zomgosh guiz like, where were the heals?" etc.. etc.. etc. Many variations exist. Almost all of them are apparent in unobservant players.
lol deja vu moment. I've totally ranted about this before, but it's been lost with forum changes. I'll just end there.
Never heal players in 1v1s. Period. Have some dignity. If you don't know if it is a 1v1 then learn to count. It really is just that simple. A death never hurt anybody lol. And we all know.. You learn your class in 1v1s. So participate HEALERS! No one cares if you suck. They only start caring when you get good. P.S. I miss candy mountain...
<3 your defilers and they'll <3 you long time.
Heavens, I don't know why I'm even bothering to say any of this lol. Do ppl even play defilers to high ranks anymore? My poor Glek babies, you're so alone, I remember your pain..
Glek love to you all even those newer peeps that I don't know <3