Originally Posted by
Turbine is focused on the new character transfer tool, server move and server consolidation at this point.
Turbine has two things that need to be established before we even get to a new Pvmp map.
1} Fix the absolute horrible lag/rubberbanding and horrific low fps in newer areas on their server providers. I play many....many different games on my computer and never have I experienced such terrible server experience and service such as this game. Every other game that I play on my computer runs as smooth as silk so please don't tell me "it's my system"....which brings me to my next point.
2} New servers and transfers. Lets get this going Turbine....quickly please. And I do hope that the new server providers in Amsterdam and New Jersey are way better than what you have given us in Boston. This needs to happen asap...or before.
It's pretty sad when I can't even run watcher and turtle without freezing and the game becomes completely unplayable. What an unfortunate experience that is and it shouldn't be.
I haven't even got to Rohan yet. Did I waste my money for nothing Turbine? I hope not....and I do hope you fix the servers and the horrific lag/rubberbanding/fps debacle.
If you're more concerned with a new Pvmp map than what I have commented on...how unfortunate for your customers.
“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door. You step into the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”
~ Bilbo Baggins * J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings