Thanks, Vyv! I'm interested to see how it goes on my computer next time I log in.
Do you expect this will impact music groups too much? Will we need to port players into our layers?
*timewarp* Ah, I see. Found this thread via the Dev Tracker. Didn't realize it was Brandywine-specific.
What about the rest of the servers?
Layering the Moors might not be such a great idea, though. It seems like most servers need as many people in there as they can get.
Haven't read any recent postings of that nature, but it does depend on the type. Bree is also pretty rough on my computer. Lots of graphics to load. Yesterday it took a full minute before my kinmates fully loaded on my screen, and for most of that minute their characters were in their skivvies. xD That said, it wasn't significant FPS drop for me. But I also wasn't experiencing any running in place, etc. Guess it was just a slow load. My game does that at every Winterstock as well. Takes a while to load the entire crowd.
I want all lag fixed. FPS drops, server lags, the works. If there is anything Turbine can do on their end to reduce the FPS issue, then I say let them try. I want FPS fixed just as much as server. There are more places than just the Moors that lag (Bree one of them). When high level areas are worse in regards to FPS drops and low level areas are better, then that seems to indicate (to me) that there is something in the coding of those areas that makes it different. If there is anything Turbine can do to improve the coding so it better accommodates low-end systems, then I most definitely want them to try it.